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Tahrir's Youth: Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution(2022)/Rusha Latif

Tahrir's Youth: Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution(2022)/Rusha Latif


I never expected to write a book, let alone one about a revolution. But I did because something unexpected happened: millions of Egyptians took to the streets, daringly and full of hope, and inspired this unlikely author. I must therefore start by thanking them - the activists, the protesters, the martyrs and their families - for their struggle and sacrifice, for giving me a story to tell, a story for the history books, a story that drew me in and forever changed me. To the ten activists profiled in this book in particular, I am especially indebted. As a long-lost Egyptian who grew up continents and a ocean apart from you, there was something I needed to learn about my life experience through yours. You have been my teachers; in sharing your personal and political trajectories with me, you have guided me on mine, and I can never thank you enough.




Deadly clashes between protesters and police had been raging on Muhammad Mahmud Street off Tahrir Square for nearly four straight days as I made my way to the vicinity, which I had done daily since the battle first erupted. It was Tuesday, November 22, 2011, and activists had called for mass protests nationwide to force the generals of the Security Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), who had been ruling Egypt since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak, to relinquish power imediately to a civilian transitional government. Dubbed the "Second Revolution," the demonstrations were the largest Egypt had seen since the president stepped down earlier that year on February 11 and exposed SCAF's vulnerability and failures at governing. The activistls hoped to press the advantage the new November uprising had given them to wrest controle of the country from the generals and set it back on track toward their revolutionary goals. I was eager to return to Tahrir to find out the latest developments and learn how the revolutionaries were organizing themselves and their new sit-in to capitalize on this unexpected and hopeful political opening.
After disembarking at Sadat metro station and passing through the dimly lit underground tunnels, I emerged from the exit near Qasr al-Nil Bridge to find Tahrir basking in the glow of the last bit of sunlight before dusk. In the distance, near Hardee's and Pizza Hut, a thick cloud of tear gas and black smoke hovered over the street where mostly poor, young men hurled their righteous fury at bullet-firing police in the form of stones, Molotov cocktails, homemade bombs, and fuming tear-gas canisters also shot at them by police. A swarm of spectators had convened to spur them on from behind. The rest of the square was jostling with the thousands of Egyptians whd had turned out to show their solidarity - many of them provoked by the footage that had just surfaced of soldiers coldly dragging the dead bodies of protesters across the concrete and piling them on mounds of trash - but also to enjoy the convivial, street-fair atmosphere typical of Tahrir protests. Most incongruous was the cotton-candy man, whose enormous pink cloud of spun sugar floating over the sea of demonstraors offsett the intensity of the smoke-filled scene with a bit of whimsy. Ambulances and volunteer motorcyclists transporting the scores of injured from the field clinics to the hospital rushed in and out of the precinct (a total of fifty-one killed and three thousand injured during the Muhammad Mahmud street clashed meant this was the worst incident of state violence against protesters since the revolitopn's start). Meanwhile, wailing sirens and explosions near the protesters sporadically ripped through the murmur of conversation, battle racket, and revolutionary chants against the army - "al-sha'b yurid i'dam al-mushir!" (The people want the execution of the field marshal!) was just one of the refrains the more militant protesters shouted during this latest revolutionary upsurge. Near the center of the square, an effigy of Defense Minister Muhammad Husayn Tantawi dangled by the neck from a high lamppost, illustrating what they meant.
What stood out to me the most that day was not the conflicting elements of the scene - by then I had grown accustomed to Tahrir's discordant violence and ebullience. Rather, what caught my eye was a giant, white banner that was newly raised in this seemingly ever morphing square. Unlike the usual banners that articulated the revolutionaries' demands for the state elite and greater public beyond Tahrir, this on addressed the protesters onsite. In large Arabic letters, it read,

Rules of the Square
1. It is absolutely prohibited to establish any independent stage in the square.
2. It is absolutely prohibited to raise any slogans pertaining to any particular political party or movement.
3. The square has one microphone.
No other is perjitted.

One voice ...
One battle fought by us all under the slogan
"Sovereignty for the Egyptian people!"
We are all Egyptians!

