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Follow the Dream 療法士の夢

いいね! --/--
カテゴリ:Practice English
Visiting the university I attended after a year and half yesterday inspired me intensively. I met YY who has been treated by graduate research members and saw him being improved his abilities by them. It was so amazing that I felt keenly the important of training in the course of development of children. Of course he has been still behind his life age but he has certainly been enhancing his skills. I felt happy to belong to my life work, music therapy.

The strongest impression to me what his mother muttered was that YY's accent was poor when he ordered a game using voice. I remembered about R, who has been a student of mine since 2000. He also has poor pronunciation so sometimes I could not listen to him. Her mother reported me that he became silent when an unfamiliar person for him asked his remarks back when it was indistinct. The point to improve people with handicapps accent can be treated by music greatly. I recalled that Ms. EH developed how to make better the accent of people with Parkinson's disease. I should review it for them.

Although I have not met Ms. N for a year and half, we didn't feel gap our relationships. It was nice thing to me to keep in touch with her and the research team. In addition, she offered me to hold a party for my overseas study! I was very glad to hear that. Actually I was worried about my connection with the team because I bothered anything about my research conducting before. They always helped me, but sometimes must've felt taking troubles! Moreover I thought that made a mistake how to attend to my professor in March. However, everything seems good and encourages me a lot!

I have to keep in my mind how to research through observations of their ways in a graduate course and want to mix both good points between K university and C university in the US.

I appreciate everything including my life until now greatly!!!


Last updated  2005.05.18 21:13:36
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