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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
What's HINKAKU【シリーズ10-line】:カラフルオーブ.jpg 必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg

1. Sometimes, when I go to café to buy drinks, I see customers video-conferencing loudly without wearing mask.
It might not have mattered so much if they talk outside, but indoor seats; other customers must be concerned about infection risk.
Aside from feeling annoyed, I feel like worrying about their carelessness with leakage of important sensitive information.

2. Upper House election is coming soon.
Unlike Lower House election, it's carried out on schedule according to the law.
However, every time election is implemented, campaign cars run around, waking up sleeping babies, disturbing general public's work or study, and so on.
Those noisy candidates definitely spread negative impressions among voters.
 But this is still election feature.
  Don't they mind losing the vote not due to their pledges or achievements but annoying campaign?
By the way... Last year, I tried a national exam, but I was so close to passing and failed, so I'm studying for another year.
During the campaign period, a nationally standardized practice exam takes place.
I'd like to take this occasion to warn candidates never to obstacle; otherwise, I might decide whom to vote against.

3. Our state has already started accepting international tourists again since Pandemic came.
That could be fine, but then, at least, quarantine inspection needs to be strict.
So far, in coming to our country for sightseeing, Authorities request international visitors to practice thoroughgoing infection control, such as:
Only guided tours are allowed to visit, mask mandates, prohibition against talking loudly.

Putting aside right or wrong of these policies, and I have no intention nor right to force international visitors to do as Romans do when in Rome -or to do as Japanese do when in Japan,
It's for your own good to obey infection control rules if you value your own skin.
Otherwise, until Pandemic is really over, you'd better restrain yourself in coming to our country -the favorite term of our nation.
-Well, it might sound unfair and contradicting that Authorities announce to ease the requirements of wearing face mask to our nation and order mask mandates to international visitors.
Why such thing? As is already concerned among general public, what if new variant Coronavirus is brought and spread again?
So is Zoonotic infection currently confirmed in more than two dozen countries?

Our state may close down the door to foreigners again -which is not certain, since Panjandrums are too eager in inviting international tourists for quick buck.
At least, it stirs up ultranationalist White-hat wannabes.
If antiforeignism is widespread in our nation, in the end, it can be impossible to visit our country for sightseeing.
 Also, our nation will go reclusive and isolated. -What else?
  If such things happen, it's nothing but loss for both of us.
Authorities must learn a lesson from the past three years, and provide accurate information properly.
Otherwise, false information, groundless rumor, and slanders based on misinformation go prevalent

-As is already repeated in history and proved during Pandemic.

:Ready to place summery if asked


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最終更新日  2022.06.20 16:58:40
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