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Last updated  2012.04.01 00:17:32
コメント(504) | コメントを書く




こんばんわ~   rip39 さん
小1ボクチン、頑張ってね♪ (2005.11.04 20:47:16)

がんばれ ボクチン~   アトリエ♪ さん
(2005.11.04 21:34:07)

Re:自転車の練習(11/04)   naoko♪ さん

ガンバレー!!! (2005.11.06 18:08:37)

Re:自転車の練習(11/04)   amairo さん
ボクチンもがんばってね~ (2005.11.07 02:36:37)

ある日突然   Doriki さん
(2005.11.07 23:32:05)

お疲れ様でした。   ライ麦パン☆ さん
アッ!という間に乗れるようになりますよ。自転車ってさっきまで乗れなかったのに、今乗れたって事ありますもん。突然乗れますよ *・゜゚・*:.(^ー^*) (2005.11.11 02:51:35)

とうとう出ちゃったね   ゆう さん
(2006.03.08 15:11:16)

My homepage   Howard さん
Great work!
[url= http://iuauklfz.com/erdw/hynd.html ]My homepage[/url] | [url= http://xxeolfcy.com/seeg/vfdj.html ]Cool site[/url] (2006.05.16 06:59:51)

My homepage   Ben さん
Well done!
<a href=" http://iuauklfz.com/erdw/hynd.html" ;>My homepage</a> | <a href=" http://ebwexchp.com/uzen/xykf.html" ;>Please visit</a> (2006.05.16 07:00:03)

My homepage   Eric さん

My homepage   May さん
Good design!
[url= http://wbqanqrv.com/ldjz/oqnn.html ]My homepage[/url] | [url= http://mcrtxkqf.com/uhia/cyxa.html ]Cool site[/url] (2006.07.24 15:05:07)

My homepage   Kevin さん
Great work!
<a href=" http://wbqanqrv.com/ldjz/oqnn.html" ;>My homepage</a> | <a href=" http://uykakglx.com/zkmh/pqoy.html" ;>Please visit</a> (2006.07.24 15:07:37)

My homepage   Dean さん

ぼんげんさん、こんばんわ~   アトリエ♪ さん


(2006.11.17 00:45:24)

したくなっちゃうのよ・・ってwww   鶴たん さん
プレイが凄いだけじゃなくて羽振りも鬼ww 10マソ貰っちった(^-^)vラッキー♪
http://61FgoBc.c-melon.net/ (2008.09.08 17:23:39)

ぶぉおおおおぉぉぉ!!!   棒王子 さん
エリちゃんとはいつも5マソ貰って普通のプレイしてたんだけど、今回はマットプレイ(;゜ Д゜)
そのうえ今回は8マソゲット(^-^)v これなら毎回マットプレイでおkwwwww
http://O1D7o4f.d-recycle.net/ (2008.09.15 18:02:08)

お医者さんプレイキター!!   名医 さん
http://vfS0HmT.first-doutei.com/ (2008.09.27 23:25:19)

タプタプタプタプタプタプ!!!   50t さん
http://s6xiw9c.do-tei.com/ (2008.09.28 12:47:56)

旅してんのに儲けすぎな件wwww   汁大臣 さん
欲張りな俺はもう一人呼び出してまたズッコンバッコンww ハイ11マソゲット!!
http://M8f2fNL.fera.from-yen.net/ (2008.10.04 07:12:17)

じゃぶじゃぶじゃぶじゃぶ   じゃぶ さん
http://ORB6LSM.gyakuderi.net/ (2008.10.08 08:04:31)

ドッピューーーーン♪   ひゃん さん
アソコも濡れ濡れww 俺のティンコ血管破裂しそうなくらいオッキしたわw
http://XLFcSKg.gyakuen.net/ (2008.10.16 09:33:20)

和服女キタ━━━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━━━!!!!!   褌一丁 さん
http://5KoQoAV.kanemoti.net/ (2008.10.22 07:11:37)

しゃいしゃいしゃいしゃい!!   ダラオ さん
えーーっと、久しぶりに口座確認したらドエライ事になってたんすけど( ゜Д゜)
http://F4PvYYf.betrun.net/ (2008.11.01 00:04:26)

みひゃあひはいひょふぁあwwwww   みはい さん
したらな、いきなりホ テ ル連れて行かれて俺のティンコぱっくんちょしてきたwwww
http://wJJUsAR.love-first.net/ (2008.11.08 06:45:00)

ハミハミされちゃったw   さかん さん
http://JdRkSeD.love-ex.net/ (2008.11.09 13:03:52)

しゃぶりんぴっく!   犬コロ さん
http://mooootant.net/honey/eKdVN2P/ (2008.11.24 17:22:03)

テンションwwwwww   的中率 さん
なんかテンション上がって10万もくれたしw 色々感謝だなー( ^∀^)
http://oppai-daisuki.net/nnn/Ugyj8VJ/ (2008.12.01 04:42:45)

めっ!この痴女!   でっの さん
ホ テ ルに行こうって言ったんだけど、誰かに見られてるかもしれないスリルが感じるっていう痴女だったんでカラオケで潮 吹かせてきましたm(_ _)m
まぁそのかわり15万貰ったけどなww じゃないと割に合わないし。
http://pinkxxxx.net/shaburitai/UtjfdRc/ (2008.12.03 23:37:02)

ほんとに不況なの??   べらび さん

おかげ様で今月で貯金300万突破ですm(_ _m)
(2008.12.12 22:18:27)

すげっっウマっっっすげっっっっ!!!!!   自習だ さん

(2008.12.18 22:02:58)

ЗPキタワ(*´д`*)   えふす さん

(2008.12.31 00:46:01)

ちゃっっちゃっっちゃっちゃっ   河内君 さん

俺2発が限界だわー(>_<;)) 何がって射 精だよw
というわけで今日もこれからしゃぶってもらってきますm(_ _)m
(2009.01.10 04:34:58)

フ ェ ラ フ ェ ラしてんじゃねーよ!   除菌+ さん

(2009.01.19 15:59:45)

6回以上するのって難しいなぁ('へ';)   エリナ さん
http://yycola.net/i_doll_h/ (2009.01.21 13:16:53)

ちょちょちょ(^^;   さい8 さん

女の子キャーキャー言いながらイチモツにスリスリしてソッコーでフ ェ ラ抜きしてくれたYO!
(2009.01.24 02:31:22)

あっぃいいん!!   669 さん

単純すぎてワロたけど、この手は結構使えるみたいだな( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ
(2009.01.24 15:08:38)

アッーーー!!   椅子より三角木馬 さん

(2009.01.30 12:37:57)

ゆるりとオナるがよい。   野武士 さん

いきなりスケベな液体をシャーっと出して驚いたでござるよぉー( ゜д゜)
(2009.02.08 14:49:39)

JKのぶっ飛び体験記   JK さん

My Ichimotsu そう、私のイチモ-ツをしゃぶらせてあげたらキャッシュで8万貰えちゃいましたから!
ちなみに私は即 ハ メ 成 功しましたよーw
(2009.03.03 05:21:54)

初めて同士で・・どぉですか?   麻衣子 さん

(2009.03.07 22:10:59)

ちょおぉぉぉぉwwww   聖なる毛 さん

(2009.03.15 05:39:31)

私を無茶苦茶にしてくれませんか?   真央 さん

熱い肉棒で虐めてください(T_T) 真央は20歳です・・
(2009.03.22 07:49:23)

ベリーストッキング!!!!!   タカ さん

(2009.04.02 15:32:04)

これはひどいwww   竹田君 さん

最近俺の彼女がやたらとフ ェ ラうまいと思ってたらこんな事やってやがったw
しかも俺もコレをやってるという事実w カオスすぎるwwwwwww
(2009.04.03 09:37:46)

手マンの作法   コボルト さん

(2009.04.08 06:21:11)

果てしないモッコリ   魔男 さん

オレって短 小 包 茎だけど、熟女にチョー人気だぜー(・∀・)
(2009.04.12 00:26:35)

ブェラチオ!!!!   ぽにゃ さん

じゃだふぁああぁあぁwwww キター!!!!
(2009.04.28 04:19:25)

ちょwwなにwwww   ナプキーン さん

シックスナイ-ンしたら8万貰えたぁぁヽ( ・∀・)ノ
(2009.05.01 00:36:12)

おおおっぉぉっぉおおああwww!   棒付人形 さん

(2009.05.19 02:08:28)

ユー、やっちゃいなYO!   目が魚みたい さん

てか一つだけ言わせてくれw なんでオナホ常備してんだよwww
(2009.05.24 03:10:23)

アッヒャァイイイハホwwwww   名器神アヒャ さん

(2009.05.29 07:00:35)

あぴゅぴゅぴゅぴゅーwww   こびりついたティッシュ さん

だあぁぁ凄いよー!!ボクの初 体 験 21 万で買ってもらっちゃいまちた!!!
ち ん ぽを触られたり舐 められたりってこんなに気持ちいいんですね(^^;
一生オ ナ ニーでいいやって思ってたボクが間違いでちたm(_ _)m
(2009.06.14 20:42:58)

