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June 28, 2008

  ブッシュ政権の失策を展示するバスがアメリカ各地を回るということを知って、そのバスツァーの公式サイト The Bush Legacy Tour の展示初日の記事を読みました。


 we need "an entire town" or "a bus caravan" to really display the disasters of Bush and Company.








First stop: Dayton and Lousiville



LOUISVILLE, KY - The first day of the Bush Legacy Tour was a big success. We rolled in to Dayton on Tuesday night and had a press conference outside of City Hall on Wednesday morning. The event centered around gas prices and the hand that Bush's cronies like John Boehner have had in giving tax cuts to oil companies while most of the country experiences pain at the pump.

ブッシュ・レガシー・ツアー(ブッシュ失策展示ツアー)の1日目は、大成功だった。私たちは火曜の夜、デイトンに入って、水曜の朝、市庁舎の外で記者会見をした。このイベントは、ガソリン価格や、アメリカの多くがその価格において苦しむ一方で、石油会社に対して減税するジョン ボーナーのようなブッシュの仲間の関与などを中心に催された。


The response to the bus was resoundingly positive.  Jaws dropped as Daytonians entered the bus and saw the exhibits chronicling the last eight years of disasters of this administration.  Quite a few people made requests that we return to Dayton and come back to specific locations, including Boehner's house.  The local organizer of the tour reported that from what he could see "1,000 % of the Dayton Press" came out to see the bus. Not a bad start at all!



We rolled out of Dayton in the afternoon and went straight to Louisville, KY to show the bus off at a music festival.  We parked the bus about a block away from the festival. I was concerned that people did not know that the bus was there so I headed down the festival to spread the word about the bus.



At first I was a little hesitant that I may not receive a positive reaction going up to total strangers and asking them to check out a bus that features the failures of the Bush Administration. I approached the first group of people at the festival and said, "Hey, did you get a chance to check out the Bush Legacy Bus up the road?" I received several slightly miffed and perturbed looks in return. I continued to say, "It is a museum on wheels to the failures of the Bush administration." This clarification was met with relieved smiles, "Oh, it's about the failures of the Bush administration. How did you fit that all into one bus?" I had similar reactions from around fifty people that I talked to at the festival.

最初私は、見ず知らずの人たちのところまで行き、にブッシュ政権の失策を展示するバスを見に来るように宣伝しても、積極的な反応は見られないかもしれないと、少しばかり懸念した。私はフェスティバルに来た最初のグループに声をかけた。「ねぇ、道端でブッシュ・レガシー・バスを見るチャンスがあった?」 彼らがわずかにムッとしたり、狼狽したようだったが、私は続けた。「それは、ブッシュ政権の失策を展示しているバスですよ。」 この説明に彼らは微笑み、「まあ、それはブッシュ政権の失策についてですって?どうやって、失策の全てを1台のバスに積み込んだの?」 私はフェスティバルで声をかけたおよそ50人の人々から同じような反応を受けた。


Everyone I spoke to thought the bus was a great idea and the only hesitance I was met with was that a bus was not adequate to display such a thing and that we need "an entire town" or "a bus caravan" to really display the disasters of Bush and Company.



Today we are off to a press conference in downtown Louisville to pay one of Bush's good friends Mitch McConnell a visit.

今日、バス展示は、ルイスビル中心部での記者会見のため休みで、ブッシュの親友の1人、ミッチ マコーネルを訪問する。



Last updated  June 29, 2008 12:28:19 AM
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