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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

いいね! --/--












ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…




The Rise and Fall of Earth Civilizations
11. the civilization of Lemuria

The stage for the civilization of the senses is the continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean.

At first, Zeus descended to teach mankind the wonders of the arts. Zeus, born on earth, demonstrated his genius in every field of art: painting, music, literature, sculpture, and architecture.

He said, "Art does not become a great work of art by merely trying to master only one field of art. Art is one of the expressive forms of God's love. It is about catching the light of God and expressing it.

People began to find the joy of life in art. At this time, Zeus' life was almost exactly as planned.

Next it was Manu's turn. Fifteen thousand years after Zeus, Manu was to be born. Before Manu was born on earth, he made elaborate plans. He hoped to realize his ideal on earth. This ideal was to introduce the principle of competition in the field of the arts and to realize the unity of the priestly government.

Specifically, he divided the arts into the fields of painting, music, literature, sculpture, and architecture and had them compete against each other, with the group that produced the greatest work of art being given the political power for the next three years. Zeus, from the ninth dimension, also promised to cooperate in that direction.

It is not so easy to judge which work of art is the best among the different fields. It is not for earthly beings to decide, Manu thought. Therefore, he decided to decide by an oracle in the heavenly realm. The question is who should be the recipient of the oracle on earth. Obviously, not just anyone can receive the oracle.

Manu was then destined to be born heir to a royal family. It was the rule at the time that a woman born into a royal family would serve as a priestess for generations to come.

As a priestess, the person Manu trusted the most was Amalie. Amalie was Manu's soul partner. Whenever she had been born on earth before, she was always born as her own partner on earth.

This time, because of the rule that a woman born into a royal family must be a priestess, and because of the concern that even if Manu planned to marry Amalie, he was not sure if he could do so on earth, he decided to bring Amalie to earth as his sister. Amalie, before she was even born, was fully convinced of this and promised to cooperate.

(From "Gaia Reimei: How the Living and Conscious Earth Was Born")


最終更新日  2024年05月21日 07時05分02秒
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