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☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生2

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 無量寿経シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings「私は美しい」シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings りんご充満空間シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 花のマスクシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 1

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 1

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 3

☆Tadami Yamada's 小さな絵日記より

☆Tadami Yamada's Still Life:静物画(1)

☆Tadami Yamada's Japanese style:「和」

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(1)野菜シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(2)貝殻シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(3)はんなりシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(4)人形シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part3

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part4


part 2  早川書房版

☆Tadami Yamada's Poetry 詩画集「遊卵飛行」

☆Tadami Yamada's Works: ブック・カヴァー選集

☆Tadami Yamada's イギリス・ミステリ傑作選カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's サンリオSF文庫他

☆Tadami Yamada's 光瀬龍、宇能鴻一郎、泡坂妻夫、志水辰夫他カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's ハヤカワ・ノヴェルズ、他

☆Tadami Yamada's 絵のない装丁

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書

☆Tadami Yamada's Illusto., Part1『闇の国の子供』

☆Tadami Yamada's『妖怪博士ジョン・サイレンス』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part3『プラネタリウム』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part4『世の終わりのイヴ』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part5『洪水伝説』他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part6 児童書その他の挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's Part7 『心霊術入門』その他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part8『別冊宝島仕事の本』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part9 初期雑誌挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『ジャンビー』挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『幽霊狩人カーナッキ』

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#1

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#2

■Yamada's Article(1)卵形の象徴と図像

■Yamada's Article(2)ユングの風景画

■Yamada's Article(3)画家ムンクの去勢不安

■Yamada's Article(4)夢幻能と白山信仰

■Yamada's Article (5) 城と牢獄の論理構造

■Yamada's Article(6)ムンク『叫び』の設計と無意識

■Yamada's Article (7) 病める貝の真珠

■Yamada's English Article (8) 能の時空間の現代性

■Yamada's Article (9)『さゝめごと』に現われた十識について

■Yamada's Article(10)狐信仰とそのイコノグラフィー

■Yamada's Article (11) 江戸の「松風」私論

■Yamada's Article (12) 伊勢物語「梓弓」について


☆インタヴュー Vol.1

☆インタヴュー Vol.2



☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュ

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart2

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart3

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart4

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart5

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart6

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart7

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart8

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart9

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart10

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart11


☆ Tadami Yamada's short story

Death Mask

That Man

The Infancy Lover's Suicide

★Poetry of Tadami Yamada(1)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(2)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(3)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(4)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(5)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(6)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(7)

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU (2)


Free Poster (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 2 (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 3 (無料ポスター)












This is the world

命の尊厳:Sanctity of Life


✴️Tadami Yamada’s Brief Personal Record



Oct 4, 2020
 私は「知識」と「知性」とを分けている。konowlege と interligence との違いである。「知識」というのは、いわゆる学識である。しかし、クイズに答えるだけの知識も、「知識」であるし、知識があるからといって実は「知性」をそなえているとは限らないのである。高学歴者が必ずしも知性人ではないことは、私たちは日常的に見聞きし、接しもし、熟知している。一方、「知性」は、必ずしも学歴がなくてもよい。経験知が学歴を凌ぐことを、これも私たちは日常的に熟知している。とくに自然を相手の生業は、知性の発露なくしては成り立たない。さらに言えば、「知性」は人格形成に関わっている。

 ・・・いま、日本国が陥っている状況は、これだ。他国の問題ではない。いや、「他山の石もて玉を修むべし*」、あるいは同様に「人の振り見て我が振り直せ」とも言う。そうではあろうが、日本のこの状況下で打ち出して来た「反知性」論とは、いったい何だ? 国民が知性にそっぽを向けば、行き着く先は国民の自由の喪失であり、破滅であろう。



   From the 1970s to the mid-1980s, avant-garde intel-
lectuals all proclaimed the theory of "anti- intellectu-
ality." Avant-garde artists also expressed the process of
self-transformation by looking at the marginal or bor-
derline culture from the central orientation of contem-
porary culture. They sought a breakthrough in a mar-
ginal cultural event, blaming the sense of obstruction
and suffocation in modern society for their intellect.
They thought they had "discovered!"
   However, this "discovery" is strange. This is because
they regard marginal cultural events as "anti-intellectu-
ality." That's ridiculous.
   I had been questioning this idea from the beginning.
This is because when discussing society and culture, we
must look at marginal from the beginning, and there
can be no "center" or "periphery" in the problem of 
human proper.
   I separate "knowledge" and "intelligence". 
   "Knowledge" is so-called scholarship. However, the 
knowledge to answer the quiz is also "knowledge", and 
just because it has knowledge does not mean that it 
actually has "intelligence". We are familiar with, seeing, 
hearing, interacting with, and knowing that highly edu-
cated people are not necessarily intelligent people. On 
the other hand, "intelligence" does not necessarily have 
to have an educational background. We also know on a 
daily basis that empirical knowledge surpasses educa-
tional background. In particular, the livelihood of nature
is not possible without the manifestation intelligence.
Furthermore, "intelligence" is involved in personality
   It would be best if "knowledge" and "intelligence" be-
came entwined, but not only school education but also
educational methods of various directions in Japan, in-
cluding the quality of teacher roles, are not entwisted
necessarily both "knowledge" and "intelligence". It does
not become a rope that is twisted with the both. Rather,
it tends to exclude the cultivation of intelligence.

   Why do I dare to say this? This is because, in recent
years when politics has fallen and society has become
confused, there have been some theorists who preach
the theory of "anti-intellectuality."
   I do not understand the true meaning of this theo-
rist. I wouldn't put it into the theory of "anti-intellec-
tulity" even if I knew what it meant, but I would like
to say, "That would be the opposite. What we need
now is intelligence."
   Why are the words of politicians no longer fanc-
tioning as words?
   The words that lost the communication ability of
those in power caused the practitioners of organi-
zational management to fall into selfish interpre-
tation or self-preservation of "sontaku (to surmis 
as much from other's look)", paving the way for
dictatorship. That is, the relationship between a
director and an obedience. This is to make the
people obedient.
   This is the situation that Japan is currently in.
It's not a problem in another country. No, it is also
said that "you should learn the rough stones of 
other mountains" or, likewise, "look at peple and
re-roll." That being said, what exactly is the "anti-
intellectualism" theory that has come up in this 
situation in Japan? If the people turned awat from
their intellect, the destination would be the loss of
their freedom and ruin.

   Is what I am saying erong? !!

Tadami Yamada


Last updated  Oct 5, 2020 04:40:14 PM
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