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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎 EARTHSONG【シリーズ10-line〕:松ぼっくり 学園「世界」物語【シリーズ10-line】:何の羽根?

1. It's already too obvious among whole general public that all Panjandrums care about is how to cheat tax from general public shrewdly so that they can profit themselves and their hangers-on.
And now, general public give Premier Kishida unflattering nicknames related with tax increase.

It's difficult to explain in English, so in the meantime, how about using an analogy from the Beatles' song "Taxman" instead?
This seems to be seeds of discontent for Premier, so he is desperately appealing his plan to decrease income tax.
Tax system that fits with times is necessary, but if systems related with withholding income tax are changed haphazardly, payroll clerks at companies are troubled -I'm also the one.
Actually, the amount of withholding income tax that corporate ranks hasn't changed for more than five years.
Instead, the amount of social insurance premium keeps rising, making laborers' take-home wages keep decreasing, though.
I'm against income tax reduction? NO. Such interpretation is wrong.
I'd like to insist that consumption tax reduction is much more effective and necessary for economic recovery.
It's not unreasonable demand after they bulldoze a new system to tighten consumption tax levy, torturing accountants and self-employed people.

2. Since the ongoing Aggression war that broke out just before the latest Winter Olympic game, governments and media in our state began to call the Capital city of Invaded state as Kiiu instead of Kiefu, using the diminutive in their native language.
It's because our nation intends to follow the pronunciation of native language of Invaded state, not Aggressor state's language.
On the other hand, I'm afraid that one of the history's worst nuclear power accidents is already completely connected with the place name Cherunobuiri in our language, so the address term Chorunoobiri can sound confusing among our nation.
In the first place, this Nuclear power accident was when this City was still under sovereign of the old Federation.

3. Due to Pandemic, international flights from and to our country declined sharply.
Now they are gradually increasing again.
Even so, reportedly, neighboring Continent state board is still half as many as before Pandemic.
As for this, modestly speaking, the status quo is enough, in order to prevent overtourism.

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2023年11月12日 10時44分55秒
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