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​Now I'm taking a class of Civil Procedure in spring semester.Though it is really exciting, sometimes I find some points difficult to understand because of the different civil law system in the U.S. and Japan. I try to solve these by asking my professor, but when it comes to the practical issues, I also want to know the plactical lawyer's perspective.

Mr. Daniel Young, a great and gentle attorney, is the right person to ask! Hence,recently I have emailed him several questions about the traffic accident case used in the class. Daniel  kindly answered my questions based on his own experiences, moreover introduced me an incredible attorney Ms. Jessica Andrew, whose speciality is personal injury.

When I first read Jessica's email, I could not help crying. It was a great writing stemmed from her sincere and strong  sense of mission to her work. I was also impressed with her keen sensibility and deep compassion to her clients.
As I got a permission to share her beautiful message, I want my friend,especially those who are dedicating themselves to help others, to read it.
I wish my translation can preserve the beauty of her writing.

現在、受講中のCivil Procedure、とーっても面白いのですが、やはり日本ではなく米国の実務、いつも分からないことが沢山出てきます。勿論教授にもご質問させて頂くのですが、弁護士の実務感覚を知りたい、とか、依頼者への説明の仕方を知りたいなんていう時は、実務家の感覚をお伺いしたくなります。

そんな時は、ユタでお世話になった優秀で親切なDaniel Young弁護士にお伺いするのが一番です!
ということで、最近、講義で取り上げられた交通事故の判例につき、メールにていくつかご質問をさせて頂いていました。いつも優しいYoung先生、自らのご経験に基づき、ご丁寧にお答え下さった上、人身傷害事案を専門に取り扱っていらっしゃるというJessica Andrew弁護士をご紹介下さいました。




Hello Daniel and Yuki,

Thank you for including me in this interesting discussion.  Your questions are good ones, Yuki, and they are, quite honestly, the same questions that plaintiff lawyers struggle with all the time.  I'm going to give you my thoughts from my perspective, which will not serially answer your specific questions, but which I hope will give you some insight into how these things are handled in at least one PI practice.  This is just my approach, and as Daniel can attest, every PI lawyer approaches damages different.  But this is how I'm most comfortable doing it.

In nearly 12 years of doing nothing but plaintiff side personal injury and wrongful death work, I have come to believe that damages are more a matter of perspective and expectations than estimates and calculations.  I always start with a very candid discussion with my clients about their goals in pursuing a civil action.  What I have learned is that for many people, when they are really honest with themselves, they are really just angry about someone not taking responsibility, or about how they were treated by an insurance adjuster or some such, and money damages will not really help them resolve those issues.  I have had cases where the client was really not in a position emotionally or otherwise to go through litigation, and where their goals would be met by simply having some kind of cathartic, closing experience relating to their case.  Given the nature of litigation, this catharsis rarely comes from an insurance company, but sometimes encouraging the client to have an honest conversation with the other driver or whomever injured them, or simply giving them space and time in my office to say what they have to say and feel what they need to feel, helps the client get the closure they need to move on.  It is always important to explore whether non-litigious options are available to the clients to meet their goals, and often, they can.

In cases where we do need to file suit and seek money damages, I stress with my clients from the first meeting that there is a material difference between the value of what they have actually lost, and the value of their lawsuit.  They are two entirely different animals.  If you asked any wrongful death plaintiff what they would give to get their deceased child or husband or mother back, they will always tell you they would give anything.  No amount of money could ever adequately compensate for that loss.  Most folks with serious injuries would say the same.  I would give any amount of money not to live with this daily pain, to be able to walk again, to be able to lift my baby, etc.  The reality is that our civil justice system just is not capable of adequately quantifying or compensating for the real effects of these kinds of things on people's lives, so we have to acknowledge that we are always going to be dealing with the only thing we have:  money damages, determined by a jury of folks who are not living with the losses the plaintiff is living with. 

I have found that talking often about the difference between these two things helps my clients keep their expectations in check.  We focus on telling their true, authentic story to the jury, and we hope to get the client to a place by the time we are in trial where they feel that their story has been told and heard, regardless of what the jury does.  It's a mentally and emotionally healthier approach to the otherwise dice-rolling experience of a jury trial, and I have found that it makes all the difference to my clients, whether they win or lose.  I don't give them a range, or even suggest an amount of money that they should focus on as a baseline, until we have to do so.  If we come to an opportunity to resolve the case, like in a mediation or other form of settlement discussions, we briefly turn our focus to the value of the lawsuit, and if I've done my job right and have given them opportunities throughout the litigation to tell their honest story and be heard, they are generally prepared for that discussion without getting emotionally twisted up and conflating their actual losses and the lawsuit value.  If we resolve the case in what I believe is a fair range, the client goes home happy, because their goals have been met, regardless of the amount of the settlement or verdict.

I agree with Daniel that most litigants don't know the amounts of other jury verdicts or settlements, but if someone comes in to my office with a specific money amount in mind--say, because they did a google search and found news articles on a $20 million verdict for the very same injury or whatever--I start at the same place as always and do my best to get them to a place where they can separate the true value of their loss (which is, often, priceless) and the lawsuit value (which is, because of the nature of the beast that is trial by jury, completely unpredictable).  If they cannot get there and remain stuck on their value, I do not take the case.  I cannot guarantee that I will get them what they want, and they are not in a position to benefit from what I can give them.  Most people, when given the space and time to speak their truth and understand the lay of the land, ultimately get to a place where they appreciate the difference, and we move forward in a healthy way.

I hope this helps, Yuki.  Best wishes in your classes, and do feel free to reach out anytime if you'd like to discuss this or anything else again.  I'm glad you have Daniel in your corner.  He is a great lawyer and a dear friend. 


Jessica Andrew

【Translation 翻訳】











Last updated  2020.02.07 06:21:03

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