今は、2009年2月3日。 食事をしながらラオスの伝統芸能を見るお店に来ています。 楽器を演奏する人たちがいます。 木琴、金属の弦をばちでたたく楽器、尺八を小さくしたような縦笛等があります。 笙のような縦笛もあります。 【Bon appétit !】 グーグルアースで海中探検? Approximately 70% of Earth’s surface is covered with water, and now users of the 3D mapping program Google Earth can virtually dive beneath the water’s surface and explore the terrain of the ocean floor. The program’s newest features also allow users to browse ocean-related content contributed by marine scientists and view videos on marine life, shipwrecks, and dive spots. Another new tool allows people to see how parts of the planet have changed over time. Conservation groups hope that the new features will raise awareness about the climate crisis as well as the dangers faced by marine life. SUPER ASIA お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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