男だけど潮ぴゅっぴゅしたよwww   ゴリラーノ さん

すげっ!!! 昨日の女に潮 吹 かされた!!!!!
女が潮 吹 くのは当然として、男が潮 吹 くなんて思わなかったわぁwwwww
(2009.06.18 05:38:56)

リクルートスイーツ(笑)   閻魔 さん

(2009.06.24 10:28:50)

俺なんかが売れたーよヽ(゜∀゜)ノヒャッヒャ   ガリクソンヌ さん

(2009.06.27 16:34:54)

パヤッパーヽ(´ー`)ノ   もひかん さん

これやるだけで月50とか楽勝だからwww オヌヌメw
(2009.07.01 22:22:20)

ぱにゅあぁああwwwww   揉むか揉まれるか さん

まぁ俺の懐は潤うからいいけどなw 金ってある所にはあるんだな(^^;
(2009.07.02 21:40:18)

すみません私スーパーニートですwwww   デブ田デブ介 さん

俺100kg超えのスーパーデブでブサ男だし一 生 童 貞 確 定だと思ってたんだが金無いからバ イ トがてらこれやってみたら一瞬で非モテ脱出したわw
お先にごめんな同士のみんなwww お詫びにマル秘テク教えるな!
テ ィ ン コ 先をク リにグリグリ押し付けてみて!女チョー喜ぶよー(^-^)v
(2009.07.09 21:22:54)

スイーツ(笑)   まさぁる さん

スイーツ脳の女は簡単に釣れちゃうね!ヽ( ・∀・)ノヒャオ!
(2009.07.12 20:00:29)

やっぱ質は落とせないっしょwww   宇宙規模の団長 さん

(2009.07.18 22:39:26)

うぇwwうぇっうぇwwwwwww   タケシきゅん さん

んぉふーww 雑誌に載ってたのやってみたらコスプレ姫の魔法のフィラチオにハマっちゃって思考回路がフィラチオ中心になってるぉwwwwww
てか気持ちよくしてもらってんのに何で5万貰えんの? カオスwwwww
(2009.07.24 22:16:49)

マヌコのような口   いちご さん

女が俺の息子を根元までググっと口に含んだ瞬間! 喉の奥をキュッキュと締め付けてきて・・・その感触はまるでマヌコそのものっすwwwwwwww
(2009.07.31 00:04:47)

おっぷぁい!ぷぁい!   パイズラレ さん

パイズリされつつ蜂蜜塗られてティンポしゃぶってもらっての繰り返しで、気持ちよすぎて気がついたら3回イったしwww 俺淡白なのにすげwwwwww
(2009.08.04 20:48:57)

ぎょはぁ!!!!!   カリのヘリ さん

ヘイヘイ!!あひひひほはぁwwwwwww ちょwwいきなりごめwwwwww
寝てるだけで5 万もらっちゃって真面目な自分がヴァカらしくなってさwwwww
はぁーいま女シャワー浴びてんだけど、もう1ラウンドでまた5 万くれるってYO!wwwwww
またマグロでさっさと中 出 しするわwwwwwwwww
(2009.08.07 22:02:20)

だーーーーっふ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   あきのり さん

3 Pなんて生まれて初めてだたアルよー!!!!!!!
騎 乗と顔 騎同時がこんなにも幸せだったとは・・・
したら女大喜びしちゃって1 0 万ずつくれたー!!!!!!
この2 0 万握りしめて・・・
(2009.08.22 15:10:07)

マグローニャ   さんばーん さん

オレはネトゲに必死で女はフ ェ ラに必死というカオス状態wwwwwww
なんでか毎回3 万貰えてるしイミフすぎwwww
これ始めた俺歓喜www 金無しニートのオマイら涙目wwwww
(2009.08.26 20:27:23)

オモチャ最高ー!   ギャル御 さん

バ イ ブ初めて使ったYO!!!!
てか、バ イ ブ使ったおかげで9 万ゲットできたのが一番アチイヽ(´ー`)ノ
(2009.08.29 20:52:10)

びーちくだっしゅ   こめしま さん

思ったより簡単に吹くのなーwww もう楽勝だしこれから稼ぐっちゃ!!!!
(2009.09.02 21:40:32)

とおりゃ!!そおりゃ!!!うりゃ!   そいや! さん

何で今まで風 俗なんかに金払ってたんだ俺わあぁぁ(T_T)
今まで使った風 俗 代1ヶ月で取り返してやるー(>_<)!!!!
(2009.09.04 23:49:33)

おぱああぁっぁあぁい!!!!!!   こすこす さん

ちょwwwwwww これ始めたの誰だよwwwwww
お ぱ い ぱ い揉んで舐める約束だったけど
そのかわり約束の倍報 酬ゲットしたしまーいいやw
(2009.09.18 18:04:32)

くらっちんぐ!!!!   ちゃーん さん

良いマ ソ コ持ってる女は基本関係続けるけど・・・
(2009.09.26 04:22:20)

イケイケどんどん!!!!   洗濯機 さん

とりまやってみてwwwww マジウケるくらい貰えるからwwwwww
(2009.10.03 15:22:39)

ここ一番!!!!!!   さくら さん

メールして5分も経たん内にホ テ ルGOだもんwwwwwww
ホ テ ル着いてとりあえずバ イ 部突っ込んだんだけど、
ここ感 度良くて名 器持ち多すぎwwww とりまヤってみそwwwww
(2009.10.11 19:51:31)

やらねー奴バカだろ(^^;   ぎゃんちゅ さん

会った瞬間に「おぱいぱいー!」って言いながらワシワシ乳 揉んだら
相手も思いっきりティン コしごいてきてちょーノリノリだたよお!!!
ヤ る前から3 万くれて終わってからまた5 万くれたし何この魔法www
(2009.10.28 03:58:47)

イッテーーー!!!   ぺいん さん

とりま8 万もらった事だし、仕事休む事にしたwwwwwww
(2009.10.30 07:18:44)

生・・・・・・wwwww   斉藤さん さん

つったらすんなりオーケー出たんww てかむしろ出して欲しいみたいなwww
(2009.11.05 07:50:29)

ぴょぷしゃーーー!!!!!   濡ら師 さん

お互い満足してんのに俺だけ金貰って一挙両得wwwwww ヤター!(・∀・)
(2009.11.21 01:59:46)

すんげえーマヌコ!!!!   熊ノ助 さん

でも舐めてすぐに潮どっさり吹くもんだから僕の顔面ビショビショo( ´_ゝ`)o
(2009.11.24 09:50:30)

俺の時代キタコレwwww   もひかん さん

試しにヤってみたらソッコーで8 万 稼 げ たぞーwwwww
就 職 先見つかんねーししばらくこれのお世話になるっすヽ(´ー`)ノ
(2009.11.24 09:50:30)

中 出 し気にしないwwww   バッファロー さん

松 葉 崩 しした時の女の横顔マジやばいよなあぁ(´ー`)y─┛~~
表情工ロすぎて見とれてたら生 セ クしてる事忘れてて
そのままうっかり中 出 ししてしまったしwwwwwwwww
まー頼まれて生 セ クしてたんだし、別に俺悪くねーよなー?
(2009.12.03 03:04:48)

どこでもしゃぶるのな^^   痴女と痴男 さん

うおっぷ!!!エレベーターでフ ェ ラしてもらったよおぉぉ (ノ∀`)
てかヤり終わった後ホントに5 万くれたぞwwwwwなんぞこれwwwww
(2009.12.04 20:28:59)

盛り上がりすぎ(ミ ̄エ ̄ミ)   ユーキ♂ さん

てゆーかコレ、どー考えても女増えすぎで男足りてないんすけどぉぉおw( ̄▽ ̄;)w
(2009.12.18 22:17:24)

ありがとう!!!!!!!   ニキビ侍 さん

(2009.12.24 19:47:18)

ありがとうな!!!!   アゲチン さん

例の潮.吹 き女が何回もイっちゃってチ.ンコ全っ然離さねーの!!!
(2009.12.26 00:29:23)

なんぞコレなんぞぉ!!   まさーしー さん

ぬオォォーーー!! w(゜д゜;w(゜д゜)w;゜д゜)w
(2009.12.31 09:00:00)

なんぞコレなんぞぉ!!   まさーしー さん

ぬオォォーーー!! w(゜д゜;w(゜д゜)w;゜д゜)w
(2010.01.04 20:55:06)

短小ち○こに興奮しすぎ(ワラ   もじゃもじゃ君 さん

(2010.01.08 16:55:22)

脇コキって言うねんな(爆笑)   ボーボー侍 さん

(2010.01.15 04:13:06)

潮 吹 きジェットw   王様 さん

サチにバ イ ブ突っ込んだ状態でジェットコースター乗ったぞw
(2010.01.21 12:02:06)

Undetly georBrefsGosenop   HonInwarneaccoubycox さん

makApepOrierm georBrefsGosenop   ambiliefalk さん

Eralisabtutunpab georBrefsGosenop   naigma さん

SkapserureHaudgig georBrefsGosenop   rootteshorteciade さん

bleguimeeteneidepay georBrefsGosenop   NeedyDealaemove さん

neelsassireuteltMof georBrefsGosenop   Stakkeept さん

coesemex georBrefsGosenop   NalsAbolla さん

AFFEMSGEFRARCOHIRWAY georBrefsGosenop   Wemeftmed さん

lAFFEMSGEFRARCOHIRWAY georBrefsGosenop   tWemeftmed さん

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Let's discuss this interesting thought, I really must share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Missy Piccinone さん
I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.
Let's start a small discussion on usability of this blog. I say there are at least 5 major design flaws here. Anyone see it?
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
This page rocks, keep up the good work.

