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Happy Rich - 我、今、ここに、生きる -

Happy Rich - 我、今、ここに、生きる -

いいね! --/--





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Hi Mike,

I will let you know about my concern on my experience with our company.

So far, we went through all the process in which we have to follow.

But, unfortunately, it seems to be failed.

The main reason why it failed is that we didn't know the system as you know.

But, the secondary reason is the people.

As of today, I have no confidence to invite anyone into our company based on my experience with this situation.

I need to have a confidence before I invite or recruit anyone else to work with us.

As you may know, we, me and you, followed the MCS as much as we can, and still felt something may happen.

And It happened.

This indicated me that something is wrong, either our action and/or something else.

But, I could not find any mistake in my action.

That means that something is still wrong or not working properly within this company or system.

When I started this application, I expected that some problem may happen, and thus, I continuously contacted with you as well as Bill.

Everytime I talked with him (not you), he told me everything is Okey, even I didn't feel that way without any concrete reason.

Then, it failed. (at least, faild to meet with our goal which is the closing on the target date.)

I feel, he is nice guy, as you know. But, unfortunately, he is not the person to work with.

He supposed to be the cordinator for my loan application.

Even with my several call to him, he never call me back even it comes to final stage with many unsolved problems.

Is he Loan Cordinator?

If so, what is the responsibilty of Loan cordinator?

Is the responsibility to keep silent untill it completely failed?

I still don't know this is the system problem or peoples problem.

But I can say

" Something Wrong !!! "

That is why I can not have a certain confidence on our company, and it is not good for me as well as you, I believe.

Is there anything we can do for this concern?

Thnak you for your support, and I really appreciated.



Last updated  2007.01.19 10:00:29
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