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 definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence
have a natural affinityアふぃ二ティappetencyPasta and seafood have a natural affinity
2(人に)親しみを覚えるfeel a sence of companionship for someonefeel friendly toward someoneI feel a sence of companionship for them.
3専門的知識expertiseエクスパてぃーズ(発音注意)Skill or knowledge in a particular areaFreestyle: A competition, as in figure skating, skiing, or surfing, in which any maneuver or movement is allowed and competitors are judged on their artistic expression, acrobatic skill, and athletic expertise.
4器用さmaneuverA movement or procedure involving skill and dexterityデクスたぁゥリティ
5~に対して劣等感をいだくfeel inferior to
Low or lower in order, degree, or rankHe secretly feels inferior to others.
6劣等感inferiority complexA persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensationHe has an inferiority complex.
7劣等感などを克服しようとする過度な行動overcompensationExcessive compensation, especially the exertion of effort in excess of that needed to compensate for a physical or psychological characteristic or defectNeurotic behavior is an overcompensation for feelings of inferiority
8大学、就職が決まると成績を上げる必要がなくなって怠慢になることSenioritisSlacking off during their senior year.After you get accepted into college, your grades in high school don't matter anymore, so you tend to slack off for the remainder of the year. It's the same in college after you get a job. These are seniorities.
9縛られたboundtiedA police found a bound body of a woman in a home on G Street on the city's southwest side.
10激論、口論altercationA vehement quarrel
After an altercation broke out, police said Mark went inside and got a gun and fatally shot a gas station owner, Brian, 45, in the forehead.
11応ずるcomplyTo act in accordance with another's command, request, rule, or wishPeople who comply with the writers' demands are told to tie one balloon to their mailbox, and the other to their house.
12騙されやすい、担がれやすいgullibleがぁらボルEasily deceived or dupedIt is a ploy to scam thousands of dollars from gullible people, police said.
13水鳥waterfowlswater birds, especially swimming birds, such as ducks, geeseI like watching waterfowls in a lake.
14立派なnobleHaving or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honorYou're very noble to do something like this.
1. Capable of doing many things competently
2. Having varied uses or serving many functions: "The most versatile of vegetables is the tomato."
3. Variable or inconstant; changeable: a versatile temperament
a ~ artist 多才な芸術家

a ~ instrument 万能道具

a ~ disposition 移り気な性格
16(日曜日ごとに)教会へ通う人,熱心な信者churchgoerOne who attends church (on every Sunday)Chuchgoer want to "investigated" priest back.
17着服、横領、使い込みembezzlementTaking (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trustThe priest has been investigated as part of an embezzlement case.
18大司教[大主教,大監督]管区archdiocese アーキだいぁシスThe district under an archbishop's jurisdictionThe priest was investigated, but never charged with anything. The Archdiocese of Montee said he did not follow procedures as parish (教会区)administrator.
19雰囲気をかもし出すgive it an ambiance (ambience)create an atomosphereThe traditional design of this inn gives it a very romantic ambiance.
20お金をもっていないbe brokehaven't got a pennyWell, I wish I could go with you, but to tell the truth, I'm broke today.


Last updated  2008.04.01 05:24:36
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