同意語選択問題 No.23 同意語選択問題 No.22の解答 同意語選択 No.22 1) The nurse ( took out ) the supper trays at five. 2) The journey through the woods was ( perilous ) 3) If everybody helps, we will finish the job ( in no time ). 4) I got the impression that the students here are very ( diligent ). 5) The train ( arrived ) five minutes early. 6) She ( took advantage of ) the special sale and bought three new shirts. 7) His business has ( prospered ). 8) Joe ( lost his temper ) and kicked the vending machine. 9) She had to ( go through ) many hardships. 10) No matter what ( ensues ), I will insist on getting my own way. 同意語選択問題 No.23 同意語選択 No.23 1) He (came across) a dollar bill in the suit he was sending to the cleaner's. a) found b) lost c) left d) carried 2) Tom was ( scolded ) by his boss for coming late to work. a) called down b) called up c) called on d) called out 3) We've ( gone into ) this matter very thoroughly but still can't find an answer. a) solved b) investigated c) replied d) proceeded to 4) If you wait a little, I'm sure he will ( appear ). a) cut in b) make for c) set up d) turn up 5) We wondered how he was ( progressing ) in his new job. a) making up b) making off c) getting on d) getting away 6) The defeated enemy was treated with ( generosity ). a) enthusiasm b) kindness c) roughness d) toughness 7) Jack cannot ( afford ) a new bicycle this year. a) buy b) sell c) ride d) share 8) The robbers ( prowled around ). a) killed everybody b) walked carefully and quietly c) screamed d) walked around to threaten their captives 9) He ( went through ) the fortune he had inherited in one year. a) used b) possessed c) accumulated d) abandoned 10) The conference ( broke up ) with his speech. a) terminated b) began c) was delayed d) continued お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2009.02.16 09:30:22
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