The sign was oddly captivating. The voice behind the text was crisp; it spoke rightfully and authoritatively but also anonymously. It was as if its creators were trying to incite the people to take ownership of these rules as though they had written them, to stir their consciousness as a unified, revolutionary, collective actor. To me, this nondescript sign evoked the behind-the-scenes struggle of Egypt's leading revolutionaries to impose order and organization on the movement and give it direction without stepping to its forefront as leaders. In many ways, the artifact spoke to the paradoxical story of the simultaneous presence and absence of leadership in the Egyptian revolution that had fascinated me since the revolutionary movement first erupted. It might not have been clear to the average protester where this sign had come from, but I had some idea. It had all the marking of the youth activists I had been following for my fieldwork, the leaders of this leaderless revolution.
The story of how this movement first erupted is familiar to many by now. On January 25, 2011, the people of Egypt burst onto the stage of history and improvised a spectacular eighteen-day drama in revolutionary resistance that captured the imagination of audiences around the world. The rage that drove them was fueled by at least a decade's worth of crushing poverty, government neglect, political repression, police brutality, rampant corruption, and an enduring foreign policy sub-servient to US imperial interests and impervious to their own. Armed with nothing but their grievances and the righteousness of their cause, Egyptians of every stripe shook off their fear and joined hardened activists in the streets and city squares to challenge the people and system that oppressed them. Their resistance culminated in the spectacular fall of Mubarak, the man who ruled them for thirty years like a pharaoh, hastening what felt like an irreversible turn toward a new era of openness, accountability, opportunity, and political freedom. Excluded, demoralized, voiceless for decades, Egyprians unleashed a wave of hope with their revolutionary upheaval, which ripped across the region and evoled the faith of believers and skeptics alike in the power of the people. In so doing, they quickly became global heroes.



(訳注)「ムハマド・マームード街Mohammed Mahmoud Street」、タハリール広場の一筋南側の通り、地下鉄「サダトSadat」駅は、広場の西側、「カスル・エル・ニル橋Qasr El Nil Bridge」、ケジーラ島と、ナイル川東岸を結ぶもっとも南側の橋、タハリール広場につながっている
「ハルディーズHardee's」、ファースト・フードのチェーン店で、市内各所にあるが、タハリール広場の南東側にもある、そこから、「ムハマド・マームード街Mohammed Mahmoud Street」をはさんで南側が、「アメリカン大学カイロ校AUC」である、「ピザ・ハットPizza Hut」も、同じ並びにあるようである


