だんだん田んぼで遊ぶ子供ら↑(2014年7月27日、バウカウ県、東ティモール) 目の前にだんだん田んぼがあります。 乾季のため稲は植えられていません。 田圃の一部に水がたまっています。 おそらく湧水があるのでしょう。 水辺で子供らが遊んでいます。 【Bon appétit !】 The Japanese member of the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament and Especial Advisor for Japanese Prime Minister, Taro Kimura visits Timor-Leste to tighten bilateral ties between Timor-Leste and Japan. On May 6, 2015, Mr. Kimura visited Prime minister Rui Maria de Araujo in which he expressed his appreciation to Timor-Leste which had build its country based on democracy principles, adding that Japan would continue supporting Timor-Leste’s development. And on May 7, Mr. Kimura also visited Buluta to launch first laying-foundation of the construction project of rehabilitating Buluto Irrigation which is funded by Japan worth US $12, 6 million. (http://www.guideposttimor.com/daily_news.pdf) お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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