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September 6, 2013
  • 51SkR+OEMgL__AA200_.jpg

  • 61FWWSZ3XTL__AA200_.jpg

☆ジャニス・イアンの傑作アルバム『スターズ / STARS』からタイトルナンバー『スターズ』をジャニス・イアンの発表当時の貴重なライヴで、そしてフランスの人気シンガー、フランソワーズ・アルディがフランス語でカバーした『スターズ / STAR』です。



I was never one for singing
what I really feel
Except tonight, I'm bringing
everything I know that's real

Stars, they come and go
They come fast or slow
They go like the last light
of the sun, all in a blaze
and all you see is glory
But it gets lonely there
when there's no one here to share
We can shake it away
if you'll hear a story

People lust for fame
Like athletes in a game
we break our collarbones
and come up swinging
Some of us are downed
Some of us are crowned
and some are lost
and never found
But most have seen it all
They live their lives in
sad cafes and music halls
They always have a story

Some make it when they're young
before the world has
done its dirty job
and later on, someone will say
"You've had your day
You must make way"
But they'll never know the pain
of living with a name you never owned
or the many years forgetting
what you know too well

The ones who gave the crown
have been let down
You try to make amends
without defending

Perhaps pretending
you never saw the eyes
of grown men of twenty five
that followed as you walked
and asked for autographs
or kissed you on the cheek
and you never could believe
they really loved you

Some make it when they're old
(Perhaps they have a soul
they're not afraid to bare
Or perhaps there's nothing there)

Some women have a body
men will want to see,
so they put it on display
Some people play a fine guitar
I could listen to them
play all day
Some ladies really
move across a stage
and gee, they sure can dance
I guess I could learn how
if I have it half a chance

but I always feel so funny
when my body tries to soar
and I seem to always worry
about missing the next chord

I guess there isn't anything
to put up on display
except the tunes
and whatever else I say
Anyway, that isn't really
what I meant to say
I meant to tell a story
I live from day to day

Stars, they come and go
They come fast or slow
They go like the last light
of the sun, all in a blaze
and all you see is glory
But those who've seen it all
they live their lives
in sad cafes and music halls
we always have a story

So if you don't lose patience
with my fumbling around,
I'll come up singing for you
even when I'm down

je n' sais pas toujours décrire
tout ce que je sens
mais ce soir j'aim'rais dire
des choses que je sais vraiment

star, devenir star
c'est une belle histoire
étoile d'une nuit, lumière d'un soir
qui vient qui part
on n'en voit que la gloire
le reste n'intéresse personne
si vous voulez j'abandonne
j'ai un peu le cafard
je vous ennuie peut-être
on arrive sur scène
comme des lions dans l'arène
on n' vous fait pas d' cadeaux
on défend sa peau,
certains sont sifflés
d'autres consacrés
certains ne s'en remettent jamais
de bons aux mauvais rôles
on passe sa vie dans des bars tristes
des music-halls
ce n'est pas toujours drôle
les uns marchent trop vite
sans avoir eu le temps d'apprendr' à vivre
et quand leur mode est passée
ils sont jetés, balayés, classés

mais savez-vous ce que c'est
que porter un nom qui n'est plus à soi
et le temps qu'il faut pour accepter la vérité
ceux qui vous avaient adulée
ont oublié
quand on ne leur plait plus
on a tout perdu
et comment faire
pour oublier les yeux
des hommes jeunes ou vieux
qui étaient à vos pieds
le temps d'une soirée
leurs fleurs et leurs billets
auxquels on ne croyait jamais tout à fait
les autres marchent plus tard
mais trop de faux espoirs
les ont aigris un peu


Last updated  September 6, 2013 08:35:38 AM
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