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Apr 9, 2008
カテゴリ:English only

080330角上リニューアル☆入ってスグ! 080330角上リニューアル☆フライだよフライ

080330角上リニューアル☆一番楽しい鮮魚コーナー♪ 0890330角上リニューアル☆干物!

Seafood Paradise!

Ever since my hubby and I moved in together, we've been going to this store once a week to get all kinda seafood. They even make their own sushi, sashimi, and do wonders with seafood! They also sell whole fish, fillet, crabs, shrimps, seaweeds, you name it, it's there, and it's always good! What's cool is that they also sell fresh veggies right next door. What's even cooler is that they are cheaper than local supermarkets!

What's coolest about going to this place is that I get to eat good fish and veggies all week long! I can marinade boiled squid/octopus (lasts 2-3 days) and freeze the rest (see some of the stuff I cooked?).

My friends in CA and Vegas don't know seafood lover side of me 'cause I don't eat it in the States unless I know I can trust the restaurant/store. Why? It sucks hard when you wake up in the middle of the night with hives all the freakin over the body!!! Tokyo is one of the worst place to eat fish in Japan and without this store, I my meals will be meat-centric, my veins will be clogged by cholesterol...IOW, this store is my lifesaver!

080330角上リニューアル☆寿司だよ寿司! 080330角上リニューアル☆刺身コーナー!

! Like I told you HERE, I am not accepting comments that include "http://" to keep those frickin' spammers away! If you wanna give me a web address, be sure to delete "http://" before you post your responses!


Last updated  Apr 10, 2008 04:13:09 PM
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