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☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生2

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 無量寿経シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings「私は美しい」シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings りんご充満空間シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 花のマスクシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 1

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 1

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 3

☆Tadami Yamada's 小さな絵日記より

☆Tadami Yamada's Still Life:静物画(1)

☆Tadami Yamada's Japanese style:「和」

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(1)野菜シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(2)貝殻シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(3)はんなりシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(4)人形シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part3

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part4


part 2  早川書房版

☆Tadami Yamada's Poetry 詩画集「遊卵飛行」

☆Tadami Yamada's Works: ブック・カヴァー選集

☆Tadami Yamada's イギリス・ミステリ傑作選カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's サンリオSF文庫他

☆Tadami Yamada's 光瀬龍、宇能鴻一郎、泡坂妻夫、志水辰夫他カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's ハヤカワ・ノヴェルズ、他

☆Tadami Yamada's 絵のない装丁

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書

☆Tadami Yamada's Illusto., Part1『闇の国の子供』

☆Tadami Yamada's『妖怪博士ジョン・サイレンス』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part3『プラネタリウム』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part4『世の終わりのイヴ』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part5『洪水伝説』他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part6 児童書その他の挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's Part7 『心霊術入門』その他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part8『別冊宝島仕事の本』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part9 初期雑誌挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『ジャンビー』挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『幽霊狩人カーナッキ』

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#1

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#2

■Yamada's Article(1)卵形の象徴と図像

■Yamada's Article(2)ユングの風景画

■Yamada's Article(3)画家ムンクの去勢不安

■Yamada's Article(4)夢幻能と白山信仰

■Yamada's Article (5) 城と牢獄の論理構造

■Yamada's Article(6)ムンク『叫び』の設計と無意識

■Yamada's Article (7) 病める貝の真珠

■Yamada's English Article (8) 能の時空間の現代性

■Yamada's Article (9)『さゝめごと』に現われた十識について

■Yamada's Article(10)狐信仰とそのイコノグラフィー

■Yamada's Article (11) 江戸の「松風」私論

■Yamada's Article (12) 伊勢物語「梓弓」について


☆インタヴュー Vol.1

☆インタヴュー Vol.2



☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュ

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart2

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart3

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart4

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart5

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart6

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart7

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart8

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart9

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart10

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart11


☆ Tadami Yamada's short story

Death Mask

That Man

The Infancy Lover's Suicide

★Poetry of Tadami Yamada(1)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(2)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(3)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(4)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(5)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(6)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(7)

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU (2)


Free Poster (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 2 (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 3 (無料ポスター)








✴️Tadami Yamada’s Brief Personal Record



Oct 21, 2019
 私の執念! 老年になってもこういうことに関しての自分の執念を自嘲気味に思いながら、私は両掌のドームの中に大事に蝶の翅を収めて仕事場に戻った。
 写真撮影をし、再び図鑑を調べ、「るりたては(Kaniska canace no-japonicum SIEBOLD 1824)」であることを突止めた。シーボルト博士が1824年に日本で発見し、命名した蝶である。

   死してなお青空染むる秋の蝶  青穹

「るりたては」左上翅 表と裏

   This morning, when I was sweeping the fallen leaves,
I noticed that there was a small piece of blue-green
metallic glitter in the leaves.
  What is this? I bend myself and picked it up with my
fingertips. When I turned the other side back, it was a
decayed leaf color. Although it is only 3 cm long, it is
a butterfly wing. A butterfly I have never seen in my
   I decided to check it later and kept picking the ded
leaves of the flowerpot with my right hand while I put
it on my left palm. However, when I noticed, the but-
terfly wing flew somewhere. I crouched and looked
around for 20 minutes but could not find it. The 
back of the wing is just like a decayed leaf, so it's 
not easy to find it by squeezing it into a pile of 
fallen leaves.
   I gave up, entered the house, had breakfast, and
entered the atelier. I took the " Japanese Butterfly
Picture Book" from the bookshelf and going through
the pages I want to find lost wing again.
   So I looked like I crawl the garden, and finally I
found the small decayed leaf-colored wing.
   My obsession! Even when I was aged, I felt reluc-
tant about my obsession with such things. and I
put a butterfly wing in the dome of both palms
and returned to the atelier.
   I took pictures, checked the picture book again, 
and determined that it was " Kaniska canace no-
japonicum SIEBOLD 1824". The butterfly that Dr.
Siebold discovered and named in Japan. 
   This butterfly is an oriental special species, but
for some reason it exists like a lonly orphan in 
the mountains of Mexico. It doesn't exist at all in
Europe. The name "no-Japonicum" may mean
that it is not a Japanese specialty.
   By the way, Siebold came to Japan in August
1823,  and in 1824 the next year, Narutaki Juku
(The Narutaki Private School) was opened out-
side Dejima, Nagasaki. It is clear from the sci-
entific name that the discovery of "Ruritateha"
was this year.
   In the butterflies that fly to my garden every
year, I have never seen " Ruritateha". According
to the pictorial book, it is difficult to capture 
because it flies away. The other day the typhoon 
may have broken her body apart, and only a
small piece of wings may have arrived at my

Autumn butterfly dyes
the color of the blue sky
and yet in its dead

             by Séikyu (Tadami Yamada)   



Last updated  Oct 22, 2019 01:05:51 PM
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