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November 25, 2015

《Season9-16-2》The One With the Boob Job


141. Yes, $2000 exactly. How did you know that?

142. Uh, well, I know how much you used to make… and I know how
much your rent is.

143. Oh, okay.

144. I am on fire.

145. Listen, this is really nice.

146. Did you write a check to Monica for $2000?

147. Did Monica borrow money from you?

148. Uh, kind of.

149. I can’t believe her.

150. Did she tell you we were having money problems?

151. No, no, no. It wasn’t because of your money problems.

152. It was for something for her.

153. What?

154. Something personal.

155. What would she get for $2000 that she wouldn’t tell me about?

156. Excuse me.

157. Boob job.

158. I don’t want her to get a boob job. That’s crazy.

159. Well, it’s not that crazy. okay?

160. Making them smaller, that would be crazy.


161. Oh, hey, I wanted to ask you about Monica’s little “groomie” joke.

162. Well, I think the reason people laughed is that it’s a play on the
word “roomie.”

163. No….

164. I get the joke. Sophisticated as it was.

165. No, the thing I want to say is….

166. Maybe we should’ve talked about this before.

167. Us living together, you’re not expecting a proposal, right?

168. Oh, no, no. Not at all.

169. Okay.

170. We’re just moving in right now. We’ll see where it goes.

171. Yeah, well, that’s the thing. For me, it’s as far as it can ever go.

172. What do you mean?

173. Look, Phoebe, I….

174. I love you very much. But I never want to get married again.

175. Oh.

176. Wow.

177. It’s just, my first marriage was… you know, such a disaster that I
kind of lost faith in the whole idea.

178. Mm-hm. Was it really that bad?

179. At one point, near the end… she deliberately defecated on my--

180. Okay, well, that’s bad. Yeah.

181. But don’t you tink it might be different with someone else?
Perhaps… a blond who always uses the toilet?

182. Except for once in the ocean.

183. Look, it’s not about who I would marry.

184. I was certain the first time I got married it would last forever. I
was wrong.

185. But, it just--

186. Look, Phoebe, it’s not about you.

187. I just never want to get married again.

188. Ah.

189. I’m sorry.

190. Are you okay with that? If not, maybe us moving in together isn’t
the best idea.

191. No. Oh, I definitely don’t want to get married.

192. No, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t want to, too.

193. Because, you know, if we move in and you start changing your mind
…these is gonna be hell to pay, mister.

194. Trust me. I will never--

195. Yeah, I get that. Yeah.

【SC・・・・8】 Chap. 3

196. Hi. So you gave in and decided to call someone?

197. Yeah. I don’t know who I was kidding. I can barely use

198. You’re all set.

199. Oh, thank you so much.

200. Wait. You forgot your, um….

201. Your game.

202. Thank you.

203. Hey, Rach. There she is, my perfectly proportioned wife.

204. Don’t look at me. I never get his jokes.

205. Thank you?

206. No, no. Don’t thank me.

207. Thank you. Do you know there is not one thing that I would
change about you?

208. Not one single thing. And definitely not… two single things.

209. Okay, you’re being weird. Do you want sex… or did you do
something bad?

210. No. No. No. I just love the way you look. I am warm… for
your form.

211. Okay, um, you know the old classics like, you know, “You look nice”?

212. They’re still okay.

213. But “you look nice” could mean that I’m saying, “Your face looks

214. I want to compliment your body.

215. I mean, I wouldn’t change it at all.

216. And more specifically, I wouldn’t want anything to get any bigger.

217. Okay.

218. I mean… you wouldn’t want any part of me to get any bigger, would

219. Don’t answer that.

220. Just when you thought that dude couldn’t get any weirder.

221. I know. Why do you think he was so worried about me getting

222. I don’t know. I mean, what brought that on?

223. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You know what? We’re trying to get
pregnant… so he’s probably starting to freak out that my body’s
gonna change.

224. You think that’s what it is?

225. You heard him.

226. “No bigger. You’re perfect. Just don’t get any bigger.”

227. My God, he sounded just like my high-school wrestling coach.

228. I’m gonna have to talk to Chandler.

229. Yeah. If you don’t, I will.

230. Of course your body’s gonna change. Your breasts are gonna get bigger… your ass is gonna get bigger… you’re gonna lose bladder control.

231. God, it’s just such a magical time.


232. Hi.

233. Hey.

234. Listen, I wanted to ask you something about marriage.

235. Now you’re seeking me out to make jokes?

236. I mean, I can see if we’re all hanging out, but to come to my home…

237. No, I really want to know how you feel about it.

238. Why?

239. Mike doesn’t ever want to get married.

240. Never?

241. Never.

242. Wow. Are you still gonna move in with him?

243. I want to, but I wanted you to tell me that marriage really isn’t that
big a deal.

244. You know, that I won’t be missing out on anything. That marriage

245. Yeah, marriage stinks.

246. I mean, if you want to see a man gain weight and a woman stop
shaving… get them married.

247. That’s not how you really feel, is it?

248. No, I’m sorry.

249. Look, I know it’s not what you want to hear, but I can’t help it.

250. I love marriage.

251. Seriously, you? Divorce-o?

252. If you have to call me a name, I’d prefer “Ross, the Divorcer.” It’s

just cooler.

253. Look, look, I know my marriages didn’t exactly work out… but, you
know, I loved being that committed to another person.

254. And Carol and I had some good times before she became a lesbian.

255. And once afterward.

256. Anyway, I’m sorry.

257. Ugh. It’s okay. That’s how you feel.

258. But, come on, I mean, living together will be great.

259. I mean, you guys have so much fun. And you love Mike.

260. I do love Mike.

261. Yeah, see?

262. And you were so excited about moving in together before… and you
know what? You should be. It’s a big deal.

263. Yeah, I guess you’re right.

264. Yeah, thanks. This helped. Thanks.

265. The Divorcer to the rescue.

266. It’s not cooler.

267. Yeah, I just heard it.


268. Oh.

269. Rach?

270. Rachel?

271. So I can’t do anything I like?


272. Hey, Rach.

273. Ah, perfection. Wouldn’t change a thing. Not a thing.

274. Honey?

275. Yeah?

276. About that.

277. Um, I’m going to change.

278. Yes, but, honey, you don’t have to.

279. I’m gonna get bigger.

280. Honey, I….

281. I love your breasts the way they are.


Last updated  November 25, 2015 04:32:05 PM
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