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Can You Mine Cryptocurrency on a Phone?


Igor Chernysh
イゴール チェルニッシュ

Sep 5, 2022

Where do cryptocurrencies come from? Who “creates” them? The process of buying and selling cryptocurrencies is easy to understand because, at its core, it’s a standard transaction. Things start to get a little complicated, though, when we talk about how cryptocurrencies are created, why there are so many cryptocurrencies, and how cryptocurrencies gain value.
暗号通貨はどこから来たのか?誰がそれらを「創造」するのか?暗号通貨の売買プロセスは、その核となる標準的な取引であるため、理解しやすいです。しかし、暗号通貨がどのように創造されるか、なぜこれほど多くの暗号通貨があるのか 、そして暗号通貨がどのように価値を得るのかについて話すと、物事は少し複雑になり始めます。

If you pay even passive attention to crypto news, then you’ve probably seen negative headlines about crypto “mining.” This mining process is actually how new cryptocurrencies are created, and it has been rightfully slammed as a wasteful endeavor that consumes a tremendous amount of electricity (equivalent to the annual consumption of countries like Chile and Bangladesh).

But how does the process work and why is it so bad for the environment? Can it only be done using expensive specialized equipment or can you use a device as simple as your smartphone? Here’s everything you need to know.
しかし、プロセスはどのように機能し、なぜそれが環境にそれほど悪いのか? 高価な専用装置を使用してのみ可能なのか、それともスマートフォンと同じくらい単純なデバイスを使用できるのか? あなたが知る必要があるすべてがこちらにあります。

What Is Cryptocurrency Mining?
Crypto mining refers to the process in which a new set of crypto assets (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) are generated and added to the market. The blockchain acts as a decentralized bank ledger that is stored simultaneously in several locations and is regularly updated by network contributors with new transaction information.

The process of updating the ledger and adding a new block of transactions to the main chain (hence the name “blockchain”) requires users with specialized software called “miners” to solve arbitrary mathematical equations generated by the network.
元帳を更新し、メインチェーンに新しいトランザクションブロックを追加するプロセスでは、(したがって「ブロックチェーン」という) 「採掘者」と呼ばれる特殊なソフトウェアを使用して、ユーザーがネットワークによって生成された任意の数式を解く必要があります。。

In the case of Bitcoin, which uses what is called a “Proof of Work” (PoW) mining model, miners must provide evidence (i.e., proof) that they have expended computational power (i.e., work) before the network reaches a consensus and adds a new block of transactions. The network requires miners to provide hashes, or long strings of numbers, that serve as proof of work.

Once a miner finds the correct hash, a new block of transactions is added to the ledger. The miner who correctly solved the equation is rewarded with newly minted Bitcoin and the transaction fees paid by Bitcoin users. The entire process starts all over again until another miner finds the correct hash so that the next block can be added. Rinse and repeat.

Why Is Cryptocurrency Mining Bad for the Environment?
Not all crypto mining is energy-intensive; it’s the PoW process used by popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum that is the problem. As the most widely mined cryptocurrency, Bitcoin uses an estimated 128.53 TWh of electricity a year, according to data from the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index. That’s more than the consumption of countries like Argentina, Netherlands, or the United Arab Emirates. Ethereum is equally as bad, reportedly using an estimated 110.75 TWh of electricity annually, according to Digiconomist.

Digiconomist further estimates that Bitcoin mining generates 97 million tons of carbon emissions each year, which is comparable to the amounts generated by developing economies. Ethereum mining produces over 52 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, which is comparable to the carbon footprint of Sweden.

Due to the inherently wasteful nature of the PoW mining process, many cryptocurrencies are moving away from the PoW model to alternative methods such as the Proof of Stake (PoS) model, which randomly assigns the users that will mine or validate block transactions based on how many coins a user “stakes.” The more tokens a user stakes, the more mining power they receive.
PoW採掘プロセスの本質的に無駄な性質により、多くの暗号通貨はPoWモデルから、ユーザーが「賭けた」コインの数に基づいてブロックトランザクションを採掘または検証するユーザーをランダムに割り当てるかけ金の証明 (PoS) モデルなどの代替方法に移行しています。ユーザーが賭けるトークンが多ければ多いほど、より多くの採掘パワーを受け取ることができます。

PoS is significantly less resource-intensive than PoW. Other methods of validation that are under development include Proof of Burn, Proof of History, Proof of Capacity, and Proof of Elapsed Time. None of these options require ridiculous amounts of computing power, which is why it’s unfair to label ALL cryptocurrency mining processes as terrible for the environment — Bitcoin and Ethereum that are the problems.

How Would Cryptocurrency Mining on a Phone Work?
While it is possible to mine cryptocurrencies using a smartphone, solo mining is generally not recommended for two reasons:

1. Mining will put an incredible amount of stress on your smartphone, shortening its lifespan and potentially ruining its hardware.

2. The returns you get are not worth the effort. For instance, mining Bitcoin using a smartphone will ONLY net you pennies after a YEAR. And that’s only if you disregard the cost of electricity and wear and tear.
あなたが手に入れる収益は努力の価値はありません。 例えば、スマートフォンを使ったビットコインの採鉱は1年後にあなたにとって数銭にしかならないでしょう。 そしてそれはあなたが電気代と摩耗を無視する場合に限ります。





Last updated  2023.09.02 15:59:32
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