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・2012年05月13日 天路歴程(Pilgrim’s Progress) 1 この世の荒野を・・・ 8人
・2012年05月15日 天路歴程(Pilgrim’s Progress)  その4  オブティニッ 7人
・2012年09月25日 天路歴程130 荒野の外に出た時、二人は「虚栄」という名のまちを見た they presently saw a town before them, and the name of that town is "Vanity" 6人
・2012年12月14日 天路歴程210 虚栄の市で鎖、檻や血まみれの死も恐れなかった Remember at Vanity Fair, neither afraid of the chain nor cage, bloody death 6人

Amazon | Pilgrim's Progress (Parts 1 & 2): Updated, Modern English. More  Than 100 Illustrations. | Bunyan, John | Classics


天路歴程242 丘の中腹に戸があり開いて覗くよう言った a door in the side of a hill; and they opened the door, and bade them look in


Then I saw in my dream that the shepherds had them to another place, in a bottom, where was a door in the side of a hill; and they opened the door, and bade them look in.

天路歴程243 火の燃える音と呵責を受ける叫びを聞く they heard there a rumbling noise as of fire, and a cry of some tormented


They looked in, therefore, and saw that within it was very dark and smoky; they also thought that they heard there a rumbling noise as of fire, and a cry of some tormented, and that they smelt the scent of brimstone.

天路歴程244 これは地獄へのわき道偽善者の通る道です This is a byway to hell, a way that hypocrites go in at


Then said CHRISTIAN, "What means this?" The shepherds told them, saying, "This is a byway to hell, a way that hypocrites go in at: namely, such as sell their birthright, with Esau; such as sell their Master, with Judas; such as blaspheme the Gospel, with Alexander; and that lie and dissemble, with Ananias and Sapphira, his wife."

天路歴程245 どの辺りまで巡礼を進められたのでしょう How far might they go on pilgrimage in their day?


羊飼い そうです。それも長い間、その姿をしていました。

ホウプフル それにもかかわらず、このようにあさましくうち棄てられたところを考えますと、当時この人々はどのあたりまで巡礼を進めることができたのでしょうか。

Hope. Then said HOPEFUL to the shepherds, "I perceive that these had on them, even everyone, a show of pilgrimage, as we have now; had they not?"

Shep. Yes, and held it a long time too.

Hope. How far might they go on pilgrimage in their day, since they, notwithstanding, were thus miserably cast away?


最終更新日  2022年05月28日 05時05分43秒
[クロムウェル カーライル著&天路歴程] カテゴリの最新記事

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