1st we shoot all the lawyers, 2nd we strangle them, 3rd..
http://tigriso.com/kierstenwalters/2010/09/16/thick-yoga-mat-selection/ (2010.11.06 08:28:45)

Please, read this interesting thought, perhaps share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Grazyna Monie さん
I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.
There's only one valid point in this article, and if people are too stupid to see it, I won't tell them what it is.
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
I just read another article about this topic, and yours seems to be a lot more to the point. However, their article appears on #1 spot, and your is on the bottom. Why?
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i>
http://luxella.com/glenallison/2010/09/20/my-first-new-thick-yoga-mat/ (2010.11.06 13:47:14)

Please, read this quote, I have a need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rolande Vos さん
I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.
Are you trying to tell us that you are a right-wing extremist?
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

NETWORK: What fishermen do when not fishing.
http://aaron12587.multiply.com/journal/item/37/Only_Yoga_Mat_Bags (2010.11.06 19:03:23)

lAbittildinuisholf SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lNonNeisinny さん

How About this enagagin thought, I'll share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Annie Cornelison さん
I'm enjoying this blog's colors and overall layout, nicely done.
I must say, there was very little useful information in this post, but I did learn a few things. Thanks.
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
I'm looking for an expert in this field for some off-site work. Anyone interested?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.

Alone: In bad company.
http://boresha.livejournal.com/ (2010.11.07 00:20:21)

I stumbled upon this bit of wisdom, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Kenisha Lopez さん
I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.
I've been trying to setup a blog just like yours, can you tell me how you managed it?
I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
Do you really have experience in this field? If so, I would like to ask you a few questions.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
http://delicious.com/stephenmckeer (2010.11.07 10:29:20)

Let's discuss the following interesting thought, I thought I would share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gayle Wardlaw さん
I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.
There are some grammatical mistakes in your post, but otherwise I found it somewhat useful.
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

Eat right, exercise daily, live clean, die anyway.
http://guywooten.savemoney-tips.com/2010/09/22/expertly-chosen/ (2010.11.07 15:48:55)

Check out the following smart blurb, I think I must share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Shay Bohanan さん
I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
There once was a time when I blogged about this stuff like crazy. Not many people came to my blogs.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may just be happy.
http://kristatatma.savemoney-tips.com/2010/09/24/yoga-mats-rated-and-reviewed-by-yoga-experts/ (2010.11.07 21:09:05)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, I'll share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Chin Kucera さん
Nice site design and easy to read layout. What is this theme?
I wonder why I can't see full text in your RSS feed, do you allow full articles?
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
How do I make my blog appear in search engines? I had it for a year, and no one comes to visit.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

I must be a sex object. I say Sex? She objects.
http://ashlynnmccullough.savemoney-tips.com/2010/09/18/thick-yoga-mat/ (2010.11.08 05:31:33)

thanks for the postHitawaina   laboratory technician さん
Beneficial info and excellent design you got here! I want to thank you for sharing your ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great work! (2010.11.08 13:19:17)

dDomileleara SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dBiftmaltmava さん

uinviva SitsrodoFloxiaViory   kNeilioryhoggeway さん

How About the following saying, I really must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Cristy Riddle さん

This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
Can I make new friends on this forum? Doubt it.
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?

http://bestyogamat4.ibibo.com/Blogs/archive/663048/2010/11/02/397913~What-Is-The-Use-Of-The-Manduka-Mat- (2010.11.10 17:12:32)

dDoonaEvavelycle SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pAsypeThenBeerry さん

xPlesseusek SitsrodoFloxiaViory   bDyeriLemspoummAevera さん

lOretleMeanceLorpoma SitsrodoFloxiaViory   fMonypejeolo さん

yfokHUcky SitsrodoFloxiaViory   mneernireefaups さん

Let's discuss the following quote, I thought I would share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Dudley Cuez さん
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
All we need is love, and I stand by this. Sorry for the dumb quote, again. If I'm not making any sense, perhaps, I should leave?

I am not young enough to know everything.
(2010.11.11 02:07:31)

cninyinfeday SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cnassantee さん

noriejoilt SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cephereegnakat さん

How About the following smart blurb, I thought I would share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Santiago Speake さん
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
People, OM to all of you, peace and love. All we need is to relax and calm down.

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
(2010.11.11 06:55:32)

Let's discuss the following bit of wisdom, I really must share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Chery Stana さん
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
This post is really about nothing, I'm just being weird today.

DOS never says "EXCELLENT command or filename"...
(2010.11.11 11:56:05)

Please, read this quote, I really must share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gary Liggin さん
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
I can't meet people in person, I'm insecure about myself.

Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
(2010.11.11 16:58:05)

nNextRatebreaT SitsrodoFloxiaViory   gexertexigannank さん

ytrirtyRewsper SitsrodoFloxiaViory   scruicasiva さん

zEndarseadell SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rtraubombachath さん

uGedyGrogmafleerie SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wphepJannexy さん

wDassamemoodgiciteree SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rLienganietrogesse さん

alycleBaizehaili SitsrodoFloxiaViory   bGadoNoks さん

gassaundstorn SitsrodoFloxiaViory   nbubparbuse さん

zIrrekkipshitty SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pBreeroTele さん

eTwinainnapsypeRoubs SitsrodoFloxiaViory   gAdonius さん

yGeadiacheep SitsrodoFloxiaViory   ovesecomeWaspLypeCog さん

I stumbled upon the following enagagin thought, maybe I should share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Felix Tatsuno さん
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
Once the alco wears off, I will no longer be such a happy camper. And I will regret making random comments and posting weird stuff.

I am. is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that "I Do." is the longest sentence? <br><i>George Carlin</i>
(2010.11.13 14:34:42)

fLUPLILINEITH SitsrodoFloxiaViory   kInnommasnisk さん

nAuthewchaitter SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wTupsause さん

Please, read this interesting thought, maybe I should share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rosaline Bosh さん
I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
Should I stay at this wonderful forum? Would anyone want to be my friend? I think I'll stay to find out.

I like dogs, too. Let's exchange recipes.
(2010.11.13 19:19:19)

Please, read this smart blurb, I really must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Hugo Rey さん
I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
I'm a winner, I just wanted you to know that. Some people say I'm slow, but I don't believe them.

Apple (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton.
(2010.11.14 00:02:10)

I just found this quote, I think I must share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Latoyia Woudenberg さん
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
Should I get out more? Maybe if I go outside, I'll make new friends. I'm just so scared of people.

Life without danger is a waste of oxygen.
(2010.11.14 04:51:36)

hdYGoTkbwLnA   KVOqtQwnW さん
w3G1ee <a href=" http://pdtmtojxvovy.com/" ;>pdtmtojxvovy</a>, [url= http://yoidzzcguqhh.com/ ]yoidzzcguqhh[/url], [link= http://vtzxthqkosdn.com/ ]vtzxthqkosdn[/link], http://gnrowbnrtpmg.com/ (2010.11.14 05:20:33)

I just found the following exciting thought, I have a need to share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Cristy Riddle さん
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
Should I stay at this wonderful forum? Would anyone want to be my friend? I think I'll stay to find out.

I am not young enough to know everything.
(2010.11.14 09:35:25)

Let's discuss the following smart blurb, maybe I should share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Robbin Lingley さん
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
Should I stay at this wonderful forum? Would anyone want to be my friend? I think I'll stay to find out.

Behind many a successful man is an exhausted woman.
(2010.11.14 15:22:29)

I stumbled upon the following smart blurb, I need to share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rosaline Bosh さん
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
I'm just investigating the effects of alcohol on my brain. Tomorrow, I will be sorry for all these posts.

Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes!
(2010.11.14 20:02:34)

I stumbled upon the following bit of wisdom, I need to share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Digna Wilder さん
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
Chillax! Everything will be just fine. I say this to myself everyday, it really helps. You know what else does? Hmm…

I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing.
(2010.11.15 00:42:19)

havareSymnjairm SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zfonsireandousapeli さん

Let's discuss this quote, I'll share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Laverne Bole さん
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
Hey, I'm just trying to be friendly, no need to judge here.

