Old Tokaido Road
I am the husband of Shikoh no Koutu Seirinin.I am a teacher at Temple University Japan in Tokyo.I teach English teachers in the Graduate College of Eduation.Also,I teach English to beginning college students,and in the Continuing Education Department(an evening program for adults).I teach courses such as psychology.Today our family will go to the Festival at the shrine near here.I am looking forward to that.Foreigners who come to Japan are curious about old customs, but we do notsee much of them these days.When we moved from the countryside to Tokyo, we expected to find large buildings and much concrete. Indeed, we found them. But we also discovered that the old Tokaido Roadis still there, less than one kilometer from our apartment.Walking down the old Tokaido Road is like going back 100 years.There are little shops and restaurants, many shrines, and buildings from times past. There are two sento, and we often go to one of them.Today I expect to see many Japanese people, some dressed in yukata, enjoying the relaxed feeling of old Japan. 妻追記:昨日娘のブログにあっくさんやきょのろろさんがコメントをつけてくださり、娘が大はしゃぎ。夫に「パパも書いて。すぐにお返事くるよ!」とうるさくせがまれて書きました。彼のほうが仕事的にブログが必要なのにいくら言っても、これ以上雑用が増えるのは嫌だと首を縦に振りません。だったら私のブログに定期的に書かせようと思っています。