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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
電脳用心【シリーズ10-line】台湾・タロコの橋の欄干 必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ  EARTHSONG【シリーズ10-line〕:松ぼっくり LeRougeEtLeNoir【シリーズ10-line】:スペード型フック  Thought-attackers【シリーズ10-line】:鉄瓶2014 学園「世界」物語【シリーズ10-line】:何の羽根?


4. Introducing Artificial Intelligence in governments?
Although I'm not the right one to judge its right or wrong due to lack of knowledge,
First of all, with this System, why don't they drive out assemblies who have nothing to do but to doze off and jeer?

5. Even under actual crisis of nuclear war, the Nation that used atomic bombs at actual war still romanticize and joke on nuclear weapons-
Is it fine to be more matter-of-fact that this is its Nation's cultural level?
 Even so, there is more important question to place again:
  Do you want to use nuclear weapon IN TE FUTURE?
   How does it sound to assume that your answer is YES? Simply because you still cling to illusion of nuclear deterrent.
Talking about atomic bombs, do you recognize "a set of clothes worn by women for swimming, which consists of a top part covering the breasts, and a bottom part"?
This swimming suit is said to be made and named after "explosive effects like nuclear detonation" created by the garment.
I've also read another report that this swimwear was made to commemorate success of thermonuclear test, and named after the Atoll where it took place at.
If those explanations are true, do men overflowing with lewdness still worship? Can women wear?
-Well, I know that this is a kind of pouncing on words. Shall we change its trade name? Is it already too firmly established to change now?
The New Oxford American Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Encyclopedia Britannica

6. Neighboring Continent state placed an embargo on marine products from our state after radioactive effluent disposals began.
Following the point of this State's view, it can sound natural that they are concerned about radioactive contamination.
In that case, they may as well prohibit visiting our state and fishery around our state immediately -and forever.
It contradicts that this Nation visits and eats local food at the place where they insist as radioactive land.
While I'm on the subject: After our state restarted to accept international tourists again, some expect shopping tourists from neighboring Continent state to return, and some are skeptical if those travelers come like before Pandemic.
As for this, I'm leaving here that I've never seen pessimistic online postings about declining number of those tourists -those postings look like rather welcoming the move.
 Modestly speaking, I'm afraid I must say it's understandable.
  Even interpersonal relationship, what is the meaning of trying to get along with someone who cannot respect each other?
At least, if it's difficult to keep aloof from people who abuse and annoy you -for example, in case they are coworkers at workplace,
You just exchange perfunctory pleasantries and try to stay away from them as much as possible, don't you?
Those who make abusing phone calls from neighboring Continent state are not concerned about radioactive contamination but merely enjoying bullying what they always despise, which is no need to mention at this late date.
IF effluent disposal at sea is really out of necessity for our state, it's absolutely essential to keep on monitoring the environment and disseminating the evidence-based true messages to the world.
Also, it goes without saying that they must not confuse actual harm and harmful rumor.


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最終更新日  2023年09月12日 10時10分46秒
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