Barium: what you do with dead chemists.
(2010.11.15 06:42:35)

kamagra jelly online   TGRichard さん

EYpfzAAaYmyiDO   VERpIkZtHEux さん
GN37yH <a href=" http://yqczrlnqoxie.com/" ;>yqczrlnqoxie</a>, [url= http://gjnadabstayu.com/ ]gjnadabstayu[/url], [link= http://dzeuaysbpmkw.com/ ]dzeuaysbpmkw[/link], http://gjezyfpulmbp.com/ (2010.11.17 20:55:31)

I'm high   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010.11.18 13:52:43)

Me drunk today   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 13:56:55)

I'm drrrunk   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 14:01:01)

I'm not getting drunk tonight   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:05:02)

Sorry for being drunk   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 14:09:25)

I'm not getting drunk tonight   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
Don't worry, I'm not selling anything.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat reviews </a> (2010.11.18 14:13:32)

I'm drrrunk   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:17:43)

I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Joe I like this forum, and I'm just kind of slow. Also don't handle Your language. I came just to say Ola to all respected member of this place.
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 14:21:32)

I'm drrrunk   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat reviews </a> (2010.11.18 14:23:00)

Sorry, I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:28:21)

I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm not selling anything at all.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:32:29)

Sorry, I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 14:36:38)

I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:40:33)

I'm drrrunk   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
Don't worry, I'm not selling anything.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:44:03)

Sorry, I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm not pitching any products here.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:50:26)

I'm high   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm not selling anything at all.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 14:54:34)

Sorry, I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 14:58:47)

I'm drrrunk   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I just need more company.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 15:02:52)

My toughts   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
Don't worry, I'm not selling anything.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 15:06:55)

Sorry, I'm wasted   Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Prunes I just registered, and I might be off-key. Also know little Your language. I'm just say Wassup to every trusted member of forum.
I'm not pitching any products here.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 15:11:02)

Me drunk today   Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Rulee I found this forum by accident, and I might be off-key. Also don't handle English. I come at this forum to say Ahoy to every respected member of nice forum.
Sorry, if this seems like spam
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat reviews </a> (2010.11.18 15:15:10)

My mood right now   Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 15:19:16)

I'm drrrunk   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat </a> (2010.11.18 15:23:19)

I'm drrrunk   Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Rulee I just got here, and I'm ill-witted. I too don't know your native tongue. I came writing say Wassup to any trusted member of this forum.
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010.11.18 15:27:07)

My toughts   Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm just being friendly.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat reviews </a> (2010.11.18 15:29:32)

vHolveAliella SitsrodoFloxiaViory   yclomigerdogigmawlize さん

vemermaestigonibe SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jTeaphchainee さん

Check out the following smart blurb, I have a need to share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gayle Wardlaw さん

You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
My friends, how are you this lovely evening? Is it evening where you are?

http://www.squidoo.com/yoga-mat-shopping-tips (2010.11.20 09:06:16)

I stumbled upon this bit of wisdom, I thought I would share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Divina Mcleary さん

I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
Can I make new friends on this forum? Doubt it.

http://www.blurb.com/user/jerri_hoehne (2010.11.20 09:11:20)

I just found this saying, perhaps share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Aron Iwanski さん

You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
Does this forum have an admin? I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong thread.

http://www.kirtsy.com/user.php?login=latoniarules (2010.11.20 09:16:14)

Check out the following saying, I'll share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Dudley Cuez さん

DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
Hah, I'm sorry for posting on this lovely forum. What is this place about anyway?

http://www.viddler.com/explore/taniatania (2010.11.20 09:21:30)

Check out the following bit of wisdom, I thought I would share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Salley Stephany さん

I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
I was just bored, sorry if I posted this in the wrong place.

http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978709815 (2010.11.20 09:26:35)

Check out this quote, I thought I would share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Hugo Rey さん

"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
My friends, how are you this lovely evening? Is it evening where you are?

http://www.blurb.com/user/jerri_hoehne (2010.11.20 09:31:51)

How About this saying, I think I must share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Christiana Sarinsky さん

Can you explain to me what reality is? Do robots exist in reality because they cannot judge and make perceptions?
What a bullshit thread, sorry for posting this, I have nothing better to do.

http://listafterlist.com/Listof/tabid/57/ListID/19643/Default.aspx (2010.11.20 09:42:58)

I stumbled upon this quote, maybe I should share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Lina Moreshead さん

There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
I just like posting random stuff at random places to see how people would react. I make new friends this way.

http://www.kirtsy.com/user.php?login=latoniarules (2010.11.20 10:05:26)

Check out this interesting thought, I have a need to share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Archie Yasurek さん

So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
Would you be interested in replying to a thread like this?

http://www.kirtsy.com/user.php?login=latoniarules (2010.11.20 10:08:15)

Let's discuss the following exciting thought, I need to share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Hugo Rey さん

Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
Can I make new friends on this forum? Doubt it.

http://lenoresaraiva.buzznet.com/user/journal/7644931/yoga-mat-shopping/ (2010.11.20 10:13:28)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, I have a need to share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Austin Rotchford さん

Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong spot, please move.

http://www.blurb.com/user/jerri_hoehne (2010.11.20 10:17:26)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, I need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Chet Oger さん

I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
My friends, how are you this lovely evening? Is it evening where you are?

http://fernandosasson.blogspot.com/2010/11/holiday-season-yoga-mat-shopping-guide.html (2010.11.20 10:21:30)

Check out the following provoking thought, I need to share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Sheldon Colpitts さん

I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
Well, it's nice meeting you all. I'm new here and I'll try to be polite and gentle. Sorry for posting dumb posts.

http://www.viddler.com/explore/taniatania (2010.11.20 10:25:14)

I stumbled upon this quote, I really must share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Steven Podvin さん

I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
Anyway, I know this was in the wrong place, so please move this topic.

http://www.blurb.com/user/jerri_hoehne (2010.11.20 10:28:40)

Check out the following saying, perhaps share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Nelson Mcinnish さん

No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
People, I'm sorry, but I didn't know where to post this stuff.

http://www.squidoo.com/yoga-mat-shopping-tips (2010.11.20 10:35:05)

Check out this smart blurb, I'll share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Morgan Ringhouse さん

Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
Will I make new friends here? Anyone care to share something?

http://www.kirtsy.com/user.php?login=latoniarules (2010.11.20 10:39:04)

Check out the following saying, maybe I should share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Mara Oldenburger さん

You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
I was just bored, sorry if I posted this in the wrong place.

http://lenoresaraiva.buzznet.com/user/journal/7644931/yoga-mat-shopping/ (2010.11.20 10:43:17)

Please, read the following quote, I'll share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Loida Gulke さん

There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
My friends, how are you this lovely evening? Is it evening where you are?

http://www.kirtsy.com/user.php?login=latoniarules (2010.11.20 10:47:22)

How About this bit of wisdom, I need to share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Divina Mcleary さん

I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
I realize this post may seem dumb, I'm just trying something new here, please bear with me :)

http://fernandosasson.blogspot.com/2010/11/holiday-season-yoga-mat-shopping-guide.html (2010.11.20 10:51:19)

Let's discuss the following bit of wisdom, I think I must share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Walton Rob さん

No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
It's broad day light here, what time is at your place?

http://en.zorpia.com/clintonbarett/journal/2011684 (2010.11.20 10:55:34)

Let's discuss the following bit of wisdom, I have a need to share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Dudley Cuez さん

No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
What a bullshit thread, sorry for posting this, I have nothing better to do.

http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978709815 (2010.11.20 10:59:42)

I stumbled upon this saying, I think I must share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Robbin Lingley さん

I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
This is just my method of making new friends, I post random stuff at random forums and meet random people :) Fun!

http://en.zorpia.com/clintonbarett/journal/2011684 (2010.11.20 11:03:39)

Please, read the following saying, I need to share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Catalina Trumbauer さん

There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
So how's everyone doing tonight?

http://www.zimbio.com/Yoga/articles/VKPIVq6_HAY/Yoga+Mat+Shopping+Tips (2010.11.20 11:07:39)

Please, read this saying, I need to share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Laverne Bole さん

You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
Does this forum have an admin? I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong thread.

http://www.viddler.com/explore/taniatania (2010.11.20 11:11:30)

I stumbled upon the following smart blurb, I have a need to share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Ike Hennesy さん

I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
It's broad day light here, what time is at your place?

http://fernandosasson.blogspot.com/2010/11/holiday-season-yoga-mat-shopping-guide.html (2010.11.20 11:13:49)

hclestickkild SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wOnessmidicygroundism さん

rbiobia SitsrodoFloxiaViory   oavaccums さん

yStiffJatt SitsrodoFloxiaViory   itigoErabFlobiatox さん

ndupSpeeflypele SitsrodoFloxiaViory   xAwaceasilkirtuadied さん

cAffesteNomserma SitsrodoFloxiaViory   qgrinome さん

tOvefebrittime SitsrodoFloxiaViory   tbutsHetexcixLakElisH さん

gWophieshonose SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lVillLourareryreesque さん

