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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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A Message from Mother Mary
【Love Is Never-Ending】
5. An Age of Love Is Coming from Now
And for this purpose, this plan of the salvation of the end of century was made. El-Ranty himself was sent down and El-Kantale was sent down, and with all its might heaven sends messages to the ground. In spite of failing several times, our words are going down to the ground in this way again now through this Lemuria.
Through this last chance, I can convey this message to you. I am grateful to God for it. And from my heart I thank you, who have made this chance possible.
No matter how heaven wishes to do this kind of thing, unless you have accepted the situation, unless you have accepted in this style, our messages could not have been sent down. On the premise of your existences, who have accepted and believed and gathered, heaven has been in the state to do the best for this last plan with all its might.
I would like you please to cooperate with this grand plan of God as far as there are lives. I would like to ask you please from my heart to shine your splendid individuality with magnificent dignity onto this will of God.
Looking over the root of your spirits, I think those who are part of this spiritual group of love are overwhelmingly more. The reason why it is so is because the origin is love for every children of God.
But in those, it has become an age in which God is revealed as the providence of love, the law of love, the energy of love in the universe.
From now on, a new future of the earth is coming, an age of love, which is also called the age of space.
Those who have been aware of this love, who have carved the love in their spirits in a true sense, only those persons, can save this age.
I would like you please to take out the prajnaparamita stored in each one of you by the numerous training of the past and do you best.
There is not a human being who is complete. It is the same for myself. There are many things I am not be aware, I cannot do. But we have companions for that purpose.
On love, there is no body who knows all of them totally. Only we can be aware of what we have seen from the thin needle hole. But even if it is what you have seen, your comprehension of love and its scope will be enlarged by sharing and conveying this to each other, and by learning together the part of love the others have seen.
So a human being is not one to live alone. There are companions, and all the children of God are going to take hands and walk as the children of God being united. This is what God is wishing for.
Therefore, do not think you can too less, and even if you may fail, express you own power as much as possible, and if you are given by your other friends what you don’t know, accept it with pleasure and make it your wisdom, and fulfill this big project of salvation, the last project, working together. I wish this from my heart.
Those who are the white spirit group are always watching this Lemuria.
Mother Mary
Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Truth of Fatima”(Kindle)
Mother Mary
Mother Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. Since she was the mother of the Messiah, she is called the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ. It is said that although she was a virgin, she conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to him in a horse stable in Bethlehem.
She was a devout person and was always depicted as an obedient woman in the Holly Bible. She has been respected as a paragon of virtue of women in the Christian religion until today.
She denies her the Virgin Birth of Jesus in her channeling, however her modest attitude with full of love trying to convey God's thoughts to people on Earth in her easy words is exactly the same as that described in the Holly Bible.
She appeared actually in several places as Fatima in Portugal, Lourdes in France and Akita in Japan and other places in the world, and tried to avoid the upcoming natural disasters in the end of the twentieth century and unstable world situation, by preaching the importance of repentance and the end of the world.
Since the Cold War ended and the natural disasters did not occur, her appearance was a story of the past. However, in Lemuria Renaissance channeling, she disclosed her messages were for the people today.
Truth of Fatima


最終更新日  2024年05月16日 07時05分03秒
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