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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

いいね! --/--












ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



Spiritual Word from Amaterasu who has protected and nurtured the land of Japan (8) 
The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 68, Verses 1-8 (final part)

Section 8 In heaven, it is common knowledge that "the world changes by itself.
(1) We ourselves change the world.
(2) Men who manifest the world they desire
(3) The two all-powerful powers, the same as the Creator, are "will (thought)" and "power of action
(4) I want you to use the "two powers to create the future" for the construction of Earth Utopia.
(5) Only the power of the people of Earth can save you, Terra-sama.
Words from the heart of Gintiku. 
... "Message from Amaterasu (5)" (excerpt from the postscript by Gintschik)
(1) Change the world yourself
Amaterasu, thank you for inviting me at a time when I am busy with my New Year's visit to the shrine. I look forward to working with you again this year.
To open the wonderful year 2022, I asked to speak to you because I thought that there is no one better to speak of Japan than you.
Amaterasu even said, "When you come to the shrine, please convey your thoughts to the earth when you visit. This year, I am sure that the heavenly plan and specific guidance to the Japanese people for the earth will be progressing rapidly in this way.
I am sure that more and more people will receive and act on how much the heavens have entrusted this earth salvation plan to the people of Japan.
Now, in today's revelation, Amaterasu has been telling us something very important from the very beginning. He says something so important that it is almost as if he is saying, "All that the heavens and we want to tell you is this, ugh.... 
That is this part. It is a common sense that the world changes by itself. In order to realize the world that you truly wish and desire, you yourself must become a manifestation of the inhabitants of that world. That is what it means to "change the world by yourself.
(1) To change the world yourself.
(2) Men who have actualized the world they wish for themselves
I would like many people to understand this point, so let me try to explain it in an easy-to-understand way.
For example, suppose you are a man who, in his heart of hearts, wants a cute girlfriend. However, let's say that you have never been in a period of being popular, and that you have occasionally expressed your desire for a girlfriend in front of your friends, but that you have never tried to do anything special to get one.
And so, until today, you have not been able to get a girlfriend. But one day you decided that it would be too lonely to spend your youth alone.
So you decided to get dressed up and go to a hair salon, which you had thought would be a good idea until you had a girlfriend. 
Up until now, you have been going to a barbershop in town with a strong-willed female owner who talks nonsense that you have not heard, but today you decided to go a little further and go to "El Phoenix Yamato" in the next town over, where there is a charismatic hair stylist with an ostentatious personality.
I went to the hair salon a little nervous, and sure enough, the charismatic owner, Mr. YAMATO's hair was super stylish, with a righteous red and orderly purple mesh that no one could copy.
You appointed Mr. YAMATO and instead of usually saying, "Keep it short as it is," you said, "I would like a color in a color that has been popular lately and also a cut that will give me an image change.
Mr. Yamato, the charismatic hair stylist, said, "Well, I'll try a scientific silver and yellow mesh that would look good on you, so please give me a little love a day instead of money. He finished the work.
You were very satisfied with the finished product, and said to yourself, "I'm so glad I appointed Yamato-san as my ground manager," like El Llanti, and bought clothes to match the new hair style.
Then, on my days off, I started to feel like going out, going to various places, such as going to a good restaurant, and even buying an "oceanic" fashion magazine at a bookstore that included "El Phoenix Yamato" in it. I became more and more a man who enjoys "fashion".
I went to a hair salon for a few days, but now I liked myself much more than before, and I was enjoying every day so much that I didn't care that I didn't have a girlfriend anymore.
But then one year, on Valentine's Day, you received chocolates from everyone's favorite girl, Seru-Rei-chan, a fair-skinned, chatty, and beautiful-hearted girl who likes to gossip about other people.
You began to enjoy dressing up as if you had a girlfriend, which you had thought you would do after you had one, and you now have a girlfriend like Etsuko Ichihara. 
This is what it means to "become a manifestation of the inhabitants of the world you wish for, in order to manifest the world you truly wish for.
It is not to wait for the world you wish for to appear, but to "manifest the world you wish for" by your own actions, which means "to change the world by yourself.
The world changes by itself.
The two universal powers that are the same as the Creator are "will (thought)" and "power of action.
The other thing that Amaterasu says, "It is common sense that we, the heavens, change the world by ourselves," is that you have the "desire and will" to want a girlfriend, and you have the "power of action" to imagine that you would be fashionable if you could achieve it. Heaven has given you these two things.
