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My Online Journeys

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WordPress is a part of web literacy

As I mentioned in ​my first post,​ blogging was one of the crucial parts of my online presence (shall I say popularity?), but due to almost no experience, limited resources, and unpredictable results, I decided to use only free blogging services. Blog.com from my first attempt gave me some experience and showed me how to get involved in the blogosphere but there were no real results before the service sadly stopped working.

I have already tried two other free services, where I wrote in my native language (no, I won't share these addresses yet), and decided to open another blog while I was still waiting if my blog about fairy tales on blog.com will return to life.

This time I decided to open a blog with a much broader selection of themes.

While limitations bring some advances, they are still limitations. I also wanted to write about other stuff, not just about fairy tales. I learned a lot in my first months as an active user of the web and wanted to share my knowledge with the world .

The only question was which one of the free services should I use?

Having some bad experiences already 'the best free blogging service' was my initial search string and the results of my explorations were pretty obvious. There were only two contenders and I already tried both: wordpress.com and blogger.com.

While Blogger (soon changed into blogspot.com) was easier to use, WordPress still had a bit better reputation (it's still by far the most used platform for web pages on the planet).

WordPress has countless ( and growing ) ways of customization with gazillion add-ons that make it as useful as you want. Or, if I am honest, as you are capable to make use of. Of course not everything is free, but the free plan with free themes and free widgets, etc., and with a very easy and affordable option to upgrade your blog or website to a payable option (where you can monetize your blog's traffic with ads, stores, etc. ) WordPress looked to me a bit better, although it demand a longer learning curve than Blogger.

So I open this blog: Many Interesting Facts

My first post was a short extension of whey I decided to use WordPress. Of course, nobody read that. But the second post, which was still pretty close to my standard obsession with fairy tales, yet a bit out of the usual line gained some interest from the very beginning.

It is about werewolves.

I hoped the traffic world would grow from day to day because I was pretty proud of my writing ( still very bad English, I know, but hey, graphics are great anyway! ) and very disappointed when the next posts didn't achieve such'success ' (we are still talking about a few visitors per day ).

I was forced to learn a few new things about blogging:

- While more and more content ( posted regularly, if possible ) is good for every blog, the authority ( I will get to that moon enough ) of the blog is split into specific posts. For instance, if we compare authority with water and runners, you won't get the same drinking results with the one bottle of water given to one runner or the same mount of water for five runners. With twenty runners your bottle of water would be very close to non-existent and in my case, the traffic to the post about werewolves dropped.

-When you start a new blog, you typically get a specific subdomain in the format: subdomain.blogging-service.com, or in my case manyinterrsetingcase.wordpress.com. While the domain wordpress.com has huge popularity and authority, the authority of your subdomain starts with zero. You are a new guy and nobody knows you. You need to earn some respect. Something I already did in my time on blog.com, remember? When I commented on sexually relevant blogs dealing with fairy tales and related stuff what brought some comments to my posts and even an offer of guest posting?

-A blog about everything, like my first blog on WordPress in English, is less favored among search engines because they had way more trouble finding out what you are actually writing about than in my previous case where I intended to speak to a specific audience here very clear from very beginning.

To include: my traffic was bad and I had two obvious options.

1. I could write and write and write and hope something great will happen. Millions of bloggers do the same and they mostly fail. It would be too optimistic to exact even moderate success in such fierce competition.

2. I could spend some time promoting my blog, my work, and myself. This time would be sacrificed at the expense of writing. The dilemma was simple: writing full two hours or writing for one hour and promoting my content for the other hour.

Well, I am not sure if you already know my character enough to guess which option I chose.

It was the third option, of course. I will explain more in my third (mere coincidence, I assure you) post in this blog.

See you!


最終更新日  2024.04.27 17:05:30
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