Youth Activists and Revolutionary Praxis

The activists I interviewed confirmed that the secret strategy for the January 25 protest was the brainchild of April 6 activist Mahmoud Samy, a dapper and astute young man recognized for his clever innovations in street-protest tactics.
A son of Cairo’s popular quarters himself, he was well versed in the spaces, mobility, and vulnerabilities of its subaltern inhabitants and understood how to negotiate them in his planning to the advantage of January 25’s day of protest.
This class capital informed his selection of Nahya Street in the impoverished, informal quarter of Bulaq al-Dakrur, near his neighborhood Awsim, as the site of their twenty-first secret location and the start of their march.
The goal was to figure out how to get Egyptians to overcome their fear of the police who patrolled their neighborhoods and join their protest. “When I thought about it,” Mahmoud said,
“I recalled that one of the things we often encountered before this during protests is that the people watching were afraid to join us. Why were they afraid to join us? Because our numbers were small. So you have two choices: you make it so that there are no police, or you make sure that your number is large. How do you make yourselves many? There was the idea of the snowball, that the more headway your march makes, the larger it swells.”
The idea was to start with a secret rally in a low-profile, confined space situated in one of Cairo’s many crowded popular neighbourhoods.
There they would concentrate a few hundred of their fellow activists to impart the illusion of a large crowd to spectators needing the assurance of safety in numbers before deciding to join in.
What attracted Mahmoud the most to Nahya Street in Bulaq, of all the popular areas he surveyed, was the bridge at the end that connected it to Arab League Street, a major, bustling thoroughfare peppered with high-rise apartment buildings, retail shops, and restaurants.
The overpass perfectly tied this informal area to the upscale district of Mohandiseen, where they could potentially draw in even more demonstrators, showcasing in their march a diverse cross-section of society.
If they planned it right, they would surprise police and observers with a dazzling show of resistance hitherto unseen in these parts.
With the support of fellow April 6 organiser Amr from Imbaba and another peer from the Youth for Justice and Freedom Movement, Mahmoud designed a route and plotted the details of a march that would take them from their meeting point near a small, nondescript bakery at the far end of Nahya Street down Arab League Street, allowing their numbers to snowball before they would link up with the demonstration at Mustafa Mahmud Square.
There, they planned to lead a standing demonstration for a few hours before dispersing.
To ensure the successful execution of this protest, they visited the area regularly in the two weeks leading up to Police Day to carry out practice runs, timing how long it would take to walk, jog, and run to see how much time they would need to synchronise with the marches coming from other parts of Giza as well as Shubra, which were being planned by other groups like the Revolutionary Socialists. They also developed strategies for possible police ambushes.
There was no firm intention to protest in Tahrir Square at this stage, although Mahmoud and his peers had long dreamed of descending upon and conquering the square with thousands of protesters.
Located in Cairo’s downtown, Tahrir – which appropriately means “Liberation” – was the largest public space in the city, and it derived its symbolic weight as the flashpoint for political resistance from the surrounding institutions of state power.
Mahmoud shared that there was some talk of the conditions under which they might consider heading to Tahrir.
He said that the agreement was to continue to Tahrir if luck was on their side and their numbers reached one thousand, a target which they felt at the time was quite ambitious.
This reflects how unlikely they felt it was that they would be able to rally a large enough group of protesters to make such a dramatic and daring move.
On the morning of January 25, Mahmoud, Amr, and the rest of their cohort anxiously prepared to execute their plan.
To ensure top secrecy, the plotters only informed ten activists of the Nahya location.
Each was told ahead of time to have their cells meet them at a second location somewhere in Cairo of their choosing, and from there they were to lead them clueless to Nahya.
Everything went according to plan.
At 12 p.m., approximately 250 activists managed to evade the notice of police and meet in the small plaza in front of a local bakery known as Al-Hayyis, nestled in this dense and crowded impoverished area.
Zyad the attorney, who spoke softly unless he was in revolutionary mode and railing against the establishment, delivered a rousing address directed at local residents peering over from their balconies.
“Today is January 25, Police Day!” he roared into the megaphone. “We decided to come here today to tell the Egyptian government that we will no longer be silent!”
He beckoned the crowds to join them: “Today we either stand side by side and take our rights together, or we lose the chance! It’s now or never!”
Zyad had their ears. The rally quickly began to swell and flow over into the neighboring alleyways.
Activists began marching, calling on the multitudes watching from their balconies to join them: “Ya ahalina! Indammu ilayna!” (Our people! Join us!), they chanted, “Inzil! Inzil!” (Come out! Come out!).
The numbers that heeded the activists’ call dramatically exceeded their expectations.
Expecting to rally a thousand residents at best from Nahya Street, instead they left it with a stunning march at least five thousand protesters strong, which only continued to snowball as it made its way down Arab League Street.
Their numbers were so large that when the nearby Central Security Forces caught wind of their march and rushed to the pedestrian walkway on Nahya Bridge to block them, the protesters were able to forego that route altogether and take over the traffic lanes instead, making a mockery of the officers who were hopelessly outnumbered and could do nothing to stop them.
It was a triumphant moment for the activists who, for the first time, had managed to overwhelm and disorient security forces. They were deliriously happy. Abdelrahman described their utter shock and euphoria as they poured over Nahya Bridge and splashed onto Arab League Street:
“I’ll never forget the scene when we got onto Arab League. It was as if the people were gushing from beneath the ground. This was one of the most moving scenes . . . and we began crying and hugging each other, and we kept shouting, ‘Intasarna!’ (We won!) What had we won exactly? Who knew?! What was coming, nobody knew!”
Mostafa also recalled the moment excitedly:
“Just the fact that we were able to participate in a march like this, that we were able to witness a march this big, was a sheer victory. We started embracing each other and kissing each other, and the people were looking at us like, ‘Who are these crazy people?!’ . . . Before this we’d organise a march and at times we’d be only twenty or thirty people. When there were five hundred in our protests we were over the moon. . . . Now, we couldn’t see the beginning of the march from its end! We were so beside ourselves you would have thought we were drunk. I’m talking borderline hysteria. . . . And then there was this feeling at this moment, that if this many people had mobilized, that meant something major had shifted in the country. A leap had happened in the people’s political consciousness – a radical change, a deep desire for freedom.”
As the Nahya marchers approached Mustafa Mahmud Square at 2 p.m., they were met with thousands more protesters.
Their numbers were also so large that they were easily able to break through the cordons of the security forces that tried to contain them.
At Mustafa Mahmud Square, it became clear to those leading the march that the enthusiastic response of the people was unprecedented, qualitatively and quantitatively different from anything they had ever experienced before and from what they had expected.
At this point, they agreed it required a different course of action.
Realising they had a potential uprising on their hands, activists from this point onward started making on-the-spot decisions, which were informed by the rich political experience gained through their active participation in multiple, albeit much smaller, street demonstrations.
This gave way to a very present organising process in a fluid dialectic between the unfolding street events and their political skills. Tarek’s reflection captures this best:
“My feeling at this moment was that the street had mobilised, finally! … The explosion that we wanted had actually happened! All of us were thrown into a state of shock because we didn’t. . . . I mean, we had thought a lot about how we would get the people to come out, but we had never thought about what we would do with the people if they did come out. We were all dazed and like, ‘What are we going to do with all these people?!’ Because we hadn’t expected that they would come out. So when they actually did, it was like, ‘Ok, so what are we going to do now?!’ That’s when we started to say, ‘To Tahrir Square!'”