You, as a person, have received the power to create the world you desire by having your own desire and will, from nothing now, from the root god Hoa Hoo, and from your direct Creator, Ohmdad.
This is why you are said to have the same all-powerful power as your Creator. But, you are actually the soul, the energy that is the main body, the true form of the soul.
To live on this earth, you cannot see or act with energy. Therefore, in order to manifest the world you desire through your actions, you wear a physical body made of matter on the earth. 
Your physical body is a mobile suit to take preemptive actions to manifest the world you desire. 
You are born on your own to use that body to realize your thoughts in the three dimensions of this earth, in the unique world of time and matter, by your own power. 
Therefore, in heaven, it is 'common sense' to act on your own for what you desire. By being born on this earth, you have two powers given to you by the Creator: (1) will and (2) power of action. 
What do you think you were born with the intention of using them for? Yes, "to be happy. There is no other purpose. It is for you to be happy and for everyone to be happy.
We are here to make you happy and to make everyone happy.
I want you to use the "Two Forces to Create the Future" for the construction of an Earth Utopia.
Now, the main request from Amaterasu and from the Phoenix Project is as follows.
Right now, this earth you live on is reflected in a world where not everyone is happy. Of course, there are many happy people, but there are also many people in the world who are in the midst of suffering and sorrow that they cannot face.
You all know that it is not because Terra and Gaia, the Earth God Spirits who dwell on this earth, have done so. Yes, the cause of sorrow and suffering on the earth is the manifestation of mankind's struggle for power, greed, and the desire that "it is enough if only I am happy. 
This has grown and grown over the course of human history, until it is now causing not only suffering among humans, but also great damage to the earth itself, such as resource exploitation and nuclear issues.
And the biggest problem is the possibility that these greedy thoughts will become energy and cause phenomena that will be fatal to the earth. Amaterasu also said so. 
In order to stop this from happening, I would like you to use your "two powers". 
(1) Each human being should change his/her own idea of greed, wish for the happiness of everyone in the world, wish for peace, and wish for a utopian society.
(2) The society and world in which this is realized is a wonderful world in which all people care for each other, support and help each other, and use the original power of love to live together and experience happiness. 
In order for this to happen, you must now use the love within you to show love to those around you in action, as if it were a reality. This is what the heavenly world has been telling us all along.
(5) There is no other way to save Terra than through the power of the human race of Earth.
If things continue as they are, the earth will become a victim of a huge mass of greedy energy caused by mankind, and will be shattered and disappear into space due to nuclear war, comet collisions, and other reasons. All of us who live there, of course, will disappear into the darkness of the universe without even our souls being raised.
But if that happens, we will lose our beautiful planet Earth, the "Prince of the Galaxy," the star of love in the universe. 
You know well what a beautiful planet we live on. With water that nurtures life and sparkling with the light of the life that lives there, the Earth is more beautiful than any other planet in our solar system. It is not too late to save the Earth. 
Your power, everyone's power, has the power to save Terra-sama's body without destroying it. Only the power of the people of Earth can save Terra.
I know this may sound insistent, but we are not some crazy, obsessed people. This is a genuine reality. And you, who are reading this, are one of the most heavenly beings in Japan who have reached this blog.
This blog will not be seen by those who think only they are good enough, or those who do not believe in the existence of the soul, or those who live their lives thinking that it is the end when they die.
It is very important that you are reading this now. It didn't catch my eye by accident. So, like the woman at the apartment complex who is trying to arrange a marriage proposal with the persistent neighbor uncle, I am asking you over and over again for your cooperation in this act of love.
We want you to use the 《...two powers to create the future...》 that you have received from the Creator within you for the sake of Terra, the Earth God Spirit. For the sake of Terra Papa, Terra Papa, who has continued to nurture us even though we are unaware of his existence, who does not judge what we do but waits for humanity to rise up and believe in us, please use your power of love to transform this earth into a wonderful planet of love, from now on.
What kind of deeds of love do I need to do? If you are not sure, please click on the link below to read Gaia's instructions on how to do it.
What is important is that you show your love in your deeds. It is important that you show your kindness to those around you.
This year, from Japan, for the sake of the earth, please do us all a favor.
...Continue to "Part 76: The Plan Behind Russia's Invasion of Ukraine


最終更新日  2024年05月01日 07時05分03秒
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