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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

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カテゴリ:10-line essays
電脳用心【シリーズ10-line】台湾・タロコの橋の欄干 TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット 生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015


7. Twelve-digit-identification-card has the term of validity, right?
Currently, Panjandrums are bulldozing to make general public apply Cards, in order to tighten surveillance and tax collection.
As a result, the number of people who have the Card has soared in short time.
It means that pandemonium is obvious when their Cards expire simultaneously and people throng to renew their Cards.

8. From the next April, new working hour rule is applied on transport industry.
The public are watching this legal change, making fuss that distribution stag damages whole industries.
One of the major problems of logistics industry is too long working hours due to pressure of business.
 Therefore, how about refraining from shopping online too easily?
  -Except for:
Precision instruments and large-sized goods that are too risky for laymen to carry by themselves,
Purchasing commodities that are on sale only online, such as cosmetics that I use regularly,
In case going shopping is difficult due to illness, handicaps, pregnancy and childcare and nursing and other various reasons,
Remote areas where there are few shops to go,
Shops they want to go is too far to go, and so on. -What else?
During Pandemic period, Authorities endorsed online shopping in order to reduce going out.
But this is not necessary anymore, since restriction of movement was lifted.

9. Do older generation still deplore that youth has become negative in marriage and childbirth, especially women are self-centered to choose freedom and career of their own than marriage and childbirth?
NO. They have become more careful and realistic on making their choice in their lives.
Tax and social insurance premium keep on raising, and now an average of nearly half of salaries are taken away.
This situation is similar to our state's period of isolation and samurai government, which is already pointed out.
Back then, riots by peasants were common who were unable to bear heavy taxation.
 But now, violence is never justified in any cases.
  Instead, quiet revolt is going on for decades, though -by making realistic decision to refrain from having children beyond their means.

:Ready to place translation if asked


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