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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
Sera o caos Sera a luz【シリーズ10-line】貝のリース 縦.jpg 生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg 

1. The situation of second outbreak of Novel Corona-virus infection is already worse than this spring.
At the final week in July, Premier Abe announced that they are distributing government-manufactured cloth masks made by hangers-on manufactures again, and astonished general public.

A welfare worker around me points out that welfare facilities need disinfectants than masks, criticizing how Panjandrums are complacent over irrelevant policies.
In our country, resale of mask and sanitary goods is currently illegal, but at the end of this July, Panjandrums announced that they are lifting the ban.
If mask reselling ban is removed, mask shortage can be caused due to cornering.
Therefore, it's possible to hypothesize: Panjandrums expect mask shortage by lifting resale ban so that general public appreciate the value of government-manufactured mask.
Superfluously, I'd like to make a proposal to Justice-addicts -in our language, Self-restrain police whom I call White-hat wannabes on this weblog:
If you want to be heroes so eagerly by your own way, your targets are those profiteers who cause shortage panic
-Also, bullies mentioned below.

2. NOTE: I'm not considering situation in other countries here.
Last year, number of birth fell short of nine-hundred thousand and shocked the whole nation.
Besides, Panjandrums showed inconsequential analysis that many couples postponed marriage until May 2019 when the Imperial name changed in order to marry in the first year of new Imperial era, and astounded nation.

What do they state while they have no intention to solve the childcare problem of general public?
This year -or rather next year, it doesn't take a demographer to imagine that number of birth could drop due to Novel Corona-virus infection, since this Infection is said to be dangerous for expectant mothers.
-Although there were superficialists who remarked that number of birth would increase under stay-at-home life with nothing else to do for couples.
How actual situation will turn out, and how Panjandrums will analyze and remark -there is no predicting as of August 2020.
But one thing for sure is: Our country is child-hostile state even under ordinary circumstances -also, Mother-hostile state.
Women are made to shoulder guilty conscience whichever they choose to have babies or not to have babies.
Just after I took up composition for today, a research result was announced that upper airway of infants contain virus as much as hundred times the amount in adults' upper airway.
It's not hard to concern that bullies -especially older generation appear who abuse infants -or mothers with infants as virus spreaders; those bullies are genius in finding weaker preys to target.
Besides, I've heard that it's only our country where infected people are treated discriminatory -what a shameful state!
Self-restrain police, if you target those bullies to slander, you could be admired as White-hats, not "wannabe"
-Counteract poison with poison, or fight fire with fire in this language.

3. I'd like to take this advantage that I keep weblog in English to place counsel to WHO Director-General Tedros:
WHO in members of WHO is capable enough to make proper decision for the sake of people and world without yielding to intimidation by specific major powers?
You announce knowingly that Novel Corona-virus is spreading again due to young people's carelessness,
But this fact has already been pointed out everywhere before you announced.
In the first place, you yielded to intimidation by China, and neglected to warn and provide proper information to the world, didn't you?
Whole world is going to the wrong way? What do you expect after discrediting WHO by inaction and wrong initial response?

-Nobody reads if I place such thing here even in English? That's why.
Putting aside how upcoming U.S. Presidential election turns out, President Trump declares to stop funding WHO if he is elected again.
In our country, it seems that many of general public support this proclamation.
However, if such thing happens, it only increases China's influence in WHO.
Therefore, I would approve with the opinion that new international health organization must be established instead of current WHO.


・It may be unusual for me to place explanatory picture on 10-line essays.
・Basically, I avoid using proper nouns on 10-line essays, but it was impossible for today.
(Translation: Unable-to-think-up-handle)


最終更新日  2020年08月04日 13時25分20秒
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