(訳注)「4月6日青年運動April 6 Youth Movement」、2008年4月6日、カイロ北方100キロの工業都市、エル・マハラ・エル・クブラEl Mahalla El Kubraでストライキに決起した労働者を支援するために、SNSを大規模に利用した運動
アウシムAwsimはカイロ西北郊外、中心部のケジーラ島から見ると北西7キロばかり、ブラク・アル・ダクルールBulaq al-Dakrurは、カイロ西郊、やはりケジーラ島からは、西南西に3キロ、ナーヤNahyaはさらにその西で、ケジーラ島からは、西に10キロほどになる
ここまで読んだ段階で、上に述べたことの訂正の必要を感ずる、地図に示した「ナーヤNahya」の町は、あまりにも遠すぎる、「Arab League Street」は、発見できなかったが、「ブラク・アル・ダクルールBulaq al-Dakrur」という街区の北面に「Nahia」という通りがあり、その東端が、「Gameat Al Dewal Al Arabeya」という広い通りに、たしかにつながっているのだ、こちらの方ならば、ケジーラ島へは東に1キロ、タハリール広場なら、1.5キロという距離になる、・・・、素人の推測だが、「Nahia」は全長およそ4キロ、その西の端のすぐ先に「ナーヤNahya」という街区があるから、二つの名称は関連があるのかもしれない
「モハンディシーンMohandiseen」は、上記「Gameat Al Dewal Al Arabeya」、この通りは、南西から北東へと伸びているのだが、のまわりに広がる街区で、ナイル川の支流をはさんでケジーラ島に隣接している、下に言及されている「ムスタファ・マームード広場Mustafa Mahmud Square」は、「Gameat Al Dewal Al Arabeya」のちょうど中央に位置している
「革命的社会主義者党Revolutionary Socialists」、1980年代、トロツキズムの影響を受けた学生の小グループとして出発したが、「第二次インティファーダ(2000-2005)」に際してパレスチナ連帯運動を組織する過程で、数百人程度の動員力を持つ勢力になった、ムバラク政権下ではもっぱら地下活動を余儀なくされていたこの党は、例えばエジプト共産党のような伝統的左翼が、イスラム派を「ファシスト」と決めつけるのとは異なって、同じく非合法組織として弾圧下にある「ムスリム兄弟団Muslim Brotherhood」との連帯を表明していた、著名なメンバーとして、アメリカン大学カイロ校(AUC)の社会学者サメー・ナジブSameh Naguibが挙げられる、ちなみに、このルーシャ・ラティフ氏の書物も、同大学の出版局から出版されている

Tahrir's Youth: Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution(2022)/Rusha Latif





Last updated  2023.01.30 19:32:15

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