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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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A Message from Mother Mary
【To the Ones on the Ground Amid the Approaching Natural Calamities】
4. Your Society Is Very Sick Indeed
When look out in the society, there are old people who are very lonely, the handicapped people who want to be helped, and more than that, there are the people who have had heart deceases or lost confidence in raising their children, the men and women called NEET who are suffering because of their inability to get back to the present society, the youngsters who could not find their own possibility in the decadent civilization and who commit suicide. Are there not so many people around you who are suffering and want your help?
From the pain of those people, from the suffering of those people, the other people are indifferent or, to say it more precisely, they are escaping and only indulging in living their own life based on their own instinct and desire. Isn’t this the present state of the people?
If you think those who save such people are only the special people such as some kind of social volunteers, government organization, or a part of Christian brothers and sisters, or some volunteers of Buddhism, the earth would be never saved and we could not make the earth a planet of love.
Please each of you look for what you can do by yourself.
Looking over the places where the flood has happened now in this way, or where the typhoon came, or looking over the other countries, there are many people who are poor and hungry, who have no food, who do not have even a well. If you look for even one of them, even one thing you can do for them, that which you can do will be coming out unlimitedly, even if you pass on your own idea and a little spare money to them.
If you cannot give money, you should be able to encourage those people by your tender words, or encouraging letters. With such words of yours, someone, by some chance, might stop himself or herself from committing suicide.
Through your time and capacity and energy you are possessing, I wish you not be indifferent to those who are now still waiting for what you can do, but I wish you extend a helping hand to them and fulfill their expectation.
Otherwise, no matter how much you have learned about love, no matter how much you have become clever hearing the spiritual messages, the world does not become better even a little with such things.
To place oneself in the circulation of love doesn’t mean to be in the circulation of love only by learning the love and stuffing it into one’s brain. Such things are no more than the thought of the self preservation after all.
When you actually hold out your hand filled with love, when you step out to the world even a step, that which is called your love makes others alive, saves others, purifies others into the original figure of the children of God, and you lit the flame of love as the children of God of that person, from your heart. That the light of the candle is lit means that the torch of love is brightened and the torch is being held up.
Without action, you cannot light the torch called love. Only through originality and ingenuity in your actual life, only through an overflowing concern with love to the others,
But your present society is sick. Why is that?
When people have started to forget to share love with others, they have become convinced that the ultimate target of life is that which is concluded within the self, and hence, they cannot get out of their own tiny and tiny world within their hard shell.
Conversely, humans have broken down the bridge and taken down the girders that should bridge them over to the world normally and healthfully. And besides that, they have forgotten even how to set up a bridge.
And in their own minds, things cannot be thought within their own world, such as thinking about a fatal illness, and human relation with others is feared and denied. Such ill personalities have occurred in the world a lot. When materialism and self-preservation have progressed ultimately, such phenomena of mental illness occur.
When people have forgot the fighting spirits of men filled with the sense of responsibility that they are going to make the world better and evolve even a little by fighting through their whole lives while sacrificing their lives, the phenomena called “social withdrawal” occurs, which typifies contemporary youngsters.
Mother Mary
Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Truth of Fatima”(Kindle)
Mother Mary
Mother Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. Since she was the mother of the Messiah, she is called the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ. It is said that although she was a virgin, she conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to him in a horse stable in Bethlehem.
She was a devout person and was always depicted as an obedient woman in the Holly Bible. She has been respected as a paragon of virtue of women in the Christian religion until today.
She denies her the Virgin Birth of Jesus in her channeling, however her modest attitude with full of love trying to convey God's thoughts to people on Earth in her easy words is exactly the same as that described in the Holly Bible.
She appeared actually in several places as Fatima in Portugal, Lourdes in France and Akita in Japan and other places in the world, and tried to avoid the upcoming natural disasters in the end of the twentieth century and unstable world situation, by preaching the importance of repentance and the end of the world.
Since the Cold War ended and the natural disasters did not occur, her appearance was a story of the past. However, in Lemuria Renaissance channeling, she disclosed her messages were for the people today.


最終更新日  2024年04月18日 07時05分03秒
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