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Yesterday,I listened in a conversation between prof.A and prof.B while we were taking a rest
of marking of this year entrance exam.
Prof.A: I would like to talk about a girl student with whom I went to skiing with the other students
altogether A few years ago. Her name was CO.
Prof.B: Yes, I know her too.
A: CO was one of the best skiers of my students in fact. After we altogether skied a little while,
I told them, “Well everybody, let each of us ski freely from now on till lunch time”. Then CO asked
me, “what style of skiing is “free skiing” sir?”
B: Yea? I can’t understand what she meant.
A: It is very natural that you have no idea of that. She had skied nowhere but in ski school.”
B: Oh really? But I can’t yet understand her.
A: Well, first, the instructor of skiing shows a way of ski as a model. Then he/she tells the pupils
to ski downwards in the same way as his/hers.”
B: Yes, now I understand what the situation was.
A: When CO skied with the other students together, she managed to ski following somebody’s
good example. Now she was lost to be told to freely ski. She couldn’t.
B: (groaning) It is a serious case isn’t it? Was she able to do everything only conventionally?
A: No, sir. A bit different, I think. I consider she had no experience to enjoy skiing itself.
B : Was she unable to do anything without any instruction? She then was not capable to discover
any solution by herself, is that right?
A: that’s it, I think. As a matter of fact, however, she herself enjoyed skiing. In her way, she must
have become happy to be praised by the instructor. Only then she had got pleasant. She did not
enjoy skiing itself.
B: Ah! Is that a really serious matter? Is it necessary for an instructor or teacher to get
something like technique how to motivate pupils’ own positiveness, is it?
A: No, sir. I consider that it is not a matter of teaching technique but the instructor him/herself
has never really enjoyed skiing itself. He has never skied for his own sake. The value of his skiing
has been given by the other and outside of him such as races or his school. So the skiing school
has produced such students who do not enjoy skiing for their endogenous reason.
B: Your conclusion is here. We must ask our own attitude to study and education. We in fact are
glad to study and educate.
A: Yeas, I can agree with you.
It was an interesting conversation.


Last updated  2004.04.29 21:57:26
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