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坐禅の十徳(Ten Merits of Zazen)

・邪念が起こらぬ(Through Zazen, we can clear ourselves of wicked thoughts.)
・慈悲心が起こる(Through Zazen, we can actualise our internal benevolent heart.)
・外誘を受けぬ(Through Zazen, we can overcome external temptations.)
・物に拘わらぬ(Through Zazen, we can release ourselves from deep attachment to things.)
・智慧が出る(Through Zazen, we can realize our inner wisdom.)
・五官(眼・耳・鼻・舌・皮膚の五つの感覚)が静まる(Through Zazen, we can keep calm the five organs of our sense.)
・忍耐力が出る(Through Zazen, we can cultivate our perseverance.)
・心が清くなる(Through Zazen, we can purify our heart.)
・物に驚かぬ(Through Zazen, we can keep our composure in everything.)
・信仰が深まる(Through Zazen, we can deepen our faith.)

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