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いいね! --/--
Dec 15, 2004
カテゴリ:From Lessons
This week, my schedule is very tight and I was about to miss my lessons. Fortunately, just before leaving my office, I checked my schedule book and noticed I booked two lessons this evening. When I asked my lesson mate, "Would you sharing your textbook?" the instructor told me these phrases, "Do you mind if I look at your textbook?" and "Do you mind sharing your book?" I knew the expression "Do you mind...?" but I rarely used it. I thought I should use it more from now on.

Coincidentally, all of us had a perm, so we talked about how changed each other's impressions for a while. Then, the subject changed into the movies we watched recently. I mentioned Disney movies. The instructor said that her mother was a big fan of them and she collected all Disney movies except "Dumbo" and "Bambi," because they were so sad. My favorite Disney movie is "Beauty and the Beast" and the second favorite is "Pocahontas." As the lesson mate didn't know the latter, I talked about the outline and my impression. I saw the movie at a movie theater about ten years ago. It's a story about historical confrontation between European settlers and Native Americans and British adventurer John Smith and a Native American girl Pocahontas fall in love with each other without any languages. I was really impressed with the whole story. Actually, I saw Pocahontas's face for the first time, I was really surprised because it was far different from other Disney heroines and it didn't attract me at all. However, as the stories went on, it became attractive! At last, I thought she was the most vivid and beautiful heroine in Disney movies. In addition, the music was amazing; especially I love "Colors of the Wind" and "If I Never You Know" and croon them from time to time. The instructor said she loved the movie as well.

Then, I talked about the BBC news I saw this morning, which mentioned the musical "Mary Poppins." The news said that the musical focused on the situation or feelings of the children who came from broken homes and $200,000,000 in tickets had already been sold. It's one of my favorites, so I'd like to see it, too.

After getting home, I visited Amazon.com. and read various reviews about "Pocahontas" while comparing with mine. I found another fun material to learn English!


Last updated  Dec 18, 2004 10:18:02 PM
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