Check out the following smart blurb, maybe I should share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Annie Cornelison さん
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
I blog about pretty important issues, but my blog has recently been suspended, any ideas why?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

You're only young once; you can be immature forever
(2010.11.23 16:41:00)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, maybe I should share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Walton Rob さん
I must say, there was very little useful information in this post, but I did learn a few things. Thanks.
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

Half of the people in the world are below average.
(2010.11.23 16:45:14)

Let's discuss this exciting thought, I have a need to share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Bettina Spinella さん
I've been trying to setup a blog just like yours, can you tell me how you managed it?
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
How come some websites, like yours, appear all the way on the bottom of ranks with such engaging content?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case. Hmmmm.....
http://www.memfrag.com/mf.app?ssdir=0& ;dataid=705352
(2010.11.23 16:49:43)

Check out this bit of wisdom, I have a need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Salley Stephany さん
Are you trying to tell us that you are a right-wing extremist?
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

A diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing.
(2010.11.23 16:54:11)

I just found this quote, perhaps share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Marcelene Fobes さん
This is a clever little article, do you allow full text in your RSS subscriptions?
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
I'm just wondering, is it possible to take up blogging without any technical experience? Can I blog from MS Word?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition.
(2010.11.23 16:58:38)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Eldon Blackington さん
There are some grammatical mistakes in your post, but otherwise I found it somewhat useful.
I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
(2010.11.23 17:02:52)

Let's discuss the following quote, I thought I would share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Mara Oldenburger さん
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
Dear Moderator, I hope you don't delete my post. I mean no harm, just being weird.
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.

I am. is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that "I Do." is the longest sentence? <br><i>George Carlin</i>
(2010.11.23 17:07:26)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, I thought I would share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Juan Perque さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...
(2010.11.23 17:11:38)

I stumbled upon the following quote, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Tifany Jungman さん
Looks like your site made it on some black hatter's list of targets, better increase security.
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but no one is coming to my blog. This one seems so popular, but mine is empty.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

Politics: Poli (many) - tics (blood sucking parasites)
(2010.11.23 17:13:10)

Please, read the following smart blurb, I'll share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Kenisha Lopez さん
Why do you hate democrats so much? Let's a find a balance first, and then start blaming each other. And don't say war is the answer.
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

My wife ran away with my best friend. I sure miss him.
(2010.11.23 17:18:49)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, perhaps share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Salley Stephany さん
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
I'm looking for an expert in this field for some off-site work. Anyone interested?
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

I am built for comfort, not speed!
(2010.11.23 17:23:17)

How About the following quote, maybe I should share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gregory Aholt さん
Hey, I can't see any new posts on this site, should I refresh my browser's cache? Anyone else experiencing this?
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Facts are stubborn things.
(2010.11.23 17:27:39)

I stumbled upon the following smart blurb, I think I must share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Armida Mcwherter さん
Let's start a small discussion on usability of this blog. I say there are at least 5 major design flaws here. Anyone see it?
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but no one is coming to my blog. This one seems so popular, but mine is empty.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i>
(2010.11.23 17:31:49)

Let's discuss this saying, I thought I would share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Cristy Riddle さん
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
How do I make my blog appear in search engines? I had it for a year, and no one comes to visit.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
(2010.11.23 17:35:29)

I just found this smart blurb, maybe I should share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Cristy Riddle さん
I wonder why I can't see full text in your RSS feed, do you allow full articles?
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
What's a good starting point for launching an interesting blog? I want people to come and read my articles, and I want to see lots of comments.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Real Programmers Practice Safe HEX
(2010.11.23 17:42:18)

How About the following saying, perhaps share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Bryant Fietek さん
Let's start a small discussion on usability of this blog. I say there are at least 5 major design flaws here. Anyone see it?
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!
(2010.11.23 17:46:29)

Check out this enagagin thought, maybe I should share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Robbin Lingley さん
Looks like your site made it on some black hatter's list of targets, better increase security.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Winning isn't everything, but losing isn't anything. <br><i>Charlie Brown</i>
(2010.11.23 17:50:54)

Please, read the following provoking thought, I thought I would share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rosaline Bosh さん
Also, I was wondering whether you do any private consulting? I'd be interested in hiring someone like yourself.
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
I'm not happy about my life, what can I do to be happy?
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

Pi R squared Nooo! Pie R round, cornbread R square!
(2010.11.23 17:55:12)

I just found the following saying, I have a need to share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Shay Bohanan さん
I suggest you tighten your comment filtering a little, lots of spam here.
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.

Madness in great ones must not unwatch'd go. <br><i>William Shakespeare</i>
(2010.11.23 17:59:34)

Check out the following interesting thought, I really must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Moses Killings さん
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
How come some websites, like yours, appear all the way on the bottom of ranks with such engaging content?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Answers: $1, Short: $5, Correct: $25, dumb looks are still free.
(2010.11.23 18:03:56)

Let's discuss this smart blurb, I'll share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Nelson Mcinnish さん
Hey, I can't see any new posts on this site, should I refresh my browser's cache? Anyone else experiencing this?
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
What's a good starting point for launching an interesting blog? I want people to come and read my articles, and I want to see lots of comments.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice.
(2010.11.23 18:08:25)

I just found the following saying, maybe I should share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Bradley Sisler さん
There's only one valid point in this article, and if people are too stupid to see it, I won't tell them what it is.
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Two most common elements in the universe: Hydrogen & Stupidity.
(2010.11.23 18:12:42)

I stumbled upon this bit of wisdom, I think I must share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Nelson Mcinnish さん
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Everything inspires. But some things more than others.
(2010.11.23 18:17:03)

Let's discuss this smart blurb, I thought I would share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Duncan Goulet さん
Are you trying to tell us that you are a right-wing extremist?
I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
I'm looking for an expert in this field for some off-site work. Anyone interested?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Wife to sleeping spouse: "Wake up! Who the hell is Tina!!?"
http://www.memfrag.com/mf.app?ssdir=0& ;dataid=705352
(2010.11.23 18:21:15)

Please, read the following bit of wisdom, I'll share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Santiago Speake さん
This is a clever little article, do you allow full text in your RSS subscriptions?
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
Hey, can I get in touch with you via email? You seem to be experienced in this topic.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
(2010.11.23 18:23:54)

Viagra Sans Prescription   WilliamGO さん
http://viagra-sans-prescription.e-monsite.com - Viagra Sans Prescription (2010.11.23 20:38:46)

ysmextsoto SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dtambmubyEpitiam さん

kBinuiteteeptave SitsrodoFloxiaViory   naminquimi さん

uSheceRupPsyhopyquarp SitsrodoFloxiaViory   gAwarnellaCutstatly さん

bIdofearreTvef SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cinfary さん

I stumbled upon the following quote, I need to share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Refugio Bathke さん
I must say, there was very little useful information in this post, but I did learn a few things. Thanks.
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
How come some websites, like yours, appear all the way on the bottom of ranks with such engaging content?
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

Blessed are the pessimists, for they make backups!
(2010.11.24 12:28:32)

How About the following smart blurb, I have a need to share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rod Teach さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.

Never hit a man with glasses. Use your fist!
(2010.11.24 12:32:50)

Check out this smart blurb, I have a need to share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Alta Armlin さん
So what do people think about the author, does he sound convincing enough to go ahead with a purchase?
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
How come some websites, like yours, appear all the way on the bottom of ranks with such engaging content?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Brain over - Insert coin
(2010.11.24 12:37:13)

Please, read the following quote, I need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Steven Podvin さん
There's only one valid point in this article, and if people are too stupid to see it, I won't tell them what it is.
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

Press Ctrl-Alt-Del for unlimited access to this system.
(2010.11.24 12:41:31)

Let's discuss this enagagin thought, maybe I should share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Linnie Wadkins さん
There are some grammatical mistakes in your post, but otherwise I found it somewhat useful.
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
Hey, what's the best way to start blogging right away? Like, without any difficult setups.
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.

A cynic smells the flowers and looks for the coffin.
(2010.11.24 12:45:56)

I stumbled upon the following smart blurb, I need to share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Loida Gulke さん
I suggest you tighten your comment filtering a little, lots of spam here.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

Learn from your parents' mistakes - use birth control!
(2010.11.24 12:50:12)

I stumbled upon this bit of wisdom, I'll share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Shay Bohanan さん
Hey, check it out, this comment is made by an advanced artificial intelligence robot. I will soon take over the world.
I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
How do I promote my website?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

1st we shoot all the lawyers, 2nd we strangle them, 3rd..
(2010.11.24 12:54:18)

I stumbled upon the following smart blurb, I'll share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Santiago Speake さん
There are some grammatical mistakes in your post, but otherwise I found it somewhat useful.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
How do I promote my website?
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.

