ラオスでは、お寺の活動は、村人の喜捨によって支えられています。 世界遺産に指定されている北部の古都ルアンパバンは、観光客も村人に交じって喜捨をしています。 お布施用のご飯やバナナを観光客のために売り歩いている人々もいます。 【Bon app?tit !】 10代でのマリファナの害 Many of those who smoke marijuana begin doing so in adolescence, at a time when their developing brains may be particularly vulnerable to the drug's ill effects. In a recent study, researchers found that participants who began regularly using marijuana in their early teens performed more poorly on tests of cognitive flexibility and ability to remain focused, follow rules, and control impulsive responses than those who started smoking pot later. They have concluded that smoking marijuana before the age of 16 can harm the developing brain and leave individuals with weakened executive function.
Last updated
2010.11.18 07:23:44
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