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カテゴリ:TOEFL Listening Practice
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROM


CD1 Vocabulary Practice

Now, listen to some vocabulary words taken from the previous talks.
Listen to each word as it is pronounced, and repeat it after the speaker.
Then listen to the definition and an example sentence that you heard in the talk.

#16 predators
definition: those that prey upon, devour, or destroy others
example:  Other cnidarian are important as predators in the open ocean.

devour ディばうワー むさぼり喰う

#17 transparent
definition: something that is see-through or clear
example: Jellyfish range in size from tiny transparent forms of a few millimeters across
        to huge undersea creatures 6 feet in diameter with 100 foot long tentacles.

#18 secreted (secrete)
definition: producing or releasing a liquid or substance.
example: These very small tubes carried the bile that is continuously secreted
by the liver cells

#19 consequently
definition: as a result
example: Even though with the smaller than the alligator in length, generally from 6 to 10 feet.
       It is considered more aggressive and consequently more dangerous
       by most people.

#20 facilitate
definition: make a situation or process easier or smother
example: In circumstances which more air needs to be exhaled than normal,
        such as when blowing out candles on the birthday cake
       the abdominal muscles may contract to facilitate the exhalation.


Last updated  2007.12.26 05:03:48
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