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May 21, 2007
カテゴリ:English only
070518☆おはっち 070518☆おーちゃん

My blogger bud, Ohacchi and O-chan (her hubby) live in Hawaii, and they came to Tokyo last week to visit their family and friends. We've been friends only for a year or so but we have a lot in common and feels like I've known her for AGES!

She likes sake, seaweed, buckwheat noodles, and sashimi --- Okay, I know just the place where all of the above is YUMMY! Also, I called some other blogger buds. Megumi-kun (I saw her last month to enjoy good sake and sashimi), Raku-chan and Mickey(her hubby), and Manma-san (I saw Raku-chan and Manma-san 2 weeks ago when we had BBQ on the riverbank).

070518☆めぐみくん 070518☆楽ちゃん 070518☆ミッキー

So all of us gathered to welcome Ohacci and O-chan in a restaurant located in Shinjuku, and we drank good sake, ate fresh seafood, guzzled down noodles, and talked nonstop like no tomorrow! See the funky eyeglasses!? We normally cover our faces with at signs (@) or stars (*) for privacy purposes, but this way, we don't have to re-process the pics later.

Anyway, the food was good but the place was FREEEEZING so we left the restaurant for karaoke. My hubby finally joined us and we sang 70's-80's J pop. Then Ohacchi and O-chan came over to my house for more drinks!

We talked and drank until 5 in the morning and when we woke up the next morning, we went to my favorite bakery for breakfast, dropped them off at the nearby train station.

Man, it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

Then I went into my dreamland and wondered what it's like to see you in Tokyo... Gosh I miss you woman!!!


Last updated  May 21, 2007 03:34:31 PM
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