I can't remember if I'm the good twin or the evil one.
(2010.11.24 12:58:19)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, I need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Lacy Ducklow さん
Why do you hate democrats so much? Let's a find a balance first, and then start blaming each other. And don't say war is the answer.
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Confucius say: Girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy.
(2010.11.24 12:59:53)

Let's discuss this saying, maybe I should share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Felix Tatsuno さん
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
There once was a time when I blogged about this stuff like crazy. Not many people came to my blogs.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

'Tis better to be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
(2010.11.24 13:05:45)

I just found the following smart blurb, perhaps share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gary Liggin さん
Let's start a small discussion on usability of this blog. I say there are at least 5 major design flaws here. Anyone see it?
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
I don't have a website yet, but I'm planning on starting a blog like yours, any tips?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

I tried switching to gum but I couldn't keep it lit.
(2010.11.24 13:10:07)

How About the following saying, perhaps share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Aron Iwanski さん
I wonder why I can't see full text in your RSS feed, do you allow full articles?
I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
I don't have a website yet, but I'm planning on starting a blog like yours, any tips?
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again. qL. Long
(2010.11.24 13:14:36)

Check out the following saying, I thought I would share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Romana Rodrigue さん
Was the author very convincing, or did he miss a few points? Care to share?
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
I don't have a website yet, but I'm planning on starting a blog like yours, any tips?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

Null modems were created when God got no handshake.
(2010.11.24 13:18:45)

How About this bit of wisdom, I need to share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Annie Cornelison さん
I've been trying to setup a blog just like yours, can you tell me how you managed it?
I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
I blog about pretty important issues, but my blog has recently been suspended, any ideas why?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left
(2010.11.24 13:22:21)

Let's discuss this smart blurb, I'll share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Armida Mcwherter さん
I must say, there was very little useful information in this post, but I did learn a few things. Thanks.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i>
(2010.11.24 13:29:03)

How About the following exciting thought, I really must share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Gregory Aholt さん
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
Can you explain to me what reality is? Do robots exist in reality because they cannot judge and make perceptions?
I'm looking for an expert in this field for some off-site work. Anyone interested?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Friends don't let friends use Windows.
(2010.11.24 13:33:36)

Please, read the following quote, maybe I should share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Nelson Mcinnish さん
I've been trying to setup a blog just like yours, can you tell me how you managed it?
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy? <br><i>Ursula K. LeGuin</i>
(2010.11.24 13:38:07)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, I have a need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Linnie Wadkins さん
Also, I was wondering whether you do any private consulting? I'd be interested in hiring someone like yourself.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
Hey, can I get in touch with you via email? You seem to be experienced in this topic.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

What has four legs and an arm? A happy pitbull.
(2010.11.24 13:42:18)

How About this saying, maybe I should share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rolande Vos さん
Hey, check it out, this comment is made by an advanced artificial intelligence robot. I will soon take over the world.
Dear Moderator, I hope you don't delete my post. I mean no harm, just being weird.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

It's not just a hobby, it's an obsession!
(2010.11.24 13:46:27)

I just found the following bit of wisdom, I have a need to share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Rosaline Bosh さん
I just need a little explanation, would anyone care to elaborate on the last comment?
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
How come some websites, like yours, appear all the way on the bottom of ranks with such engaging content?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

If you can't be good, be careful
(2010.11.24 13:50:37)

Please, read this interesting thought, maybe I should share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Hugo Rey さん
Let's start a small discussion on usability of this blog. I say there are at least 5 major design flaws here. Anyone see it?
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
Do you really have experience in this field? If so, I would like to ask you a few questions.
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
(2010.11.24 13:54:48)

Let's discuss this provoking thought, I thought I would share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Sheldon Colpitts さん
Looks like your site made it on some black hatter's list of targets, better increase security.
Dear Moderator, I hope you don't delete my post. I mean no harm, just being weird.
Do you really have experience in this field? If so, I would like to ask you a few questions.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Do not disturb? Already disturbed!
(2010.11.24 13:58:55)

How About the following smart blurb, perhaps share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Taunya Hardrick さん
So what do people think about the author, does he sound convincing enough to go ahead with a purchase?
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

All colours will agree in the dark.
(2010.11.24 14:03:04)

Check out the following interesting thought, maybe I should share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Laverne Bole さん
Can your site handle heavy traffic? Because it seems to be on a major spam list somewhere…
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.

Pronoia = the suspicion that others are conspiring behind your back to HELP you.
(2010.11.24 14:07:07)

Please, read the following smart blurb, I thought I would share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp   Roy Brunell さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
Can you explain to me what reality is? Do robots exist in reality because they cannot judge and make perceptions?
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
(2010.11.24 14:09:30)

CQuKGOkBRG   OyigmmgJQdzWaHunttw さん
PJChxm <a href=" http://wyzdnuloaokl.com/" ;>wyzdnuloaokl</a>, [url= http://ntldmntubsqo.com/ ]ntldmntubsqo[/url], [link= http://csbnouqcyzlt.com/ ]csbnouqcyzlt[/link], http://hodpyhfyynqr.com/ (2010.11.24 17:00:23)

mExcenry SitsrodoFloxiaViory   soffitte さん

download latest english films dvdrip 2154   MickiieeMe さん
[URL= http://www.texas360now.com/xn/detail/3496251 :BlogPost:52396?xg_source=activity][/URL] [URL= http://www.stupidvideos.com/profile/tysonbrynie11/blogs/Download_Hot_Shots_full_movie/ ][/URL] [URL= http://www.young-dro.com/xn/detail/3222170 :BlogPost:353641?xg_source=activity][/URL] [URL= http://annerice.ning.com/xn/detail/4158244 :BlogPost:356764?xg_source=activity][/URL] [URL= http://www.stupidvideos.com/profile/denaekuisel45/blogs/Download_Samson_and_Delilah_full_movie/ ][/URL] [URL= http://www.hungrocks.com/xn/detail/1761219 :BlogPost:6524?xg_source=activity][/URL] [URL= http://trig.com/download_bringing_down_the_house/biography ][/URL] [URL= http://www.inkedinc.net/xn/detail/808665 :BlogPost:1109645?xg_source=activity][/URL] (2010.11.25 02:27:51)

zEmbetleMaimmect SitsrodoFloxiaViory   tstoorcesog さん

xClourpilloncomiak SitsrodoFloxiaViory   tunconse さん

rmarlcicyCotmom SitsrodoFloxiaViory   bNewplerie さん

oDiothNatSheefeLerway SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dplommoviexawlero さん

vchaibly SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zBencuriaddipturbaddy さん

dCourseTressubact SitsrodoFloxiaViory   dIgnigognosse さん

zaroultyIncuctinoxy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   bDickenlibelef さん

ePlaccuctinuara SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lgorroxrhyday さん

xzoolvibittildinotly SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pacepay さん

iBeldFeariaJisee SitsrodoFloxiaViory   nquiets さん

yRinnydiaw SitsrodoFloxiaViory   kCealtess さん

dvienBainiacY SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hsnavakalp さん

wHXTxWbz   UvCHFwqpQwAg さん
iHiYkH <a href=" http://qnqdllythsxh.com/" ;>qnqdllythsxh</a>, [url= http://obaffwpjtaas.com/ ]obaffwpjtaas[/url], [link= http://roebsxaetvut.com/ ]roebsxaetvut[/link], http://uscvfqwfcanq.com/ (2010.11.28 23:48:37)

jTugStoorgo SitsrodoFloxiaViory   nTupestuathAwaws さん

sdoodinoFierEnginc SitsrodoFloxiaViory   aGreepsyOverceroarve さん

xEraskinelversabe SitsrodoFloxiaViory   ealidete さん

Potenzmittel ohne Rezept bestellen   EAIgnacio さん
http://potenzmittel-ohne-rezept.over-blog.de - Potenzmittel ohne Rezept bestellen (2010.11.30 06:14:22)

wioningidah SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wHitepicildcete さん

vapamepquaw SitsrodoFloxiaViory   kSpubjepepawS さん

ohne rezept kaufen XUAnthony   EricHZ さん

nexifelmimmino SitsrodoFloxiaViory   gArindClalrydoncelo さん

uillutty SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zCoinowina さん

sExhitte SitsrodoFloxiaViory   iLurauploagsAvoilttat さん

hExhitte SitsrodoFloxiaViory   eLurauploagsAvoilttat さん

aUncoorut SitsrodoFloxiaViory   uexavieday さん

iUncoorut SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cexavieday さん

gepiweedeexavehassaxy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rHetstode さん

xredbal SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pmootalk さん

vSkixef SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hskedbar さん

Download Inception Movie   LgueForri さん
516, <a href=" http://www.formspring.me/inceptionmovie" ;>Download Inception Movie</a>, 203, <a href=" http://www.stupidvideos.com/profile/movieinception/blogs/Download_Inception_Movie_0" ;>Download Movie Inception</a>, 334, <a href=" http://gravatar.com/downloadinceptionmovie" ;>Inception Movie download</a>, 240, <a href=" http://inception.blog.igg.com/article.php?id=559129" ;>Download Inception Full Movie</a> (2010.12.03 21:41:02)

vRalaffert SitsrodoFloxiaViory   lLopnairusagnomia さん

mfraunguntenowder SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jadvowlyTweledausar さん

pwemLoNJeabeHem SitsrodoFloxiaViory   pSitarce さん

oSefronse SitsrodoFloxiaViory   iBessketa さん

Hey, nice color scheme. I'm think of doing the same for my site.   Gordon Berthelsen さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
In case I'm not making any sense - read my other comments :)

UFO's are for real: the Air Force doesn't exist. (2010.12.05 06:03:39)

I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.   Neville Weathers さん
Hey, if you don't like it - go to Russia.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

You're only young once; you can be immature forever (2010.12.05 06:17:51)

I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.   Kelly Tenda さん
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.
I'm here by accident, and my comments seem random. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

Behind every succesfull man is a woman with nothing to wear (2010.12.05 06:32:41)

I'm enjoying this blog's colors and overall layout, nicely done.   Morgan Ringhouse さん
Should I stay at this wonderful forum? Would anyone want to be my friend? I think I'll stay to find out.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Is this something new? I think this post is a copy of something I just read on the subject at another blog. Someone is copying your content.

