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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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A Message from Jesus Christ
“God and Love”
~ Everything Is Made Alive by Love ~
I have been given the name "Amor" by God. Amor means "love." Among you, it might be that which has been asked for a long time over history. But "Amor" is not simply a love affair or a love being like that stressed in the circle of a family, but it is, "love," "Amor," the essence of love, exists as the essence of God itself ruling this universe.
What is that which is called love? It is the fundamental energy penetrating the universe. What is love? It is the law itself which God has been performing as the great divine providence in the universe.
Love is the energy itself that accepts many people as they are without compensation and works to make them alive. It is meant that the energy has been filled fully in the universe.
That which is called the love in the local community of individuals or family-level we have been learning as its numerous varieties at the elementary stage.
Though, going from the microscopic to the macroscopic, in this grand universe that exists as an expressive form of the great God, including not only our solar system but also the milky way galaxy, micro cosmos to macro cosmos, the energy of love means the fundamental principle, which is a force residing all over the universe and making everything alive.
There, looking over the earth in the universe, from the ancient times more than you could have known, God had brought the sun of a stellar star, shining upon your ground, and making oxygen, and protecting humankind and creature by the use of the ozone layer. In the other universe it is the same.
And, even if we are aware at last that we have been made alive, God has been nurturing all the living things of the grand universe selflessly, in the selfless energy without asking any reward, only selflessly, only for love, since more than a billion years or a trillion years ago. This is the heart of God itself, and also the divine providence of God itself.
You should have learned that love would die if a reward were asked for. Love is only to receive the one as it is, and only to give love and to continue. Therein lies the essence of love. Certainly for this, by means of the principle of creation of the grand universe, God has been expressing love. In this universe he has been expressing it.
Suppose you have no sun from here on the ground. All humankind would have been frozen to death. Suppose you have no oxygen here. You could not have lived for more than ten minutes. Suppose the ozone layer had been broken. You would be dead soon under the effect of the UV rays and various other cosmic rays.
Though, since long ago more than you could have known, God has been giving the love without speaking of it at all, and he has been selflessly protecting and nurturing you all with the energy of love in order to make you all alive. This is the fundamental principle of love. Love is that which exists so. It is that which God has expressed through the body of this universe.
Amor (Jesus Christ)
『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)
Channeling message by Amarie(July 30, 2005)
Known as Jesus Christ, born in Israel and preached the teaching of love.
In the age of Atlantis, he preached the teaching of love as the Great King Agasha.
In the heaven, he takes the role of the white ray, love, and he is in charge with deciding various guiding policies.



最終更新日  2022年08月13日 06時59分33秒
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