今朝、本を開いた時、以下の詩が最初に目に入りました。 世の中、新型コロナウイルスの影響で人々は閉じこもっていますが、この詩のように、世の中に、春を来たらせてほしいものです。
The winter is over; the rains have stopped; In the countryside the flowers are in bloom. This is the time for singing; The song of doves is heard in the fields. Figs are beginning to ripen; The air is fragrant with blossoming vines. Come then, my love; my darling, come with me.
【Bon appétit !】 A season of the year which keeps people indoors, makes going abroad unsafe, unpleasant, and uncomfortable. Unfit for travelling, roads bad, rivers impassable, and journeying very difficult. But now this season being over, and the spring has come, the weather is fair, and everything is gay and pleasant, it is inviting to be abroad. (https://www.bible-studys.org/Bible%20Books/Song%20of%20Solomon/Song%20of%20Solomon%20Chapter%202.html) お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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