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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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The Rise and Fall of Earth Civilization
12. flowering of spirituality

When Manu was born on earth and became king, as he had planned himself, he held artistic competitions every three years and conducted a ritualistic government. Amalie was born on earth, and from the age of nine she was assigned to receive oracles as a priestess. Amalie's priestess abilities were outstanding, and she was able to receive various oracles in addition to the oracles that determined the excellence of works of art. Amazingly, she was even able to act as a contactee with the aliens.

The Lemurian era is recognized by the aliens of the Space Alliance as the most advanced civilization on earth. They believe that the people of Earth have not yet reached the level of that era. It is not simply a matter of scientific and technological development. In terms of science and technology, the present civilization and the Atlantis civilization are more advanced than the Lemurian civilization.

The point is not that, but how much the spirituality of the people has blossomed. It is also about how much they have let their divinity as the original children of God shine through. In this respect, it can be said that the Lemurian civilization showed that it is possible to approach God even through art.

It was also during the Lemurian period that pyramid power began to be used in earnest. Pyramids were used to draw cosmic energy and utilize it in various ways. The Lemurian period was the first period in which alien spacecraft of the Cosmic Union were able to appear and communicate with the people of Earth.

After the Manu period, the Lemurians came to colonize Mu. They brought people from the continent of Mu and other remote areas to Lemuria and treated them as slaves and subhuman. It gradually became established that they would entertain themselves with music and let the slaves do the labor. This was not what Zeus and Manu had planned. It was done as a result of the free will choice of the humans on earth.

In the end, the cloudiness of the Lemurian people's thoughts gradually accumulated, and one day, almost overnight, the Lemurian continent was submerged under the sea. The end was really very quick.

(From "Gaia Dawn: How the Living and Conscious Earth Was Born")


最終更新日  2024年05月21日 07時05分03秒
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