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カテゴリ:TOEFL Listening Practice
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROM


Long Conversation 3

Get ready to listen to the following long conversation.

A: Hi! You must be Andre. I’m your neighbor Jane.

B: Oh, hello. Nice to meet you Jane I didn’t know this was coed dormitory.

A: Well, until recently it wasn’t. But that just changed this semester. And it is the best housing and campus.

B: Have you moved in already? d it is the best housing and campus.

A: I just got here today. But I’ve lived here last year. I like the fact we’re so close to the campus and we get a lot of space. I have to talk to my roommate about showing on the phone and setting up the cleaning schedule. You will have to do that too

So there is no cleaning service here.

No, not unless you can afford to hire someone to do it for you, it’s just like a regular apartment building. There is laundry apartment in the basement, and super attendant on the second floor who takes care of leaky pipe and broken toilet thing like that.

B: I’m a little overwhelmed. When I get my cloth on packed. I will ask you all kinds of questions. But right now I’ve gotta find my friends. They must be on a way up here with my suitcases and books. g like that.


Last updated  2017.05.10 17:16:47
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