昨日から注視しているアメリカ合衆国発のニュースを、アメリカのTV各局のインターネットサイトをザッピングしながら視聴。この民主主義に対するファシズムの真っ向からの恐るべき襲撃事件から、私は非常に多くのことを学ぶだろう。大統領に煽動されてPro-Trump (トランプ贔屓)と称される人たちが、合衆国国会議事堂を襲撃し折しも開催中の連邦議会に乱入しての破壊暴行は、もう共和党と民主党との政治的主張の相違ではない。
I watched the news from the United States, which I
have been watching since yesterday, while zapping the
internet site of each american TV station.
I will learn a lot from this horrific assault of fascism
on against democracy. The president-inspired people
called Pro--Trump attacked the US Capitol and broke
into the ongoing federal parliament is no longer a
difference in political claims between the Republicans
and Democrats.
Leaders of each country have issued warning to the
United States of concern about democratic attacks
and destruction. I guess that Japanese leader will not
be able to make such a warning. This is because
Japanese leaders have ignored the Diet, which is
equivalent to the destruction of democracy, for two
Prior to above I entered the coloring of the first work
in 2021. But, I only partially painted the undercolor of
the first layer. If I do not precede that part, I will have a
hard time later. However, even with a partial under-
color, I feel that the energy to stably sustain the long
period toward completion springs deep into my body.
It's a faint feeling, but it's a nice feeling. I've been
drawing works for decades, but I'm still happy.
The work did not take a long time. After that I began
to watch US TV news.
Tadami Yamada