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いいね! --/--
Mar 29, 2005
カテゴリ:From Lessons
Description of Machines

I talked about my lessons with a secretary and she said, "If your lesson is ’Lucky- man-to-man,’ you’ll be able to take a challenge lesson." I often used to take "Lucky-man-to-man" lessons, but the number of the students at my level has increased and it became rare for me to take them.

Fortunately for me, I happened to take a challenge lesson! I found it really interesting, because I learned some useful ways of expression, which I couldn’t have thought of, such as "The energy for movement is provided by turning pedals with your legs," or "The main difficulty is that it requires the operator to balance the machine." They are applicable!! Although I hadn’t tried to describe machines before, thanks to the lesson, I felt like trying to describe other machines, too. However, it was obvious that I had problems not only with my English-language skills but also my knowledge of machines. The instructor was so kind as to introduce me to a useful site.

ABC Sience Online

It is certain that this website will broaden my horizons!


Last updated  Apr 23, 2005 08:16:27 AM
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