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四版 天路歴程(ホワイト譯) / いいだや書店 / 古本、中古本、古書籍の通販は「日本の古本屋」 / 日本の古本屋


Then was Christian glad and lightsome, and said with a merry heart, "He hath given me rest by his sorrow, and life by his death." Then he stood still a while, to look and wonder; for it was very surprising to him that the sight of the cross should thus ease him of his burden. He looked, therefore, and looked again, even till the springs that were in his head sent the waters down his cheeks.
Now as he stood looking and weeping, behold, three Shining Ones came to him, and saluted him with, "Peace be to thee." So the first said to him, "Thy sins be forgiven thee," the second stripped him of his rags, and clothed him with change of raiment, the third also set a mark on his forehead, and gave him a roll with a seal upon it, which he bid him look on as he ran, and that he should give it in at the celestial gate: so they went their way.

Little Women; or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy by Alcott, Louisa May) Meigs,  Cornelia (editor): Near Fine Hardcover (1986) | Dorley House Books, Inc.

*Little Women 「Playing Pilgrims」 
Do you remember how you used to play Pilgrims Progress when you were little things? Nothing delighted you more than to have me tie my piece bags on your backs for burdens, give you hats and sticks and rolls of paper, and let you travel through the house from the cellar, which was the City of Destruction, up, up, to the housetop, where you had all the lovely things you could collect to make a Celestial City.
We never are too old for this, my dear, because it is a play we are playing all the time in one way or another. Out burdens are here, our road is before us, and the longing for goodness and happiness is the guide that leads us through many troubles and mistakes to the peace which is a true Celestial City. Now, my little pilgrims, suppose you begin again, not in play, but in earnest, and see how far on you can get before Father comes home.
☆ このLittle Women は Pilgrims Progressに即して、構成されている。それが上述に予告されている。
すなわち 読者である少女に 「Be Liittle Women」 小さな淑女であれ と
巡礼の物語を下敷きにして 真のクリスチャンとしての宗教的情操と「慈悲と智慧」を身につけさせようという作者の意図がこめられているのかもしれない。


最終更新日  2020年11月14日 11時03分03秒

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