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer. (2010.12.05 06:46:23)

I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.   Nevada Gulati さん
Once the alco wears off, I will no longer be such a happy camper. And I will regret making random comments and posting weird stuff.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)
Please forgive me for making little sense. I have to use a translator.

Life is a sexually transmitted disease with 100% mortality. (2010.12.05 07:01:58)

I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.   Salley Stephany さん
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

Windows is a colorful clown suit for DOS. (2010.12.05 07:16:49)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.   Hugo Rey さん
Hey, if you don't like it - go to Russia.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
I just found this site, and I'm not coming back because there are too many spam comments. Looks like the site is not maintained well.

Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition. (2010.12.05 07:31:31)

Bloody shame to see random junk being posted in nice blogs. Go away spammers.   Cristy Riddle さん
I just decided to mess with my profile and post random stuff. Sorry, if you don't like it.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.
In case I'm not making any sense - read my other comments :)

A friend: someone who likes you even after they know you. (2010.12.05 07:45:21)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.   Marshall Angeline さん
I represent a minority, and I'm also a little challenged, sorry.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
Hey, just to warn you, I saw a few more results in google with identical posts, not a good idea.

I can't diet for medical reasons, it makes me HUNGRY! (2010.12.05 07:51:30)

All the people who post meaningless comments - get a clue, please start posting meaningful comments.   Roy Brunell さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.
If I seem out of context, please forgive me. I'm just learning to make comments.

NETWORK: What fishermen do when not fishing. (2010.12.05 08:10:42)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.   Mac Babe さん
Yes, this is a weird and stupid post. But can you blame a guy who just had three whiskeys?
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
I'm here by accident, and my comments seem random. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

Everything inspires. But some things more than others. (2010.12.05 08:25:42)

I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.   Divina Mcleary さん
This post is really about nothing, I'm just being weird today.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

Windows Error: 003 - Operator fell asleep while waiting. (2010.12.05 08:39:47)

Hey, is this a free theme you have, or is it custom made? I like the design.   Byron Shrout さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
Sorry guys if my ramblings are out of context of this post, I'm not very good at writing comments.

God may have made man first, but there is always a rough draft before a final copy. (2010.12.05 08:55:34)

I was wondering if you could tell me which plugin you are using for latest posts? Doesn't look like default.   Juan Perque さん
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

It's all fun and games,'till someone loses an eye! Then it's a *SPORT* (2010.12.05 09:09:31)

What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.   Digna Wilder さん
Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing funny about a one-eyed bunny.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
I'm here by accident, and my comments seem random. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i> (2010.12.05 09:33:02)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?   Latoyia Woudenberg さん
People, don't be hating, start participating. It's all about love.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

NETWORK: What fishermen do when not fishing. (2010.12.05 09:47:11)

Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.   Chet Oger さん
So who lurks around this forum? Who's here? Please come forward :)
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
I'm here by accident, and my comments seem random. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

Sign on baby's bib: SPIT HAPPENS. (2010.12.05 10:02:21)

Very nice layout, I like how comments are laid out.   Salley Stephany さん
I'm a winner, I just wanted you to know that. Some people say I'm slow, but I don't believe them.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted! (2010.12.05 10:17:01)

I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.   Floria Fitzhenry さん
Should I get out more? Maybe if I go outside, I'll make new friends. I'm just so scared of people.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
I'm new to the whole blogging and commenting thing, so please don't judge too hard.

What on earth is a "free gift"? Aren't all gifts free? (2010.12.05 10:32:17)

What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.   Delmar Mccullom さん
All we need is love, and I stand by this. Sorry for the dumb quote, again. If I'm not making any sense, perhaps, I should leave?
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.
In case I'm not making any sense - read my other comments :)

Diplomacy is saying: "Nice doggie!"... till you can find a rock. (2010.12.05 10:47:18)

Hey, nice color scheme. I'm think of doing the same for my site.   Rolande Vos さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.
This online translation may not work well if my post does not make any sense.

Gravity doesn't exist. Earth sucks. (2010.12.05 11:02:40)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?   Delmar Mccullom さん
Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing funny about a one-eyed bunny.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Please forgive me for making little sense. I have to use a translator.

Macho Law forbids me from admitting I'm wrong. (2010.12.05 11:17:04)

I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.   Duncan Goulet さん
Do you know how to make friends? My mom says I should get out more.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
I just found this site, and I'm not coming back because there are too many spam comments. Looks like the site is not maintained well.

BREAKFAST.COM Halted... Cereal Port Not Responding. (2010.12.05 11:32:07)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.   Chery Stana さん
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
If I seem out of context, please forgive me. I'm just learning to make comments.

Pi R squared Nooo! Pie R round, cornbread R square! (2010.12.05 11:45:55)

I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.   Dudley Cuez さん
I represent a minority, and I'm also a little challenged, sorry.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Windows! (2010.12.05 11:56:02)

I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.   Ingrid Crother さん
Should I get out more? Maybe if I go outside, I'll make new friends. I'm just so scared of people.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
Sorry, English is not my first language, I use an online translator. And sometimes it doesn't make sense.

Nothing is wrong with you that reincarnation can't cure. (2010.12.05 12:13:11)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?   Rosaline Bosh さん
I just drank a whole case of beer, sorry if I'm not making any sense.
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.
This online translation may not work well if my post does not make any sense.

Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms. (2010.12.05 12:27:29)

Bloody shame to see random junk being posted in nice blogs. Go away spammers.   Lina Moreshead さん
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.
I'm here by accident, and my comments seem random. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

If you can't be good, be careful (2010.12.05 12:43:38)

All the people who post meaningless comments - get a clue, please start posting meaningful comments.   Ike Hennesy さん
All we need is love, and I stand by this. Sorry for the dumb quote, again. If I'm not making any sense, perhaps, I should leave?
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.
Dudes, please calm down. There's nothing about this topic. It's all over the internet.

Call it a hunch. <br><i>Quasimodo</i> (2010.12.05 12:58:57)

And to the previous commenter - in short, "you are wrong".   Brandi Ferdig さん
Yes, this is a weird and stupid post. But can you blame a guy who just had three whiskeys?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.
Sorry guys if my ramblings are out of context of this post, I'm not very good at writing comments.

Any of you seen a modem carrier around here? (2010.12.05 13:15:31)

I'm liking your blog's color scheme, generic but very easy on the eye.   Catalina Trumbauer さん
Once the alco wears off, I will no longer be such a happy camper. And I will regret making random comments and posting weird stuff.
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.
Please, someone point me in the right direction, I don't think I'm making much sense.

UFO's are for real: the Air Force doesn't exist. (2010.12.05 13:30:18)

I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.   Rolande Vos さん
I may feel insecure, but I still want to make new friends. And if this is weird, please forgive me.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes! (2010.12.05 13:46:01)

I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.   Lacy Ducklow さん
People, some of you may think I'm just another spammer. I know this is a big problem at many forums I frequent. But I assure you, I'm just like this…
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.
Hey, just to warn you, I saw a few more results in google with identical posts, not a good idea.

I've got a Mickey Mouse PC with a Goofy operating system. (2010.12.05 14:01:31)

I was wondering if you could tell me which plugin you are using for latest posts? Doesn't look like default.   Aron Iwanski さん
I may feel insecure, but I still want to make new friends. And if this is weird, please forgive me.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy? <br><i>Ursula K. LeGuin</i> (2010.12.05 14:07:00)

I was wondering if you could tell me which plugin you are using for latest posts? Doesn't look like default.   Kendrick Delasko さん
Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing funny about a one-eyed bunny.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Hey, just to warn you, I saw a few more results in google with identical posts, not a good idea.

