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As time goes by

As time goes by

いいね! --/--
Hi Diana,
Thank you for your email!!

I hope with you too!
I miss you and the time I spent with you.

After you left Japan,I fortunately could spent my daily life,but I could get certainly a little change on my mental circumstances.
That is.. I lost my husband last April in 2022, and I suddenly to live alone in Sasayama.
(S****(my hus name..) and I, spent 47years! as a couple!) ( I also confess about Charley.too.)
But of course I think I could manage in my days to live alone.
When we met in front of Castle gate, my personal memories of M****brought me to some different points of view.
I can say I could get energy and bravery from you. Thank you!

This morning,you sent me email, I'm very glad.
About ELT books. I'll check em.
==So after some searching, the better books are 'ELT books" (English Teaching Books). They have adapted popular books for non-English speakers. There's a shop in Australia but he said it would be too expensive to send to Japan and suggested buying them from a Japanese website. (As you suggested 😁).==😆😊

==The titles I thought may be fun are attached. Or you could google 'ELT graded readers from Scholastic'.=🤔😘

==The others, I found on the Booktopia website, and the Snoopy one from 'Ready To Read' books. The Ready To Read books don't seem to be specifically designed for people where English is a second language. =🤔😊

==I feel very sorry that I'm not actually buying them for you as I promised, but apparently you can't buy something in Australia but have it shipped to Japan. =It's O.K. I'll google.

Files which you send to me, are seen and considered by me, in these days.🤔😊

==I hope your singing and swimming and English classes continue to be fun. =
As you know, in Japan, school term begins in April.
From this April I have another task to go to primary school once a week on Thursday afternoon, a couple of hours.To take care 4-5 students who want to recover days of study, Japanese and Math. Head teacher asked me this January.Today is the first day of this mission!
And also I didn't tell you(anyway, we have to talk about a lots of things..)
More, you'll be surprised I suppose..I'm enjoying HURA! Since about 2-3years.
How do you think toomuch!???😆
This Saturday, we(Alohi)'ll have a party once a year.

==I've ordered myself a drip coffee machine similar to yours. I'm still waiting for it to arrive, but I'm excited to have a bit of my Japan experience in my home.😘📯

Every time I 'm using this machine,I remember you!
One more thing. I have to introduce a book to you.
I hope you can find it in your country.

ザ・パターン・シーカー 自閉症がいかに人類の発明を促したか [ サイモン・バロン=コーエン ]

{THE PATTERN SEAKER} I read already in Japanese but the original is written in English.



最終更新日  2023年05月11日 07時02分23秒
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