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megalithic Pyramid of Japan

megalithic Pyramid of Japan

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参照記事:呉市 蒲刈町史 (蒲刈町誌編集委員会,蒲刈町教育委員会/編)1995

参照記事:厳島信仰辞典 著者 野坂元良編 出版社 戒光祥出版


島根県松江市八重垣神社の壁画 右が市杵島姫命 左が天照大神

画像引用:出典:ウィキメディア・コモンズ (Wikimedia Commons)

七里七浦の島という条件には似たようなものに七浦十谷「香川県 茂浦」という条件の伝承もある。










宮島全景 南を上にした場合




画像引用:九州森林管理局 屋久島の山

























Though I established a place by the tradition of the Chugoku district when Princess city Kishima life (ichikishimahime) following "Miyajima" developed land for Miyajima pyramid, there were various conditions.
The Mt. Misen top stone south side
Because there is much similar tradition, I introduce a thing becoming the pivot.
A reference article: Kamagaricho, Kure-shi history (Kamagaricho magazine editing Committee, Kamagaricho Board of Education /) 1995
* If there were seven stones to Katsuradani, I did this island in Miyajima, but there was not it in Miyajima because there were only six.
* Miyajima must be an island of 七里七浦.shichiri nanaura
* Height (even if the height of the mountain is too high, it must not be too low) same as seven Miyama in Mt. Misen of Miyajima
* It was thought, "some islands are too far". The beckoning island approached saying "come an island". It was named "Kurushima". I prayed God that there was one Island toward the mainland and approached, but was named "a feeling island" without approaching it.
A reference article: 厳島信仰辞典著者野坂元良編出版社戒光祥出版
* Because the height of Mt. Misen was higher only in the height of the fan than a peak of "Osaki-cho" God, it was moved in Miyajima.
* Miyajima lived in the back Myojin mansion of "three Sumimachi" Kamimoto, but I said to a villager when I wanted to do the whole Kamimoto in the sea because the sea was far, but was moved in Itsukushima because it was objected.
It may be said that it is God moved from most, Izumo to Miyajima by the route which the tradition of Miyajima applies the mountains from the coast of Shimane, and falls out in the Seto Inland Sea.
The Princess city Kishima life left is the Sun-Goddess the fresco right of the Matsue-shi, Shimane multifold fences Shinto shrine
Image quotation: The source: Wiki media Commons (Wikimedia Commons)
At first the rainfall to include seven stones of the Kamagari history book about the town is thought to point to the amount of the huge stone.
Actually, there is not the area like Miyajima, and, in Kamagaricho, there is the thing such as 磐座 iwakura of the huge stone, but there is only it mainly in the south side of the island and lacks the quantity at all in Miyajima. In addition, there is little number of Kojima of the circumference, too.
I was virtually similar to the condition called the island of 七里七浦,shichiri nanaura and there is the tradition of the condition called 七浦十谷  nanaura jittani "Mora, Kagawa", too.
Strangely shaped rocks group of Kamagaricho, Kure-shi
When Mt. Misen had better condition, there is the height of the mountain from a peak of God of Osaki-cho, but there is it if I lack the height of the apex drill mountain to expose it to Okuno-in Temple in similar tradition in 小須磨浦 kosumaura of Nigata, Kure-shi.
As the condition that Miyajima is in this way geographic
① The sea where Miyajima is easy to live in being near
② There is a huge stone enough
③ The topography being 七浦, seven villages, ten valleys.
④ The height of the mountain surrounding Mt. Misen and it match a condition
It can call at the place that is easy to observe a star as equal , one function of the Miyajima pyramid in the sun, a month to have moved.
Three star of placement and Orion of seven Uragami Corporation"
Waist Hosora Shinto shrine of the south side where a bottom pipe man gives the enshrined deity of cedar ノ Uragami Corporation, Takanosu Uragami Corporation located in the east side of Miyajima as well as Sumiyoshi Mikami an order for the placement of the Shinto shrine along the shore of 七浦 of Miyajima (ソコツツノオ), also Western Yamashiro Beach Shinto shrine where the enshrined deity of green string lettuce Uragami Corporation gives it an order for a middle pipe man (ナカツツノオ), Suya Uragami Corporation are table pipe man lives (ウワツツノオ).
ミンタカ, the south are middle pipe man lives, and a table pipe man life is Alnilam and the east side in first west when I apply it at a position when Orion climbs it from the east and did it in the south, and a bottom pipe man life of the bottom is Alnitak.
During the top of pipe, it is a bottom if I consider a complete form of Miyajima as a pipe.
In addition, 包 ヶ Uragami Corporation is at the position of the sunrise of the summer solstice from Mt. Misen, but I see the pipe of the meaning to observe the place that three star (pipe) of Orion rises from here and may be (parcel).
Three star of Orion
Image quotation: wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Orion_Belt
Whole view of Miyajima
Because the north side becomes the top on the map, a position turns over, but it is plain that a Shinto shrine is located to the barrel when I think about the south on the top from Mt. Misen and see a direction of Orion.
When I make the Miyajima whole view south the top
"A commonality of the molding of the huge stone"
The molding of the huge stone placed to the Japanese pyramid has many common things, but also resembles the role.
This is a mini-rush of blood to the head stone of 40cm in height in the colored leaves valley mountain trail of Miyajima.
The direction of the bill turns to the east in the form such as the penguin, but there is the huge stone of the similar form in the various parts of Japan.
For example, the rush of blood to the head stone of Yakushima has an altitude of estimated 40m, and it is to height 100 times as large as a mini-rush of blood to the head stone, but turns to the east in the same way.