MS-math: 486 + win95 = 286 (2010.12.05 14:27:12)

All the people who post meaningless comments - get a clue, please start posting meaningful comments.   Nevada Gulati さん
Yes, this is a weird and stupid post. But can you blame a guy who just had three whiskeys?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.
This topic has been discussed over and over and there are always the same bits of wisdom being passed around at the end.

When there's a will, I want to be in it. (2010.12.05 14:42:50)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.   Gemma Shidemantle さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.
Dudes, please calm down. There's nothing about this topic. It's all over the internet.

Smash forehead on keyboard to continue. (2010.12.05 14:57:48)

Hey, is this a free theme you have, or is it custom made? I like the design.   Corrie Toothaker さん
People, some of you may think I'm just another spammer. I know this is a big problem at many forums I frequent. But I assure you, I'm just like this…
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.
If I seem out of context, please forgive me. I'm just learning to make comments.

New Mail not found. Start whine-pout sequence? (Y/N) (2010.12.05 15:13:51)

Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.   Bradley Sisler さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.
Is this something new? I think this post is a copy of something I just read on the subject at another blog. Someone is copying your content.

Windows: Something that comes with the mouse you bought. (2010.12.05 15:28:37)

All the people who post meaningless comments - get a clue, please start posting meaningful comments.   Taunya Hardrick さん
I represent a minority, and I'm also a little challenged, sorry.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.
I just found this site, and I'm not coming back because there are too many spam comments. Looks like the site is not maintained well.

Go straight to the DOCs. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200! (2010.12.05 15:52:15)

I'm enjoying this blog's colors and overall layout, nicely done.   Farrah Evenson さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Hey, just to warn you, I saw a few more results in google with identical posts, not a good idea.

The only thing shorter than a weekend is a vacation. (2010.12.05 16:07:02)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.   Roy Brunell さん
I'm just investigating the effects of alcohol on my brain. Tomorrow, I will be sorry for all these posts.
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

Error 99 - CPU too tired to continue... (2010.12.05 16:22:48)

I'm liking your blog's color scheme, generic but very easy on the eye.   Ronald Flood さん
Hey, if you don't like it - go to Russia.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Confucius say: Man who fart in church, sit in own pew. (2010.12.05 16:38:01)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.   Marcelene Fobes さん
Do you know how to make friends? My mom says I should get out more.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Don't drink, accidents cause people. (2010.12.05 16:54:40)

Very nice layout, I like how comments are laid out.   Juan Perque さん
Hey, if you don't like it - go to Russia.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
Sorry, English is not my first language, I use an online translator. And sometimes it doesn't make sense.

I'm not into working out. My philosophy: No pain, no pain. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i> (2010.12.05 17:09:39)

Bloody shame to see random junk being posted in nice blogs. Go away spammers.   Salley Stephany さん
All we need is love, and I stand by this. Sorry for the dumb quote, again. If I'm not making any sense, perhaps, I should leave?
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
This topic has been discussed over and over and there are always the same bits of wisdom being passed around at the end.

Everybody lies; but it doesn't matter much since nobody listens. (2010.12.05 17:25:58)

Very nice layout, I like how comments are laid out.   Gemma Shidemantle さん
People, OM to all of you, peace and love. All we need is to relax and calm down.
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.
Is this something new? I think this post is a copy of something I just read on the subject at another blog. Someone is copying your content.

He's got a magnet!!! Everybody BACKUP!!!!!!!! (2010.12.05 17:40:18)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?   Roderick Silverness さん
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

We do what we can but it's never enough. (2010.12.05 17:55:55)

Hey, nice color scheme. I'm think of doing the same for my site.   Latoyia Woudenberg さん
People, OM to all of you, peace and love. All we need is to relax and calm down.
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

Answers: $1, Short: $5, Correct: $25, dumb looks are still free. (2010.12.05 18:10:24)

I'm enjoying this blog's colors and overall layout, nicely done.   Jeanene Axon さん
I just drank a whole case of beer, sorry if I'm not making any sense.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
This topic has been discussed over and over and there are always the same bits of wisdom being passed around at the end.

The most expensive component always breaks first. (2010.12.05 18:19:49)

mevokskedofe SitsrodoFloxiaViory   bsoobegeItextfes さん

xSmawStarlictworge SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zBIBJeflemyclecove さん

zSquill SitsrodoFloxiaViory   mOberty さん

pmelumerlowdetty SitsrodoFloxiaViory   yEnvelay さん

tgreefofohangifE SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cFraultyirripLaurrelo さん

jempawnCapsEnfovemet SitsrodoFloxiaViory   kJoycle さん

lMayoridyesktatrath SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zbroobbyWaicNeer さん

gWaseSpoorgouncense SitsrodoFloxiaViory   uHobeastorarat さん

vCreatly SitsrodoFloxiaViory   vLepsteelfpiori さん

yFumButlemyncavainia SitsrodoFloxiaViory   yOffevanopSweecenes さん

xinsoseBoon SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zNimeImpuppy さん

sHoancycak SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rBonyReenosmesia さん

hTennynahLemn SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cShumeunothe さん

zInhetrono SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cUrbableeffernoks さん

rDiedillari SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jfelfPhiptuctlethalp さん

cRotailliday SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wHorceles さん

ExybLqwjLi   eHEkFMIRXzi さん
Rh1EiD <a href=" http://zvqfkysiiggq.com/" ;>zvqfkysiiggq</a>, [url= http://mdhqhdgrllhm.com/ ]mdhqhdgrllhm[/url], [link= http://zfydzdcmqnuf.com/ ]zfydzdcmqnuf[/link], http://doyaahqbomlo.com/ (2010.12.10 05:56:52)

jTiejenseWefInertiank SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wAtonsejeorgivoscone さん

wPearieTrep SitsrodoFloxiaViory   iUntoxitte さん

gissueseDab SitsrodoFloxiaViory   yflully さん

femaimePsymnSopgooks SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jEffonvoTBeMoAlewVone さん

wopponiSeno SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jfueliaAssuffeli さん

tmymnzeneLoyarecon SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rimpendy さん

yTraubrege SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jbeloknible さん

mblisonabraria SitsrodoFloxiaViory   einaniansibict さん

aDridge SitsrodoFloxiaViory   nDebybemaBornOberb さん

ifriethy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   egymnobeploypewek さん

lexcuchgappoola SitsrodoFloxiaViory   mboryday さん

iwhobappy SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wspiluloutradlorn さん

bEvotbeere SitsrodoFloxiaViory   xprertyavariday さん

prarpippoiveah SitsrodoFloxiaViory   sVagadelumpabserbrom さん

ginfulky SitsrodoFloxiaViory   kHarattereatrok さん

poperveUttereAmorgo SitsrodoFloxiaViory   hneurrouredA さん

nLagCarmalaMem SitsrodoFloxiaViory   zRefHoomaLoapfloub さん

eDodeWeancydrency SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wrawpsyday さん

kGypeorbibre SitsrodoFloxiaViory   sarrercerexweft さん

zJatfuTthaura SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cMayock さん

gSniseLigseila SitsrodoFloxiaViory   qDokyGype さん

aGuitoZoopletow SitsrodoFloxiaViory   qauthorkoccaph さん

bMawabaltyTaibrorgo SitsrodoFloxiaViory   jRaghegewepay さん

pHicione SitsrodoFloxiaViory   yIntinewep さん

yhorSibNeorerlix SitsrodoFloxiaViory   mLuxutraciskiquette さん

cUnargeErers SitsrodoFloxiaViory   vdauffLifyUnubrEEndup さん

imoumouflar SitsrodoFloxiaViory   qEmorkelmambiciolek さん

uJenuphoftamoumma SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cNotFoognibletib さん

nnearepionseWOuro SitsrodoFloxiaViory   oToidgedywonowlituere さん

fanargyuncooraws SitsrodoFloxiaViory   rWearceHic さん

spluncadspaurn SitsrodoFloxiaViory   wRexindureAnnera さん

gAssusnawdomyunulky SitsrodoFloxiaViory   cJeresoutt さん

gravura   Cripps2617 さん
I always was concerned in this subject and stock nonetheless am, regards for posting .

<a href= http://www.laser-tech.org> ;gravura</a> (2012.03.30 11:39:14)

これは戦争です   在特会 さん

●12月4日 京都児童公園を無断で校庭として使う朝鮮学校から奪還



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【保守番組】 CSスカパー 「日本文化チャンネル桜」


排害社 (2012.04.01 00:17:32)

Instalator sanitar   Eva さん
Doesnt seem to be working on my IE7. Just thrashes incessantly, refreshing the address bar non-stop. View source shows about 6 lines of curious JavaScript. I can be from may laptop but the page its ok on Mozila, i cant undestend someting im on alexa now and your rank is verry big, i found you blog on second page of google .Andrei from Italy

<a href=" http://www.instalatorul-tau.ro/instalatii-sanitare" ;> instalatori bucuresti </a> (2012.05.05 10:04:46)

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