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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
EARTHSONG【シリーズ10-line〕:松ぼっくり Thought-attackers【シリーズ10-line】:鉄瓶2014


4. Putting aside other countries' situation, the reason why our nation is having trouble reducing the use of plastic? That's simple.
Among the same merchandise that are used for the same purpose, compared to products made of wood that is sustainable resource or metal that stand long use, plastic products tend to be cheaper.
Due to nationwide decline of disposable income, there must be people who have no choice but to select goods they can afford immediately while they want to reduce the use of plastic.
Also: Synthetic detergent is more inexpensive and available than soap that is less harmful to skin and environment.
I use dish washing soap because I'm allergic to chemical detergent,
But sometimes I have trouble finding products I want at supermarkets or drugstores because most of commodity at the detergent section are synthetic detergent.
At least, I'd like to demand seriously that all the detergent and softener manufacturers must stop using chemical perfume.
Not only perfume allergy patients are all over the world but also microplastic pollute ocean and undermine whole human race.

5. Needless to mention here at this late date, ongoing Aggression war looks like a war between totalitarian states and capitalistic states.
About one and half year since the outbreak of war, it seems that the world is already tired of aid for the Invaded state.
The best way for solution is to make Aggressor state give up invasion.
-Easier said than done? I understand.

6. From this May, a new obligation to strive hard was set to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.
I confess that at first, I was concerned that this new rule can provide new mission to Police-wannabes,
 But I haven't heard about such Police-wannabes so far.
  Even so, I'm leaving a proposal to those Police-wannabes that their targets are cyclists running without light at night, smartphone use while biking, drunk cyclists.
-However, it's a mission of real police to crack on those violations of the Road Traffic Law.
Police-wannabes may as well get arrested as bogus detectives by the real police.
In this spring, I bought a fashionable helmet that looks like a sports cap.
 But recently, I realized a problem.
  In summer, the helmet gets hot under the sun, and besides, the brim is too small to block off the sunlight.
-If there is a reason bike helmets don't spread in spite of Authority's appeals, it must be one of the reasons.

:Ready to place translation if asked


最終更新日  2023年07月17日 09時37分15秒
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