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Wetton-Downes - iCon plays London’s historic St. Mary-Le-Bow Church on 30th January, 2009; the intimate live performance will be filmed for DVD.

The concert will feature new material from their upcoming all-new third album. This is a unique opportunity for 200 people to see the band in such a personal and celebrated setting; each will also have an opportunity to meet and greet the performers and will receive a special, personalized edition of the new CD, and a pre-release version of the DVD resulting from the performance, after completion.

Fans and critics alike have clamoured for more from John Wetton and Geoffrey Downes, whose songwriting formed much of the fabric of 2008's successful Asia reunion release, Phoenix. They are happy to oblige with this third iCon album and supporting dates.

Live performance has become a special treat for fans and the band is pleased to announce the filming of this live DVD to commemorate the release of the third album and celebrate their musical beginnings. Both Mr. Wetton and Mr. Downes began their musical careers with the Church of England and are delighted to perform in one of London's historic, iconic churches, performing for an unusually small and intimate audience.

Ticket information will be announced shortly.

Joining John Wetton and Geoffrey Downes are guitar virtuoso Dave Kilminster, fresh from successful tours with Roger Waters and Keith Emerson, and Cellist Hugh McDowell, whose unique sound helped frame the first two iCon releases [Hugh was ELO's cellist throughout their successes in the 70s ad 80s]. Rounding out the band is Pete Riley, considered one of the "best drummers in the world. " All three are recording the third iCon studio album with messrs Wetton and Downes. The band is thrilled to present classic iCon and Wetton-Downes tunes, plus songs from their heritage bands including King Crimson, UK, Buggles, Yes and ELO, as well as a premiere of new music from the eagerly anticipated upcoming third album.

More on Wetton-Downes・iCon and the upcoming album

John Wetton and Geoffrey Downes formed an extraordinary songwriting partnership - their work has fuelled lists of legendary rock and roll music since 1981. Fans have been delighted to see them tour with Carl Palmer and Steve Howe in the Reunion of the Original Members of Asia. The all new album Phoenix, a special treat to fans, generated the performance of fresh and memorable hits written by the duo.

While Asia is on hiatus (the band will be back in 2009 for more dates), fans have demanded more from Wetton and Downes; the two enjoy each other's company and love writing together. They are happy to oblige.

This album reunites Wetton with guitarist Dave Kilminster. The two worked together in the John Wetton band during the nineties, as well as in the short-lived, but highly distinguished band Qango. Kilminster is a renowned guitarist whose own reputation as a singer and songwriter has grown. He has performed with legends of rock such as Wetton, Keith Emerson and Roger Waters. Kilminster has just completed a 2 year stint on lead guitar and vocals with Waters・celebrated global staging of Dark Side of the Moon, which played to millions. That tour featured a highlighted appearance at the Giants' Stadium Live Earth Show in 2007, viewed by almost 2 billion people (approximately a third the world population). Dave is much in demand and his guitar work is simply stunning. Wetton and Kilminster are very much looking forward to working together again.

Cellist Hugh McDowell once again joins the iCon family. He appeared on both prior albums, although 2009 marks the first time he will play live with the band. Well-known for having helped construct and develop the unique sound of ELO (Electric Light Orchestra), Hugh was an ever-present in that band's enormous and lengthy success, he also adds a special flavour to iCon.

Wetton says, "Hugh McDowell is an integral part of iCon's organic personality. His presence in the music adds more than sonic embellishment - it changes the essential fingerprint of the music."

Drummer Pete Riley has long been considered "one of the best drummers in rock" by those legends of rock who have worked with him ... and those who've simply watched him on stage. Riley is featured on Kilminster's solo album and has toured with Kilminster as part of the Keith Emerson Band. He is well known throughout the world as an extraordinary musician in live and session work. Riley's skills span all types of music from rock to complex fusion and jazz.

Wetton and Downes are pleased to be able to respond to fan and critical demand by returning to the studio to create this new album and then to tour it with these outstanding players.

Website information:Learn more about the St Mary-Le-Bow Church and its influence in London through history here:http://www.stmarylebow.co.uk

Band and member websites:Wetton-Downes iCon: http://www.myspace.com/wettondownesicon
John Wetton, principal songwriter, vocals and bass: http://www.johnwetton.com
Geoffrey Downes: principal songwriter, keyboards: http://www.geoffdownes.com
Dave Kilminster, guitars and vocals: http://www.davekilminster.com
Pete Riley, drums: http://www.peteriley.net

Press and tour information:Ellie Schwartz,Eaton Marketing Group347.678.1760 ellies@aol.com
Martin Darvill QEDG Management qedg@live.co,uk



最終更新日  2008.10.02 14:36:08
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