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My Online Journeys

いいね! --/--














I have already described my experience with WordPress. My WordPress blog in my native langue took forever to get indexed and gained at least a few visitors per day but my first English experience was much better.

This, of course, doesn't mean I was satisfied. While I was waiting to see some results, I was learning. I already knew the painful truth: patience is the key. Well, there was more. Variety apparently was in favor of search engines as traffic sources.

To earn authority, you need links. You need them a lot and you need them from various different sources. Having only one or two blogs in WordPress won't probably be good enough. As I knew, the best alternative to WordPress was Blogger. When I started using it (again, in my native language at first), it was already acquired by Google and went through several major changes.

An attractive offer was definitely a chance to integrate it with Google Adsense and possibly earn a buck or two on the go. Of course, if any traffic came.

So the blogging service was chosen. But what should I write about?

I have already lived through a few ups and downloads in the blogosphere. Occasionally some of my posts got a lot of views yet such traffic increases were in most cases very short-lived. I am pretty sure such peaks were the results of random discussions of people who found my posts interesting and shared one or more of them with their friends and followers on social media.

Such traffic is good but people on social media typically rose attention in a few minutes and virtually none of them poses a blog or even a website from where I could earn a backlink. Without backlinks, my traffic in the future will stay condemned to random discovery which is now a good base for sustainable business.

So I decided to pick a topic where I gained some experience when I started my first online project: resources.

The web is a great resource of information. There is a lot of knowledge but there is also a lot of outright rubbish. So it would be nice to find some solid resources and share them with my audience ( when the audience ).

As my main preoccupation with fairy tales logically led to picture books, graphics started feeling more and more interesting for me. Is someone's work in Public Domain ( so I could republic it without limitations) or not? Where to get Public Domain material and how to check if it's really in Public Domain?

Wikipedia and similar sites proved to be good yet far from feeling reliable sources. Yet I learned on the go.

Another important knowledge I had to acquire was working with pictures. They were often 'decorated' with spots and stains, with borders being yellowish or even brownish, which all made graphics (if used on my blog ) far less attractive to at last pin it, not to period to link it from an authority site.

So I learned some tricks to edit such images and decided to share some of my knowledge about editing and also about the software I used. As you may expect, I opted for Open Source alternatives to extremely expensive programs like Adobe Illustrator or Corel Paint.

This means my next blog initiative started as a hub of useful resources I found on the internet. Of course, things later developed in other areas as well, yet my main focus was on provider data AND where to get such data stayed.

Here is the link to this blog, my major blog on Blogspot.



Am I satisfied with my work on Blogger? Yes and no.

-It looks like it's a bit easier to get a blog hosted on Blogspot indexed than at any other blog service. Considering that Google owns it, it's not a surprise.

-There were several downsides of Blogspot in the last years (well, over a decade ).

* My major annoyance was an integration of Blogspot with Picassa (also owned by Google). This means you didn't upload your images on Blogspot but on Picassa, where things soon became chaotic. Now this problem is forgotten. Blogspot hosts uploaded images in its own storage and this means you can easily find, change, and delete them, if necessary.

* Another problem was putting links in the images ( when you click an image, the link sends you to another web address ), which still doesn't work as smoothly as at WordPress.

* And there was an experiment when all blogspot.com addresses were changed with local addresses, like blogspot.fr, blogspot.de, etc. This was a complete disaster from the SEO point of view ( think about billions of redirections, for instance ) and another proof that even examples at Google can make huge mistakes.

-The look of a blog hosted on Blogspot is also less attractive than the look of a WordPress blog because:

* WordPress offers way more themes.

* WordPress offers way more advertised and user-friendly ways of customization.

But in general, Blogspot is comparable with WordPress in my humble opinion. If you are only after traffic, both are pretty equal.

Yet, without promotion your chances to be discovered are Poor. So I started looking around. How did so many people I heard of, manage to get thousands and even millions of visitors?

This led me to the next chapter of my online journey.


最終更新日  2024.04.27 17:05:52
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