Rush of blood to the head stone of Yakushima
Image quotation: The mountains of Kyushu forest Administration Bureau Yakushima
It is thought that the rock of the form such as this bird shows a direction of the sun, but resembles a head of the form of the falcon of Egyptian mythical sun god ラー and Horus closely.
Image quotation: wiki/Category:Horus?
In addition, a ship rock and a ship stone are seen well in huge stone group called the Japanese pyramid, too.
There is the rock called the ship rock on the Mt. Misen mountaintop, but I think whether this was not a sundial of the hemisphere type.
Even if the four seasons change using a spherical surface, and the sundial of the hemisphere type is replaced, it can read the time exactly, but it is a fault that rainwater and dust are easy to collect. Dead leaves and the earth and sand accumulate, and the ship rock of Mt. Misen grows to a tree, too.
Ship rock of Mt. Misen of the parabola form
Egyptian hemisphere type sundial of the AD3 century of the Ephesus archeology Museum
Image quotation: wiki/File:Sundial,_3rd_century_AD,_AM_Ephesus,
In addition, there is much huge stone group to observe the sunlight of the Miyajima pyramid now in the valley which does not hit it on a day, but thinks that it would be the state of the bald mountain where the tree which is high at the time when I prepared land does not grow.
Western separately from this ship rock the mountain with the mysterious group stone called the Mt. Iwafune in Miyajima.
There are many stories that God goes down on sky Iwafune and a sky bird ship in this world from the heavens in the Japanese myth, but to an Egyptian fresco
A lot of motifs that sun god gets into a boat are employed.
It is sun god RA to a fresco drawn on the grave room of ancient Egyptian sennedjem, but the bird such as the crow stops on a ship to be Bow.
Image quotation: wikimedia/Category:Tomb_of_Sennedjem
It may be said that ancient Egyptian God and ancient Japanese God got on a similar ship.
It is said that the crow that Miyajima of drifting God who came over from the sea was brought came over from Japanese Olympus together.
There is not the tradition that the ship which Miyajima boarded is called a moray ship (vacant ship), and flew in the sky, but it is the same that a crow got on a ship.
"The transportation method of the huge stone"
It is thought that the quantity of the huge stone of Miyajima has been abnormally in comparison with other islands of the Seto Inland Sea carried from a lot of other areas, but the transportation method is mystery.
A lot of tradition about the stone thinks that it becomes the hint of the method of the huge stone transportation in the Seto Inland Sea and the Chugoku district.
① Tradition of Chikaraishi
It is impossible for an ordinary man to do it, but the thing chosen by God (stone) can carry a stone. In addition, there is the fortune-teller who used Chikaraishi in the insular part of the Seto Inland Sea.
② An ogre carried a stone
There are many things concerning the tradition of the ogre of Okayama in particular. A huge stone is it in an ogre by all means on the mountain named Shiroyama.
③ The weight of the stone changes.
Even the size of the pebble may get heavy so that I am not lifted or may lighten so that even a mountainous huge rock floats in the sea. I had it became the size of the pebble by the tradition about Miyajima and carry it to Miyajima. Or I had you carry it somewhere and came to be worshiped as Ishigami or Meishin there.
④ The stone which grows up
A story to be born when there is round Ishigami in a huge stone, and it is a certain time.
Or the beginning was small so as to begin a mind, but it is said that I gain weight year by year, and it was to a huge stone.
⑤ The opinion which made the thing that Oishi fell from the sky an object of worship.
In the times when Miyajima seems to be enshrined time as for these tradition in Itsukushima, but the Miyajima pyramid is older for me already 保食神 (the reputation rice cake chew) 神龍宇賀之霊神 (しんりゅううがのみたまのかみ) uganomitama
I think that it was prepared land in large oneself your God (the whip I chew) 小彦名神 (すくなひこなのかみ). sukunahikona
"The carved seal of the three star of Orion"
There is the carved seal of the three star of Orion in the upper part (higher than human height) of the huge stone near the top part of Mt. Misen.
Because there is this carved seal at the position that is much higher than the glance of the person by all means, it is hard to notice it.
I did not notice by the naked eye, but I noticed that three star comes out, but find five places so far when I took the upper photograph of the huge stone by looking into the distance.
Three star (the west) of the rock shaped like a noble's headgear of Mt. Misen
There is the huge stone of this isosceles triangle in the place where I came off from the mountain trail that fell down a little than a high and low tide rock, but there might be a small shrine in the past when there is the stone wall of the ancient approach to a shrine when I see it and seemed to be called 地御前遥拝所 jigozenyouhaijyo according to "Itsukushima depiction", and it is in the open space in the west, but there is well nothing now. (in the point, to watch out in being cliff than an open space!)
The base of this huge stone turns to the north, and the top turns to the south. And, in the middle, the east of the worsening side, in the west, in the top, the east side of the sunset upper part at the time, the sunrise, the west on the summer solstice are huge direction stones showing the sunset on the summer solstice the sunrise of the winter solstice. A flat stone is braced the bottom of the huge stone with and regulates an angle to get sunshine. I think that you can understand the enormousness in comparison with top stone of Mt. Misen.


Last updated  2017.03.26 11:32:00
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