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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎 LeRougeEtLeNoir【シリーズ10-line】:スペード型フック 生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015

1. After a series of fluctuation over financial support for people under Novel Corona-virus epidemic, Panjandrums decided to confer benefit.
 But there is a shrewd trap on the application form.

  On the next to each family member's name, there is a checkbox that means unnecessary.
If you inadvertently write something in this checkbox, it means this person declares to reject the benefit, and you or your family members cannot receive the benefit money.
As for this, online brouhaha broke out, so I suppose that many people have been awaken to be more careful.
But Panjandrums have no right to talk back if general public accuse that they've set this checkbox on purpose intending to trick general public from the beginning, which is a crystal-clear proof how they are reluctant to spend public money for general public.
Anyway... needless to point out at this late date, most of general public already know that Panjandrums are intent on how to exploit from general public and feather nests of themselves and their hangers-on, and they don't hesitate to sacrifice health and life of general public.
And no matter what the circumstances may be, you have to be careful enough and read thoroughly in dealing with official forms.

2. It's already more than one month since a black man was killed by a white policeman, and protests against racism have spread worldwide.
 But some of those protesters commit plunder and vandalism.

  Needless to say, such destructive acts never improve anything.
When news about those riots was spread in our country, someone around me said again that Panjandrums don't want general public practice protests against them, and scheme to make general public identify protest demonstration with riot, just like when the news was spread in our country about protest demonstrations in the Special Administrative Region of the neighboring Continent country.
 This time, the riot news should've been spread first in the Spot country,
  Therefore, it would be more precise to imagine that Central Authorities in this country are scheming to imprint local general public how black people are violent, even while most of the protests are held amicably in accordance with the laws and local rules
-Is this suspect apt?

3. One month ago, in translating the composition, I borrowed a sentence from a speech by a teenager environmental activist at U.N. Summit on climate change blasting inaction and "empty words" of politicians and business leaders.
Because I felt that "Empty words" is a word.
I've read an analysis about this news that the contrast drew attention; one teenager stole the limelight at a Summit where older-generation world leaders gather.
At the same time, not so many people or media would say such thing outright nowadays, but the fact might have also drawn attention that this Activist is a girl.
At least, I've secretly imagined that leading figures and media and maybe adult men in male-chauvinism states would scorn in their sleeves that how dare this Activist is a girl as she is and penetrate into U.N. Summit alone.


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最終更新日  2020年07月22日 18時33分47秒
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