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QUICK TEST 8    NO.28 解答

   空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを選べ。  (ノートルダム清心女大)

 1. A: Can you (             ) me some money?
    B: Of course, how much do you need?
         1) rent           2) borrow        3) lent       4) lend 

2. A: I heard that her house was (           ) in the arthquake.            B: Oh that's terrible!  

     1) dropped down    2)broken down   3) destroyed  

        4) broken out 

3. A: What do you think of my new hairstyle? 

   B: It's very  nice. It really (                ) you.    

     1) suits         2) appropriate to  3)fits       4) suits to

4. A: Did you know that Michelle is a model?
    B: I'm not surprised, her figure is so (              ).   

     1) smart          2)slim          3)  long     4)  sophisticated

5. A: What are you planning to do when the tests finish?
   B: I'm going to (               ) home.
         1) go back to    2) return back to 3) come to  4)  go

6. A: How was your weekend?
   B: To tell you the truth I was a little (             ).
        1) boring         2) nothing special 3) bored    4) empty

7. A: Do you like your new teacher?
   B: Oh yes.  He is very (              ).
        1) so kindly     2) kind            3) wisdom    4) kindness

8. A: If you have a problem why don't you ask Mike?
   B: It's a (             ) of time talking to Mike. He never listens.
     1) waste         2) lot            3) mark     4)  loss

9. A: I am afraid Paul isn't home right now.
   B: In that case, (               )
         1) can you give a message?          2) may I have a message?
          3)may I take a message?            4) may I leave a message?

10. A: Did you have any problems when you were studying abroad?
    B: Well, at first I didn't like the food very much but after a while

        (   ).
        1) I used to it                      2) I got used to it
         3) I am used it                     4) I used it


    二文が同じになるように適語を1~5の中から1つ選べ。  (成蹊大)

(A) (a) John took the criticism very seriously and made an honest

      effort to  improve.

     (b) John took the criticism to (          ) and made an honest

      effort to  improve.

     l mind         2 head         3 sense      4 heart      5 ears

(B)  (a) You can feel secure and well-protected from birth to death.

     (b) You can feel secure and well-protected from the (        ) to the


      l cradle       2 crop    3 creator         4 crisis     5 cross

(C)  (a) The sound of the waterfall finally faded away.

     (b) The sound of the waterfall finally (            ) away.

      1 poured       2 ran          3 died       4 streamed   5 sneaked

 (D)  (a) Please continue working while we discuss the plan.

     (b) Please (              ) on with your work while we discuss the


      1 take         2 drop         3 put        4 bring      5 carry

 (E)  (a) The bullet could not pierce the concrete wall.

     (b) The bullet could not (           ) the concrete wall.

      l alternate    2 penetrate    3 initiate   4 moderate   5 accelerate

F)  (a) They tried to crowd a dozen people into that tiny room.

     (b) They tried to (            ) a dozen people into that tiny room.

      1 squeeze      2 store        3 crouch     4 square     5 shrink


 (G)  (a) The girl turned down the chance to live in America.

     (b) The girl (            ) the chance to live in America.

      1 discouraged  2 admitted     3 descended  4 rejected   5 gained

 (H)  (a) He really goes in for sweets and high calorie foods.

     (b) He really (           ) sweets and high calorie foods.

      1 skips        2 delivers     3 loves      4 reaches    5 passes

 (1)  (a) You can always depend on me for help.

     (b) You can always (            ) to me for help.

      1 ask          2 see          3 rely       4 1ie        5 turn

 (J)  (a) The boy found some money by chance in the park

     (b) The boy (            ) across some money in the park.

      1 met          2 came         3 got        4 went       5 saw


Last updated  2010.01.14 08:43:35
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