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三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

いいね! --/--
全て | カテゴリ未分類 | 美術 | つぶやき | スポーツクラブ | 時事問題 | 食事 | 富士山 | JAZZ | 植物園 | 家族 | 韓国 | 旅行 | 東南アジア | 吉祥寺 | コンサート | 三鷹 | TV | 病気 | 催事 | 都心散歩 | 映画 | | 家事 | 食品 | 美術展 | マテリアル | 買い物 | 演劇・ミュージカル | お正月 | 郊外散歩 | オリンピック | 自然文化園 | JALカレンダー | 井の頭公園 | スポーツ | 昔語り | 海外旅行 | 私の好きなMusic | 片付け | Shibata | おでかけ | 原発 | 二子玉川 | ネット右翼 | 天声人語 | 新型コロナウィルス | 会社 | 資産運用 | パラリンピック | 英会話 | バス旅行 | フィギアスケート | インターネット | 友人・知人 | 親族 | 住まい | バレエ

The third English conversation in February is a one-minute talk.

There are 12 plates on the computer screen, and when we select one, the following themes will appear.

your family,
your best friend,
your favorite book,
your favorite sport,
your favorite animal,
your hobby,
your favorite film,
your English class,
your house
your favorite season

Think for a moment, start talking and the clock will start ticking.

I can't talk much because the time limit is 1 minute.

It was quite a thrill to finish it in time.

I talked about Roman Holidays.

I have been to Rome twice.

I visited movie sites such as the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, and Castle Sant'Angelo.

When I told them that Audrey Hepburn's hair cut scene used a wig and that the truth mouth scene was ad-libbed by Gregory Peck,
everyone didn't know them.
They were amazed.

I want to go to Rome again.

The following speech was impressive.

your best friend :

One of the participants said that all three of her best friends were gone.
They have been friends since school days,and roommates since they started working.
The cause of death was cancer,colon cancer.




Last updated  2023.03.12 12:00:09
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