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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg 生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 LatinVulgate【シリーズ10-line】:紅白玉子ペア

1. I've read on encyclopedias and medical dictionaries in my electronic dictionary that there are about two hundred species of pathogens that cause infectious diseases called cold.
There are so many kinds of pathogens that symptomatic therapies are used for cold instead of specific remedies and vaccine.

 Conventional coronavirus in history is one of those pathogens.
  New kinds of coronavirus diseases named SARS and MERS also spread from individual to individual.
   Therefore, it's more natural to estimate that Novel Coronavirus also spread from individual to individual.
Tedros, WHO in WHO lied knowledgeably that Novel Coronavirus don't spread from individual to individual and contributed to Pandemic?

2. I'm not considering international situation for today.
In our country, under Pandemic, more people have died of suicide than Novel Coronavirus infection since this August.
Especially, the number of female suicides is soaring.

Some suffered from violence and maltreatment from family -parents and husbands.
Some suffered economic hardship.
There are many female non-regular employees in service industries, and those industries are distressed under Pandemic.
In such cases, the first ones to lose job are female non-regular employees.
Putting aside detail analyses and provisions, in actually, so many younger-generation women's lives are lost.
 It means our state is losing childbearing human materials, doesn't it?

  I'm aware enough that this remark is as discriminative as identifying childbirth and productivity, and no better than saying that women who don't have children are worthless.
Let me make an excuse: I intend to follow the points of views of moss-headed Panjandrums and men with those philosophy about women.
 In order to make them wake up and face the reality quickly.
  And let me add one more: Everyone, let's survive. You must stay alive in order to vote against central Panjandrums at the next elections.

3. When did Santa Claus became main character of Christmas, replacing Jesus the Child and Mother Mary and Husband Joseph?
Anyway, frankly -or bluntly speaking, for adults and parents, Santa Claus is a convenient pretext to make children obey them, isn't it?
Before Christmas season, adults and parents often scold children saying that Santa Claus doesn't come to them if they don't behave themselves.
Or do you say that it's a gateway to adults to disillusion themselves about fantasies including Santa Claus and know the reality?
Why such things? Recently, I've heard that under nationwide poverty in our state, there are parents who cannot afford Christmas gifts and tell sad lie to children that Santa Claus is not coming to their places.
In other words... IF Santa Claus is actually a man with love and generosity and devotion, he must come to those distressed children first, shouldn't he?
-Just like when Lord sent Jesus the Messiah to the world, he was born as a son of a carpenter family in an impoverished area instead of the royal family.


Even though it's not right time for greeting Merry Christmas -or Happy Holiday and A Happy New Year, I hope that the next year will be good year, more than compensate for this year.

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2020年12月23日 15時03分09秒
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